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公众号:高斋翻译学堂 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-07-02 17:48 作者:官方文章 点击:

U.S. Should Stop Accusations on Intellectual Property Issues


Zhong Sheng


The accusations on China "stealing" intellectual property were initiated by the U.S. for the purpose of escalating economic and trade frictions and suppressing China in the disguise of justice. Recently, some people in the U.S. have been making such claims as the U.S. was "unfairly treated" while China gained "tremendous perks and advantages", and "China steals U.S. intellectual property".

最近,美国一些人在国际上到处哭天喊地地叫喊,“我们受到‘不公平待遇',中国获得‘不公平优势'”“中国‘盗窃美国知识产权'”……摆出一副苦大仇深的样子。这种处心积虑炮制的“中国盗窃知识产权论”,实际上就是为了给自己大搞经贸摩擦、打压和阻遏中国发展披上“正义外衣”。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

Such voices are a continuation of the groundless allegations of the U.S. against China on the so-called infringement upon intellectual property in recent years. In March 2018, the U.S. released the Section 301 investigation, accusing China of hurting the interests of the U.S. regarding intellectual property issues. The claim, though agreed by few, has been talked about endlessly by the U.S. side. Just lately, another U.S. official made a similar claim, saying that China's intellectual property "theft" posed a challenge to trade negotiation. Although the U.S. side has been loud and seemingly have incontestable proof of what they were saying, facts are always facts, and such lies about China as "stealing intellectual property" can hardly make anyone believe.


Some American officials said that China has stolen hundreds of billions of dollars worth of intellectual property from the U.S. But many far-sighted people in the U.S. didn't buy the figure. People are confused about how the figure was calculated. It seems that the figure was not the result of calculation, but the brainchild of some genius who is good at making assumptions and exaggerating things. The saying that "repeating a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth" seems to have been a true criterion for some people in the U.S.

有的美国官员煞有介事地宣称,中国盗窃美国知识产权“数千亿美元”。其实对于这个数字,很多美国有识之士也嗤之以鼻。人们实在猜不透,这样的数字是如何算出来的?!只能说这是某种具有超凡数字放大功能的天才大脑臆想出来的!曾几何时,有人说过,谎言说一千遍就是真理,看来美国有的人至今仍奉此为圭臬。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

Such unreliable figure can only be used as a proof by dishonest people. Take the Section 301 investigation for an example, the U.S. played multiple roles in the investigation, such as a party involved in the case, the police, a procurator, a jury, and a judge, willfully judging and criticizing other country's intellectual property situation. The U.S. made groundless accusations against China based on pure assumption while disregarding justice. If the report is based on imagined or selective data, it's a kind of science fiction novel The U.S. side knows the whole trick they are playing clearly. They are just looking for a seemingly righteous guise for their unreasonable attempts.


Strengthening intellectual property protection is the most important part of improving property rights protection, which is also the greatest incentive to enhance China's economic competitiveness. After several decades of unremitting efforts at intensifying IPR protection in various aspects including perfecting social ideas, legal environment, and law enforcement, China has witnessed remarkable progress in IPR protection, which has been widely recognized by the international community. China has long been taking the initiative to protect the IPR, rather than merely responding to the demand for IPR protection.

加强知识产权保护。这是完善产权保护制度最重要的内容,也是提高中国经济竞争力最大的激励。经过几十年不懈努力,从社会观念到法治环境,再到实际的保护力度,中国的知识产权保护都取得了飞跃式进步,成效显著,举世公认。早已从“要我保护”发展到“我要保护”。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

By establishing a relatively complete and high-standard IPR legal system, and enhancing IPR juridical protection, China is now the country that has heard the most intellectual property cases, especially patent cases. In 2018, China paid $35.8 billion for foreign intellectual property, becoming the fourth largest patent buyer in the world. During the recent legal battle between Apple and Qualcomm, the two companies filed many of their lawsuits on patent licensing in China. Such practice indicated the trust held by American enterprises in China's efforts of IPR protection.


Justice naturally inhabits men's hearts. China's endeavors to protect the IPR have gained more and more recognition from all over the world. The Economist posted an article on its website in February, saying "IP protection in China has improved at rocket speed of late". The article pointed out that Chinese firms are not serial intellectual-property thieves, and as they issue more patents, the keener they are to protect the IPs. Even the official reports by the U.S. government issued before 2016 confirmed China's achievements in IPR protection. However, in recent years, some people in the U.S. ignored the facts and did a complete turnabout to suppress China's development. Such moves are no other than slaps in their faces. Intellectual property should be a bridge for innovation and cooperation among the countries. In the hands of the U.S. it has become a political tool, a weapon to contain other countries, and a veil for bullying the world.

公道自在人心。中国的努力,正得到越来越多的认可。英国《经济学人》周刊网站刊发文章表示,中国的知识产权保护近年来得到飞速改善,中国不是知识产权的偷窃者,而是保护者。即便是2016年以前美国政府的官方报告,也积极肯定中国在知识产权保护方面取得的成绩。然而,近两年美国一些人却无视事实,来了一个基于反华中轴的大转弯,自己不断抽打自己的嘴巴,只能说他们是借保护知识产权之名,行政治打压之实。知识产权本应是各国创新合作的桥梁,在美方手中,却成了政治工具,成了遏制他国的武器,成了霸凌世界的遮羞布。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂

During China's course of reform and opening-up, many foreign enterprises have conducted technological cooperation with China for their own interests. It is totally market-oriented practice from which the foreign companies have achieved rich profits. Though there were some problems in IPR protection, parties involved could always find a way to solve them through legal process. Waving the IPR "stick", the U.S. is denying the awareness of IPR and credit, the contract spirit, and the law of the market. Some people in the U.S. adhere to an absurd logic — they calculate how much they have in hand and then claim the astronomical figure to be "stolen" by others.


Facts speak louder than words, just as truth always prevails. Anyone rational knows that there's no country in the world that has realized modernization through "stealing". If people ask the U.S. such questions as "has the U.S. developed itself by ‘stealing' and can the U.S. get developed by ‘stealing'", some people from the U.S. would be anxious to deny them immediately. Has the U.S. developed itself through stealing? Can the U.S. develop itself through stealing? The answers are probably negative from the mouths of the Americans. In a word, China's achievements are the precious fruit of the persistent and painstaking hard work of the Chinese people, and the people who make lies about it will finally come to no good.

事实胜于雄辩,真理走遍天下。记忆力健全的人都知道,世界上没有一个国家靠“盗窃”能实现现代化。人们不禁要问,美国是靠“盗窃”发展起来的吗?美国能靠“盗窃”发展起来吗?恐怕美国一些人是要急于否定的。一句话,中国发展成就是中国人踏踏实实干出来的。美国一些捕风捉影者,必将被强劲的东风吹下历史的舞台!微博@高斋翻硕 公众号高斋翻译学堂


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