1. 华山Huashan(Mount Hua)
2. 华阴市Huayin City
3. 距西安120公里120 kilometers away from Xi'an
4. 秦岭Qinling Mountains
5. 陕南Southern Shaanxi
6. 陕北 Northern Shaanxi
7. 华南South China
8. 华北North China
9. 泰山Taishan
10. 希望长寿的人immortality seeker
11. 药草herb
12. 安装缆车 installation of the cable car
13. 参观人数the number of visitor
14. 黄山Mount Huang
15. 安徽省南部the south of Anhui province
16. 日出sunrise
17. 云海 sea of clouds
18. 大山great mountain
19. 宏伟壮丽magnificenc
20. 湿润气候humid climate
21. 茶树 tea tree
22. 产茶地tea tree growing area
23. 温泉warm spring
24. 防治皮肤病 prevention and treatment of skin disease
25. 旅游目 tourist destination
26. 摄影 photography
27. 传统国画traditional Chinese painting
28. 泰山Mountain Tai
29. 海拔sea level
30. 历史文化historical culture
31. 朝拜worship
32. 帝王 emperors
33. 获取灵感obtain inspiration
34. 写诗作文compose poem and composition
35. 艺术家artist
36. 文物古迹cultural relics and historic sites
37. 旅游景点tourist attraction
38. 黄河The Yellow River
39. 亚洲第三长the third longest in Asia
40. 世界第六长the sixth longest in the world
41. 发源于originate from
42. 流经flow through
43. 注入 pour into
44. 流域river basin
45. 中国古代文明ancient Chinese civilization
46. 诞生地birthplace
47. 中国早期历史in the early history of China
48. 最繁荣的地区the most prosperous region
49. 造成多次灾害cause many disaster
50. 珠江The Pearl River
51. 珠江三角洲The Pearl River Delta
52. 改革开放the reform and opening up
53. 主要经济区域the leading economic region
54. 制造中心 major manufacturing center
55. 长江The Yangtze River
56. 生态系统ecosystem
57. 濒危物种endemic and endangered species
58. 栖息地 habitat
59. 长江三角洲The Yangtze River Delta
60. 运输irrigation
61. 工业生产industrial production
62. 水电站hydro-electric power station
63. 中国文化Chinese culture
64. 封建社会feudal society
65. 统治者ruler
66. 权力和权威 power and authority
67. 皇家宫殿royal palace
68. 皇袍 imperial robe
69. 普通老百姓the ordinary people
70. 庆祝丰收celebrate the harvest
71. 西式婚礼 Western-style wedding
72. 新娘 bride
73. 白色婚纱 wedding dress
74. 中国传统文化 traditional Chinese culture
75. 葬礼funeral
76. 礼金 cash gift
77. 红色信封red envelope
78. 好运good luck
79. 长寿 longevity
80. 春节Chinese Spring Festival
81. 喜庆场合 joyous occasion
82. 中国革命 Chinese revolution
83. 共产党Communist Party
84. 红墨水 red ink
85. 中国人名name of Chinese people
86. 冒犯行为offense
87. “风筝之都”capital of kites
88. 哲学家墨子philosopher Motz
89. 木匠carpenter
90. 制作 be made of
91. 落地land
92. 乌镇Wuzhen
93. 古老水镇ancient water town
94. 京杭大运河 Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal
95. 古桥ancient bridge
96. 中式旅店Chinese style hotel
97. 水系water system
98. 生活方式the way of life
99. 河边 riverbank
100. 宽敞美丽的庭院 spacious and pretty courtyard
101. 功夫Kung Fu
102. 中国武术Chinese martial arts
103. 自卫需要self-defense need
104. 狩猎活动hunting activities
105. 军事训练military training
106. 中国传统体育运动 traditional Chinese sport
107. 演变evolve into
108. 独特元素unique element
109. 国宝national treasure
110. 中国哲学思想Chinese philosophy
111. 神话myths
112. 传说 legend
113. 做家务do the housework
114. 名牌大学famous/prestigious university
115. (竞争)激烈的社会highly competitive society
116. 前途光明a promising future
117. 取得大成就achieve great success
118. 外国人汉语演讲比赛The Annual Chinese Speech Contest for Foreigners
119. 促进文化交流promote cultural exchange
120. 世界各地around the world
121. 半决赛semi-final
122. 决赛 final
123. 著名景点和历史名胜famous and historical attraction
124. 自然风光natural beauty
125. 少数民族ethnical minority
126. 丰富多彩的文化体验a great variety of cultural experience
127. “爱之城”city of love
128. 爱情和浪漫的天堂paradise of love and romance
129. 工业革命industrial revolution
130. 太空探索计划space exploration plan
131. 太空站space station
132. 出口国 exporter
133. 外国投资foreign investment
134. 第二大经济体 the second largest economy
135. 谚语 Proverb
136. “巧妇难为无米之炊”make bricks without straw
137. 主食staple food
138. 作物 crop
139. 面粉flour
140. 基本食物basic food
发布时间:2019-06-14 10:18