1. 提升洪涝干旱、森林草原火灾、地质灾害、气象灾害、地震等自然灾害防御工程标准。
We will raise the standard for preventing and protecting against natural disasters including floods and droughts, bush fires and grassland fires, geological disasters, meteorological disasters, earthquakes, and so on.
2. 贫困还降低了脆弱社区抵御人为和自然灾害的能力。
Poverty also lowers the resilience of vulnerable communities to man-made and natural disasters.
3. 随着热浪向北穿过斯堪的纳维亚半岛向格陵兰岛方向蔓延,它加速了已经高于平均水平的冰融化速度。
As the heat dome spread northwards through Scandinavia and towards Greenland, it accelerated the already above average rate of ice melt.
4. 建设源头减排、蓄排结合、排涝除险、超标应急的城市防洪排涝体系,推动城市内涝治理取得明显成效。
We will build an urban flood control and drainage system featuring combination of storage and drainage for the source emission reduction, elimination of the waterlogging risk and emergency response, so as to achieve substantial results in promoting urban waterlogging control.
5. 增强公共设施应对风暴、干旱和地质灾害的能力,完善公共设施和建筑应急避难功能。
We will enhance the ability of public facilities to cope with storms, droughts, and geological disasters, and improve the functions of public facilities and buildings as emergency shelters.
6. 立足流域整体和水资源空间均衡配置,设,强化大中小微水利设施协调配套,提升水资源优化配置和水旱灾害防御能力。
Based on the overall and spatially balanced allocation of water resources in the drainage basins, we will strengthen the coordination of small, medium, and large water conservancy facilities to enhance the optimal allocation of water resources as well as flood and drought disaster prevention capabilities.
7. 坚持节水优先,完善水资源配置体系,建设水资源配置骨干项目,加强重点水源和城市应急备用水源工程建设。
By prioritizing water conservation, we will improve the water resources allocation system, build key water resource allocation projects, and strengthen the development of key water sources and urban emergency backup water projects.
8. 实施防洪提升工程,解决防汛薄弱环节,加快防洪控制性枢纽工程建设和中小河流治理、病险水库除险加固,全面推进堤防和蓄滞洪区建设。
We will implement flood control improvement projects to solve weak links, accelerate the construction of pivotal flood control projects, enhance the management of small and medium rivers, reinforce dilapidated reservoirs, and fully advance the construction of dikes and flood storage and detention basins.