1. 近年来,中国政府投入生物多样性保护领域的资金持续加大。
Funding from the Chinese government toward biodiversity conservation has grown steadily in recent years.
2. 截至2018年底,各类自然保护地总数量已达1.18万个,其中国家公园试点10个,国家级自然保护区474个,省级自然保护区864个。
By the end of 2018, China had identified 11,800 protected areas, including 10 pilot national parks, and 474 national-level and 864 provincial-level nature reserves.
3. 有效改善和恢复了重点区域野生动植物生境。
These projects have helped enhance and restore wildlife habitats in key areas.
4. 经过不懈努力,库布其沙漠森林覆盖率、植被覆盖率均大幅提升,生物种类从不足10种增加到530种,100多种绝迹多年的野生动植物再次出现。
Thanks to the desertification prevention efforts by Chinese enterprises in Kubuqi Desert, a significant increase has been achieved in forest and vegetation coverage, the number of species surged from less than 10 to 530, and over 100 wildlife species that were believed to have disappeared re-emerged.
5. 青藏高原被誉为“世界屋脊”“地球第三极”“亚洲水塔”,是珍稀野生动物的天然栖息地和高原物种基因库,是中国乃至亚洲重要的生态安全屏障,是中国生态文明建设的重点地区之一。
Hailed as the "roof of the world", the "third pole" and the "water tower of Asia", the Plateau is a natural habitat for rare animals and a gene pool of plateau life. It is a key eco-safety barrier in China and Asia, and a focus of China's drive to promote ecological progress.
6. 开展打击长江流域非法捕捞专项整治行动和打击市场销售长江流域非法捕捞渔获物专项行动,斩断非法捕捞、运输、销售长江野生鱼类的产业链。
China has launched special campaigns against illegal fishing in the Yangtze River Basin and the sale of illegally caught fish, and cut off the chain of unlawful fishing, transportation and sale of wild fish in the Yangtze River.