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文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-03-08 16:21 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:




Plain English is good, clear writing which communicates as simply and effectively as possible. But it is not a childish or simplistic form of English.

(“简明英语是一种适当、清楚的写作方法,它以尽可能简单的方式,达到有效沟通的结果。但简明英语不是幼稚或过分简单化的英语形式。”)——Plain English at Work, Australia

在《通过翻译学英语》这本书中,作者也对简明英语作了简单的一句话概括,即能用短语的地方尽量不用从句,能用单词的地方尽量不用短语。举例来说,He behaved in a polite manner.这句话就可以简单改为He behaved politely. 再比如说,The girl, who is wearing a red skirt, is my little sister. 可以改为The girl wearing a red skirt is my little sister.




不好译文:In a Chinese house, the kitchen is only a place for cooking things; but in many Western houses, the kitchen is not only a place where people cook meals and eat them but also a place where the family members or friends usually meet each other.

讨论:(1)本译文的结构无误,用词基本上正确,但有一个明显的缺点——一个中国人用英语时很容易产生的缺点。这就是:往往多用了一些不必要的词语。比如:“我喜欢看书”说成 I like reading就可以了,但中国人往往会说成 I like reading books。当然“我喜欢看报”应该是Ilike reading newspapers,“我喜欢看小说”应该是 I like reading novels, 但单说 I like reading,就是“我喜欢看书”,而说成1 like reading books,英语就不自然。这是本译文里一种类型的多余,还有其他类型,下面一一讨论。

(2)在a place for cooking things里,这个things是多余的,说a place for cooking就可以了。甚至于再简单一些,说a cooking place也可以。

(3)在cook meals and eat them里,meals和them都可以不要说,说cook and eat就可以了。

(4)这里的the family members,只要说the family就可以表达清楚,members是多余的。

(5)在这里说meet each other,不如就说meet,其中each other可以不要。但是,“家人或朋友们”聚会,用meet是不好的,可以用come together。

(6)the kitchen is not only a place where…but also a place where …里的两个a place都可以不要,说the kitchen is not only where …but also where …。

(7)另外,the kitchen is only a place for …可以改为the kitchen is nothing more than a place for …,比较好一点。

较好译文:In a Chinese house, the kitchen is nothing more than a place for cooking; but in many Western houses, the kitchen is not only . where people cook and eat but also where the family members or friends usually come together.




The fact that we are in need of a specialized housing decoration magazine has made us decide that we will try to give three reasons in the affirmative for subscribing “Your House”, which is a magazine issued monthly with 100 pages for each issue;


As we are in need of a specialized housing decoration magazine, we havedecided to give three affirmative reasons for subscribing the monthly 100-page magazine “Your House” ;


1、像the fact that这样的结构,在今天的英语里已经很少使用,通常是用更简单的结构。如People are familiar with the fact that heat causes metals to expand. 现在一般说成People are familiar with heat causing metals to expand.

2、decide that 从句,可以改为更简单的decide to do;(从句变短语)

3、give three reasons in the affirmative可简化为give three affirmative reasons;(短语变单词)

4、for subscribing “Your House”, which is a magazine issued monthly with 100 pages for each issue,句子很长,太过啰嗦,改为译文2中的for subscribing the monthly 100-page magazine “Your House”就简洁很多。(从句变短语)

除了文章开头所说的“能用短语的地方尽量不用从句,能用单词的地方尽量不用短语”外,还有一点需要注意的是,尽量减少介词的使用。举例说明,“经济发展”直接译作“economic development”,而不必译为“the development in economy”;“贸易逆差”,就是“trade deficit”,而不必写作“deficit in trade”。

综上,通过以上两个例子可以看出,啰嗦的英语和简明英语之间最大的区别就在于多余成分或结构(unnecessary words and unnecessary structure)。有几种常见的方法可以帮助我们使句子简单化。如少用介词、使用短句、使用强势动词、多用主动语态、使用人称代词拉近与读者距离等。

如before consideration can be given to X. 可改写为before we can consider X.



In my personal opinion, personal一词就显多余,因为任何意见都是个人的,或者更简单的,改为I think/believe…;

consider every suggestion that is given to us,这句话直接表达为consider the suggestion就可以了,因为建议本身就包含有给某人提建议的意思。


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