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文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-06-22 16:16 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:



Fourth, the tariff measures lead to barriers to US exports to China. The 2019 State Export Report, published by the US-China Business Council on May 1, 2019, stated that in the ten years from 2009 to 2018, US exports to China supported over 1.1 million jobs. The Chinese market continues its importance to US economic growth. Forty-eight states of the US have increased their goods exports to China during the last decade – 44 of them by double digits – while in 2018, when economic and trade friction worsened, only 16 states increased their goods exports to China. Thirty-four states exported fewer goods to China, with 24 of them seeing a double-digit decrease. The Midwestern agricultural states were hit particularly hard. Under tariff measures, exports of American agricultural produce to China decreased by 33.1 percent year-on-year, including a 50 percent drop in soybeans. US businesses are worried that they might lose the Chinese market, which they have been cultivating for nearly 40 years.


1. The 2019 State Export Report 《各州对华出口报告——2019》

2. a double-digit decrease 两位数降幅

3. soybean 美 ['sɔɪˌbin]  n. 大豆;黄豆。


(III) US trade bullying harms the world


Economic globalization is a firmly-established trend of the times. Beggar-thy-neighbor unilateralism and protectionism are unpopular. The trade protectionist measures taken by the US go against the WTO rules, damage the multilateral trading system, seriously disrupt global industrial chains and supply chains, undermine market confidence, and pose a serious challenge to global economic recovery and a major threat to the trend of economic globalization.


1. a firmly-established trend of the times  不可阻挡的时代潮流

2. Beggar-thy-neighbor unilateralism and protectionism 以邻为壑的单边主义、保护主义

3. disrupt  美 [dɪsˈrʌpt]  v.扰乱;使中断;打乱。这里是干扰的意思。


First, the US measures are undermining the authority of the multilateral trading system. The US has launched a series of unilateral investigations, including those under Sections 201, 232 and 301, and imposed tariff measures. These are a serious breach of the most fundamental and central WTO rules, including most-favored-nation treatment and tariff binding. Such unilateralist and protectionist actions have harmed the interests of China and other WTO members. More importantly, they have undermined the authority of the WTO and its dispute settlement system, and exposed the multilateral trading system and international trade order to peril.


1. multilateral trading system 多边贸易体制

2. most-favored-nation treatment 最惠国待遇

3. peril  美 [ˈperəl] n. 严重危险;祸害;险情。这里是险境的意思。


Second, the US measures threaten global economic growth. With the shadow of the international financial crisis still lingering over the global economy, the US government has escalated economic and trade friction and hiked additional tariffs, provoking corresponding measures by the countries involved. This disrupts global economic and trade order, dampens world economic recovery, and undermines the development of companies and the well-being of people in all countries, plunging the world economy into the “recession trap”. Global Economic Prospects released by the World Bank in January 2019 revised its forecast for global economic growth down further to 2.9 percent, citing continuous trade friction as a major downward risk. The International Monetary Fund also marked down its projection of world economic growth for 2019 to 3.3 percent from the 2018 estimate of 3.6 percent in its World Economic Outlook report published in April 2019, suggesting that economic and trade friction could further depress global economic growth and weaken already anemic investment.


1. escalate 美 [ˈeskəleɪt]  v.(使)逐步扩大,不断恶化,加剧。the US government has escalated economic and trade friction 美国政府升级经贸摩擦;这里引申为了升级的意思。

2. hike additional tariffs 提高关税水平

3. the “recession trap”  “衰退陷阱”


Third, the US moves disrupt global industrial and supply chains. China and the US are both key links in global industrial and supply chains. Given the large volume of intermediary goods and components from other countries in Chinese end-products exported to the US, US tariff hikes will hurt all the multinationals – not least those from the US – that work with Chinese companies. The tariff measures artificially drive up the costs of supply chains, and undermine their stability and security. As a result, some businesses are forced to readjust their global supply chains at the expense of optimal resource allocation.


1. disrupt global industrial and supply chains 扰乱全球产业链、供应链。

2. drive up 增加

3. optimal resource allocation 最佳资源配置


It is foreseeable that the latest US tariff hikes on China, far from resolving issues, will only make things worse for all sides. China stands firm in opposition. Recently, the US administration imposed “long-arm jurisdiction” and sanctions against Huawei and other Chinese companies on the fabricated basis of national security, to which China is also firmly opposed.


1. China stands firm in opposition. 中国坚决反对

2. “long-arm jurisdiction” “长臂管辖”

3. fabricate 美 [ˈfæbrɪkeɪtɪd]  v. 编造;捏造;制造;装配;组装;fabricated是它的过去分词和过去式。这里引申为了“莫须有”的意思。


II. The US has backtracked on its commitments in the China-US economic and trade consultations


In response to the economic and trade friction started by the US, China has been forced to take countermeasures, as bilateral trade and investment relations took a hit. For the well-being of the Chinese and American people and the economic development of the two countries, both sides deemed it necessary to come to the negotiating table to seek a solution through consultation. Since they were launched in February 2018, the economic and trade consultations have come a long way with the two sides agreeing on most parts of the deal. But the consultations have not been free of setbacks, each of them being the result of a US breach of consensus and commitments, and backtracking.


1. take a hit 受到影响

2. consensus 美 [kənˈsensəs]  n. 一致的意见;共识

3. backtrack 美 [ˈbæktræk] v. 原路返回;折回;折返;(屈于压力而)改变声明(或主张),出尔反尔;退缩。


(I) The first US backtracking


China had advocated resolving economic and trade friction through negotiation and consultation from the start. In early February 2018, the US government expressed the wish that China send a high-level delegation to the US to engage in economic and trade consultation. Demonstrating great goodwill and positive efforts, China held several rounds of high-level economic and trade consultations with the US, characterized by in-depth exchanges of views on trade imbalance among other major issues. The two sides made substantial progress as they reached preliminary consensus on expanding China’s imports of agricultural and energy products from the US. However, on March 22, 2018, the US government unveiled the so-called report on Section 301 investigation of China, falsely accusing China of “IP theft” and “forced technology transfer”, and subsequently announced an additional tariff of 25 percent on US$50 billion of Chinese exports to the US.


1. a high-level delegation 高级别代表团

2. “IP theft”  “盗窃知识产权”

3. “forced technology transfer”  “强制技术转让”


(II) The second US backtracking


Taking a big-picture view of the bilateral relationship, the Chinese government sent a working team again to the US to engage in genuine consultations. On May 19, 2018, China and the US issued a joint statement, agreeing to refrain from fighting a trade war, to continue high-level communications, and to actively seek solutions to respective economic and trade concerns. The US publicly announced that it would suspend the plan for additional tariffs on Chinese goods. On May 29, 2018, despite the opposition of its domestic business community and the general public, the US administration tore up the consensus just ten days after the joint statement, gratuitously criticizing China’s economic system and trade policy, while announcing the resumption of the tariff program. Starting from early July 2018, in three steps, the US imposed additional tariffs of 25 percent on Chinese exports worth US$50 billion, and additional tariffs of 10 percent on US$200 billion of Chinese exports, which, according to the US, would be raised to 25 percent on January 1, 2019. In addition, the US threatened further tariffs on all remaining Chinese exports, leading to quick escalation of the economic and trade friction between the two countries. In defense of its national dignity and its people’s interests, China had to respond in kind and raised tariffs on imports worth US$110 billion from the US.


1. a big-picture view of 大局观

2. tore up  美 [tɔːr ʌp] 撕毁;撕碎。tore up the consensus 推翻磋商共识

3. gratuitously adv.无偿地;不必要地;无缘无故地;平白地。gratuitously criticizing China’s economic system and trade policy 对中国的经济体制、贸易政策横加指责这里暗含了无缘无故地;平白地的意思。


(III) The third US backtracking


On November 1, 2018, US President Donald Trump had a telephone conversation with Chinese President Xi Jinping and proposed a summit meeting. On December 1 the two presidents had a meeting on the margins of the G20 Summit in Argentina. In accordance with their important consensus on economic and trade issues, the two sides agreed to halt new additional tariffs for 90 days to allow for intensive talks geared toward the full elimination of all additional tariffs. In the ensuing 90 days, the working teams of China and the US held three rounds of high-level consultations in Beijing and Washington D.C., reaching preliminary consensus on many matters of principle for the China-US economic and trade deal. On February 25, 2019, the US announced the postponement of the additional tariffs scheduled for March 1 on US$200 billion of Chinese exports to the US. From late March to early April, the working teams of the two countries held another three rounds of high-level consultations and made substantial progress. Following numerous rounds of consultations, the two countries had agreed on most of the issues. Regarding the remaining issues, the Chinese government urged mutual understanding and compromise for solutions to be found.


1. margin 美 [ˈmɑːrdʒɪn] n. 页边空白;白边;(获胜者在时间或票数上领先的)幅度,差额,差数;余地;备用的时间(或空间、金钱等)。on the margins of the G20 Summit 在阿根廷二十国集团领导人峰会期间 这里引申为了“在……期间”的意思。

2. postponement 美 [poʊˈspoʊnmənt]  n. 推迟;延期;延缓。

3. urge 美 [ɜːrdʒ]  v.敦促;催促;力劝;大力推荐;竭力主张;驱赶;鞭策n.强烈的欲望;冲动。这里是提出、主张的意思。


But the more the US government is offered, the more it wants. Resorting to intimidation and coercion, it persisted with exorbitant demands, maintained the additional tariffs imposed since the friction began, and insisted on including mandatory requirements concerning China’s sovereign affairs in the deal, which only served to delay the resolution of remaining differences. On May 6, 2019, the US irresponsibly accused China of backtracking on its position to shift the blame for the inconclusive talks onto China. Despite China’s fierce opposition, the US raised the additional tariffs on US$200 billion of Chinese exports to the US from 10 percent to 25 percent, which represented a serious setback to the economic and trade consultations. On May 13 the US announced that it had launched procedures to slap additional tariffs on remaining Chinese goods, which are worth around US$300 billion. These acts contradicted the agreement reached by the two presidents to ease friction through consultation – and the expectations of people around the world – casting a shadow over the bilateral economic and trade consultations and world economic growth. In defense of its own interests, China had to take tariff measures in response.


1. the more the US government is offered, the more it wants. 美国政府得寸进尺

2. coercion 美 [koʊˈɜːrʒn] n. 强迫;胁迫。resorting to intimidation and coercion 采取霸凌主义态度和极限施压手段 这里暗含了强迫;胁迫的意思。

3. exorbitant 美 [ɪɡˈzɔːrbɪtənt]  adj. 过高的;高得离谱的。


(IV) The US government should bear the sole and entire responsibility for this severe setback to the China-US economic and trade consultations


The US government accusation of Chinese backtracking is totally groundless. It is common practice for both sides to make new proposals for adjustments to the text and language in ongoing consultations. In the previous more than ten rounds of negotiations, the US administration kept changing its demands. It is reckless to accuse China of “backtracking” while the talks are still under way. Historical experience has proved that any attempt to force a deal through tactics such as smears, undermining and maximum pressure will only spoil the cooperative relationship. Historic opportunities will be missed.


1. language 美 [ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]  n. 语言;语言文字;言语;说话;某种类型的言语(或语言)。 这里引申为了“表述”的意思。

2. tactic 美 [ˈtæktɪk]  n. 策略;手段;招数;战术;兵法。

3. smear 美 [smɪr]  v. (用油性或稀软物质)胡乱涂抹;弄脏;弄上油污;诽谤;诋毁n.污迹;污渍;污点;(尤指政治上的)抹黑,丑化。这里是泼脏水的意思,暗含了(尤指政治上的)抹黑,丑化的意思。

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