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New York, 20 July 2016


Theoretical Characteristics of China’s New Development Principles


Liu Qibao

党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央,坚持以理论创新引领实践创新,开辟了治国理政新境界。党的十八届五中全会在深刻总结国内外发展经验教训、分析国内外发展大势的基础上,鲜明提出了创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念。新发展理念符合我国国情,顺应时代要求,在理论和实践上实现了新的突破,具有重大而深远的意义。从政治意义看,新发展理念凝结了我们党对经济社会发展规律的深刻认识,指明了我国未来发展的方向和路径,是我国经济社会发展必须长期坚持的重要遵循。从理论意义看,新发展理念创造性地回答了关于发展的一系列重大问题,是我们党关于发展理论的一次重大升华,是对马克思主义发展理论的丰富和发展。从实践意义看,新发展理念适应了时代发展和实践深化对党和国家工作的新要求,是关系我国发展全局的一场深刻变革,是破解发展难题、增强发展动力、厚植发展优势的行动指南。从世界意义看,新发展理念把准了当今世界发展的主脉,体现鲜明的中国特色,为世界发展贡献了中国智慧和中国方案。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

In 2012, the Communist Party of China convened its 18th National Congress. Since then, the CPC Central Committee headed by General Secretary Xi Jinping has taken China’s national governance into new territory by relying on innovation in theory to guide innovation in practice. Reflecting deeply on the past experiences of China and other countries, and in view of major trends of development both domestically and internationally, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, convened in 2015, proposed the new principles of innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development. Geared not only to China’s national conditions, but also to the needs of the times, these principles of development represent a major breakthrough in both theory and practice that will have far-reaching implications for the future.

Politically speaking, these new principles of development embody the CPC’s profound understanding of the underlying patterns of economic and social development. Pointing out a clear direction and path of development, they constitute important guidelines that China must uphold on a long-term basis. Theoretically speaking, these new principles of development present new answers to a series of major questions concerning China’s development. Not only have they significantly enhanced the CPC’s existing theories of development, but they have also enriched and further developed Marxist theories on development. Practically speaking, these new principles of development respond to new expectations of the CPC and government as raised by the evolution of practice and the times. As a profound shift in thinking that will have a bearing on all aspects of China’s development, they constitute an action guide that will help us to overcome difficulties, gather momentum, and foster advantages in development. Internationally speaking, these new principles of development accurately pinpoint the key issues in world development at present. Displaying notable Chinese features, they contribute Chinese wisdom and a Chinese solution to world development.

新发展理念涵盖广泛、思想深邃,是一个系统完整、逻辑严密的科学体系,贯穿着马克思主义立场观点方法,闪耀着辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的理论光芒,蕴含着鲜明的理论特质和理论品格。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

China’s new principles of development are broad in scope and profound in meaning. Forming a fully-systematic, highly logical, and scientific framework, they are underpinned by the standpoint, viewpoints, and methods of Marxism, and illuminated by the wisdom of dialectical and historical materialism, embodying salient theoretical properties and character.


A systematic set of principles: China’s new development principles constitute a closely inter-connected, highly-cohesive, and mutually-supportive whole. 

创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念,不是随意提出来的,是在影响当代发展的诸多因素中,经过科学比较选择、精心总结提炼,抓住最为紧要、最具决定性的五大要素,形成一个系统化的发展理念体系。这五大发展理念,作为统领发展的总纲要和大逻辑,既各有侧重又相互支撑,共同构筑了未来发展图景的顶层设计,统一于党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线之中,统一于“五位一体”总体布局和“四个全面”战略布局之中,统一于坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的伟大实践之中,统一于实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦的历史进程之中。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The principles of innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development were not proposed at random, but were carefully selected and refined from a number of factors affecting development at present. This has resulted in a systematic framework of principles comprising the five most important and decisive factors of development. As an overall outline and logical framework to guide development, these five principles each have their own specific focus while supporting the other four. Together, they form an overall schematic for China’s future development, integrating seamlessly into the CPC’s basic line for the primary stage of socialism; into the “Five-Pronged” overall plan and the “Four Comprehensives” strategy; into the endeavor to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics; and into China’s “Two Centenary Goals” and its push to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation.

新发展理念是一个不可分割的有机整体,从发展的关联性来看“一个都不能少”。在新发展理念中,创新是引领发展的第一动力,协调是持续健康发展的内在要求,绿色是永续发展的必要条件和人民对美好生活追求的重要体现,开放是国家繁荣发展的必由之路,共享是中国特色社会主义的本质要求。从主要内容看,创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享各有明确指向,而又相互贯通、相互促进、相得益彰;从逻辑关系看,第一动力、内在要求、必要条件、重要体现、必由之路、本质要求紧密联系、环环相扣、顺理成章;从整体效能看,新发展理念不仅对传统发展观念进行革新升级,而且对现代发展内涵进行全方位拓展,增强发展的统一性、包容性和可持续性;从操作层面看,新发展理念需要统一贯彻、统一落实,一体推进、一起发力,不能顾此失彼,也不能相互替代。把握好新发展理念的系统性,就要树立全面系统的科学思维、掌握统筹兼顾的工作方法、增强贯彻落实的整体协同,不断开拓发展新境界。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

China’s new principles of development constitute an organic whole that cannot be separated. Looking at how each of these principles relates to development, it is evident that none can be omitted. Innovation is the primary driving force behind development; coordination is an inherent requirement of sustained, healthy development; greenness is a prerequisite of sustainable development and an important embodiment of the better life that people desire; opening up is vital for China’s prosperity and development; and sharing is the essence of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In terms of content, while innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development each have their own clear orientation, they also link to the other four in a mutually-reinforcing, mutually-complementary fashion. Logically speaking, these five principles, each with their own attributes, come together to form a closely-knit whole. In terms of effectiveness, these principles have not merely upgraded our traditional concept of development, but have pushed the boundaries of modern development in all directions, presenting us with a more unified, inclusive, and sustainable concept of development. And on the operational level, these principles are designed to be implemented, advanced, and put to effect in an integrated, unified fashion. No one of these principles can be emphasized over, or in place of, any of the others. With a firm grasp of the systematic nature of these principles, we need to foster a comprehensive, systematic, and scientific way of thinking, develop holistic working techniques, enhance overall coordination, and constantly broaden our horizons of development.


A dialectic set of principles: China’s new development principles represent a paradigm for the application of the Marxist worldview and methodology. 

新发展理念是运用唯物辩证法认识、分析、解决问题得出的思想理论硕果。应当看到,经过新中国成立60多年特别是改革开放30多年的努力,我国已经成功走完了现代化“前半程”,迈上了一个更高的发展阶段。但发展起来后的问题比预料的更多,面临的矛盾和困难关联性、叠加性、不确定性越来越突出,不仅要解决好长期积累的老问题,也要解决好发展过程中出现的新问题;不仅要解决好增强内生动力的问题,也要解决好提高对外开放水平的问题;不仅要解决好完善经济体制的问题,也要解决好政治、文化、社会、生态文明体制相互协调的问题;不仅要解决好提高发展效率的问题,也要解决好促进社会公平正义的问题。要在这样极其复杂的“问题岛链”中驾驭中国号巨轮继续前行,其难度和艰巨性可想而知。新发展理念创造性地运用马克思主义唯物辩证法,廓清了前进道路上的迷雾,为中国号巨轮劈波斩浪、扬帆远航标注了正确航向。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

China’s new development principles represent a major theoretical outcome of our efforts to perceive, analyze, and resolve development problems through the application of materialist dialectics. Following more than 60 years of efforts since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, and particularly during more than 30 years of reform and opening up, China has successfully completed the “first half” of its modernization drive, and has now reached a new plane of development. However, it should be noted that in spite of this success, China has encountered more post-development problems than originally anticipated. The contradictions and difficulties it faces are increasingly overlapping, and uncertainty is becoming more pronounced. Not only must China resolve old problems that have built up over the long-term, but it also needs to respond to new ones that emerge in the process of development. Not only must it bolster the internal driving forces of development, but it also needs to raise its level of economic openness. Not only must it improve its economic system, but it also needs to coordinate its political, cultural, social, and environmental systems. Not only must it increase the efficiency of development, but it also needs to promote social equity and justice. It is not difficult to appreciate the sheer difficulty and enormity of navigating China through such a complex array of problems. But China’s new principles of development, through their innovative application of Marxist materialist dialectics, have cleared away the mist on the path ahead, pointing to a correct course for China, like navigating a great ship to break the waves and sail into the distance.

新发展理念体现了唯物主义和辩证法鲜活生动的有机结合,彰显了我们党驾驭复杂局面、处理复杂问题的科学态度和高超智慧。比如,新发展理念既主动适应和积极引领经济发展新常态,又从全球经济联系中进行谋划,借鉴各国发展有益经验,有共性更有自己的特色,体现了立足国内和全球视野相统一;又如,新发展理念既着眼于“五位一体”总体布局进行战略谋划,又注重牵住“牛鼻子”,突出薄弱环节和短板领域集中攻关,体现了全面规划和突出重点相统一;再如,新发展理念既从党和国家发展大局大势中提出大谋划大战略,又围绕发展中的突出矛盾和问题提出明确思路和务实举措,体现了战略性和操作性相统一。总之,新发展理念集中彰显了唯物辩证法的鲜明品格,为推动我国经济社会发展提供了方法论指引。把握好新发展理念的辩证性,就要掌握其中蕴含的唯物辩证法精神,以辩证思维统筹发展大局、创新发展实践。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Representing an integration of materialism and dialectics, China’s new principles of development highlight the scientific attitude and great wisdom with which the CPC navigates complex situations and handles complex problems. First, these principles not only actively adapt to and guide the new normal of development, but also take the global economy into account and borrow from the experiences of other countries. Universal in some respects and unique in others, they are rooted in China but demonstrate global perspective. Second, these principles not only lay out a strategic plan according to the “Five-Pronged” overall plan, but also manage to identify key points and focus on weak areas and shortcomings, thus achieving a balance between overall planning and specific priorities. Third, these principles not only constitute a major strategy formulated in line with the wider developmental trends of the CPC and the country, but also present clear thinking and practical measures for responding to highly pronounced problems. In this sense, they represent the middle ground between strategy and operability. In summary, China’s new principles of development display the character of materialist dialectics, providing a sound methodology to guide our country’s economic and socialist development. With a firm grasp of the dialectic nature of these principles, we need to seize the spirit of materialist dialectics embodied therein, and apply dialectic thinking to coordinating development and guiding innovation.


A people-centered set of principles: China’s new development principles adhere to a notion of development that puts the people first. 

依靠人民、为了人民,为人民发展、由人民享有,是我国发展要解决的根本问题,也是马克思主义政党的根本价值取向。我们国家是共产党领导的社会主义国家,理所当然要把实现好维护好发展好最广大人民根本利益作为发展的根本出发点和落脚点。新发展理念把实现人民幸福作为发展的目的和归宿,坚持发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享。越是发展到更高层次、更高水平,越要坚持人人参与、人人尽力、人人享有,使发展更具公平性、普惠性,让人民群众有更多获得感、幸福感。历史和现实反复证明,不以人民为中心的发展是违背社会发展规律的,是不可持续的。近年来,西方资本主义国家之所以难以走出经济低迷的泥潭,一个重要原因就是无法克服资本追求利润最大化的弊端。其政府出台一系列救助政策,最大获益者都是大资本家,而不是受危机打击最重的中产阶级和底层民众。从美国的“占领华尔街”“民主之春”到法国的“黑夜站立”,无不深刻地反映了这一难以解开的“死结”。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Development is reliant on the people, for the people, and shared by the people. This is the fundamental purpose of China’s development, and the fundamental value to which a Marxist political party aspires. Given that China is a socialist country led by a communist party, it is to be expected that we regard realizing, safeguarding, and developing the fundamental interests of the largest possible majority of people as the essential purpose of development. With the ultimate goal of making life better for the people, China’s new principles of development uphold the notion that development is for the people, reliant on the people, and that its fruits should be shared by the people. The more developed our economy becomes, the stronger our commitment must be to allowing all people to participate in, devote themselves to, and share the fruits of development, so that development can become fairer and more universal, and the people can enjoy a greater sense of gain and happiness. As history has repeatedly shown, development that does not revolve around the people contravenes the laws of social development and cannot be sustained. A major reason why Western capitalist countries have struggled to emerge from their economic slump in recent years is that they have been unable to address the problem of capital always seeking to maximize its profits. Their governments have introduced a series of policies aimed at helping the economy, but their biggest beneficiaries have been the capitalists, and not the middle class and lower classes who have been hardest hit by the crisis. A series of events, from “Occupy Wall Street” and “Democracy Spring” in the US to “Nuit debout” in France, profoundly reflect this state of deadlock.


China’s new development principles adhere to a notion of development that puts the people first. Highlighting the core role of the people in social and economic activities, and maintaining a tight focus on the fundamental goals, drivers, and measures of development, they further answer two important questions from the perspective of historical materialism: Whom is China developing for? And whom does it rely on to develop? With innovative development, we emphasize that talent is the key resource underpinning development, and that an important purpose of innovation is to provide people with better products and services. With coordinated development, we stress the need to make up for the lagging development of rural and western parts of the country, allowing people in these areas to enjoy policies for general welfare and a greater degree of fairness. With green development, we emphasize that the purpose of harmonious coexistence between humankind and nature is to provide people with more amiable environments in which to live and develop. With open development, we essentially want people to be able to secure greater development opportunities from the outside world and benefit more from development. And with shared development, we lay emphasis on allowing achievements of reform and development to be shared by all people, whilst at the same time infusing development with greater drive and making it more saliently people-centric. We can say that the supremacy of the people is not only a value that underscores our new principles of development, but also a fundamental prerequisite for their implementation. With a firm grasp of the people-centered nature of these principles, we need to treat the process of their implementation as a process of improving people’s wellbeing and promoting social equity and justice. We need to wage a bitter fight against poverty, and make major efforts to address striking problems such as an overly large income gap, a shortage of public services, and lagging social safety nets, thus allowing the people to enjoy a better quality of life.


A practical set of principles: China’s new development principles represent a program of action that is clearly geared to practice.

理念是对实践规律的总结,必须有明确的实践指向。没有实践指向的理念,就是镜中花、水中月,看起来美好,最终却不能变成现实。创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念,以我们正在做的事情为中心,以改革开放和社会主义现代化建设实践为逻辑起点,总结经济社会发展的规律性认识,从而推动新的实践不断向前发展。当前,我国经济社会发展总体趋势向好,但发展中也面临一些矛盾和风险。新发展理念深入把握发展速度变化、结构优化、动力转换的新特点,顺应推动经济保持中高速增长、产业迈向中高端水平的新形势,明确提出未来发展的重点任务和重大举措,必将指导我们在新的历史起点上更好地凝聚力量、攻坚克难。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Principles represent a summarization of patterns observed in practice. As such, it is essential that they have a clear practical orientation. Principles that lack practical orientation are nothing but an illusion; while they may look attractive on the surface, there is ultimately no way of making them materialize. With a focus on the endeavors in which we are currently engaged, and in keeping with the logic of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization, China’s new principles of innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development summarize our understanding of objective patterns in economic and social development, providing us with a basis on which to promote constant new advances in practice. At present, while the trend of China’s economic and social development remains sound on the whole, we are still facing problems and risks in development. China’s new principles of development reflect a deep understanding of the new features of China’s economic development, namely, a changing pace of growth, the improvement of the economic structure, and the shifting of growth drivers. Accommodating the task of maintaining a medium-high rate of economic growth and lifting our industries towards the middle and higher-end of the value chain, they clearly lay out priorities and key measures for future development, which will undoubtedly guide us as we work to gather strength and confront challenges in a new period.

树立问题意识,坚持问题导向,以解决经济社会发展关键领域存在的问题为突破口,是新发展理念的一大特色。它直指我国发展中的突出矛盾和问题,紧紧围绕这些问题来破题、来展开,在聚焦改革发展焦点难点中开出了解决问题的良方。创新注重解决发展动力问题,依靠创新转变发展机制,引领中国发展;协调注重解决发展不平衡问题,依靠协调处理发展矛盾,促进持续健康发展;绿色注重解决人与自然和谐问题,依靠绿色发展保护环境,实现永续发展;开放注重解决发展内外联动问题,依靠开放拓展发展空间,优化发展格局;共享注重解决社会公平正义问题,依靠共享分配发展成果,使发展获得深厚的力量支持。可以说,正是因为强烈的问题意识,新发展理念才具有强大的理论穿透力和现实解释力,成为回应当代社会发展问题的中国解答。把握好新发展理念的实践性,就要坚持实践第一,以实践立论、靠实践拓展、为实践领航,把新发展理念贯穿到党和国家事业发展全过程,以新理念推动实践新飞跃、赢得发展新优势、创造发展新奇迹。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

A major feature of our new principles of development is that they reflect an awareness of problems and are oriented towards the resolution of problems, seeking to make breakthroughs in key areas of economic and social development where problems exist. These principles take direct aim at pronounced problems in our country’s development, prescribing sound solutions to key concerns and difficulties in reform and development. Innovative development aims to address the issue of growth drivers. It will do this by drawing on innovation to reshape the mechanisms of development, thus guiding China’s development forward. Coordinated development aims to address the issue of imbalanced development. It will do this by drawing on coordination to solve problems, thus promoting China’s continued and healthy development. Green development aims to address the issue of coexistence between humankind and nature. It will do this by drawing on green approaches to protect natural environments, thus bringing about sustainable development. Open development aims to address the issue of internal and external coordination in development. It will do this by drawing on opening up to expand the boundaries of development, thus creating a more optimal developmental layout. Shared development aims to address the issue of social equity and justice. It will do this by drawing on sharing to distribute the fruits of development, thus giving development much stronger support. We might say that it is precisely this strong awareness of problems that gives China’s new principles of development their theoretical rigor and capacity to explain actual problems so convincingly. It is this awareness that has enabled them to become China’s answer to the issues in social development it is currently facing. With a firm grasp of the practical nature of these principles, we must remain committed to putting practice first, relying on practice to extend these principles, as practice was used to establish them, and then using these principles to guide practice. We must integrate these new principles of development into all aspects of the causes of the CPC and country, using them to promote new leaps forward in practice, secure new advantages, and create new miracles of development.


A guiding set of principles: China’s new development principles constitute theoretical guidelines that govern the fundamental, long-term direction of the country’s development. 

发展实践是由发展理念来引领和开创的。越是面临复杂的形势、繁重的任务,就越需要科学发展理念的定向领航。当今世界,和平、发展、合作、共赢的潮流不可阻挡,同时也充满着变数、蕴藏着风险、潜伏着危机,不同制度模式、发展道路的博弈十分激烈。对我国来说,时和势总体有利,但艰和险在增多。我国发展仍处于重要战略机遇期,但战略机遇期的内涵已经发生深刻变化,改革发展稳定的任务比以往任何时候都更为繁重。新发展理念以宽广的视野观察当今世界和当代中国,科学分析发展大势,准确把握发展要求,在发展动力、发展布局、发展关系、发展保障、发展目标等方面规划了一整套发展战略,指明了实现更高水平发展的科学路径,为我们攻坚克难、穿越“历史的三峡”、书写更加精彩的中国故事提供了理论指引。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Principles of development guide and pave the way for development in practice. The more complex the situation and arduous the task, the more we require scientific principles of development to lay out a course forward. Though peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit are unstoppable trends in the world today, it remains true that potential uncertainty, dangers, and crises lurk as different models and paths of development compete fiercely. In China’s case, while the global situation remains favorable on the whole, difficulties and risks are nevertheless on the increase. China is still in the midst of a period of strategic opportunity, but the implications of this period have changed profoundly, meaning that our task of ensuring reform, development, and stability is much more testing than ever before. Our new principles of development approach the contemporary world and China from a broad perspective. By analyzing and identifying the major trends and needs of development, they lay out an entire set of strategies covering development drivers, frameworks, relations, guarantees, and goals. Pointing out a scientific path for the realization of higher quality development, they give us a theoretical guideline with which we will overcome difficulties, navigate a historic transformation, and write an even more impressive chapter of China’s story.

习近平总书记强调,按照新发展理念推动我国经济社会发展,是当前和今后一个时期我国发展的总要求和大趋势。这个总要求和大趋势,点出了新发展理念的战略引领作用,管根本、管方向、管长远。到2020年,我们要实现第一个百年奋斗目标、全面建成小康社会,新发展理念提供了明确指引。全面小康是我国现代化征程中迈出的关键一步,我们要实现第二个百年奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,未来发展任重而道远。建设中国特色社会主义事业是穿云破雾长长一系列的奋斗,这样的大事业需要大智慧大战略来引领。新发展理念代表着新的生产力、新的发展方向,是着眼中华民族长远发展的战略擘划,是引领我国发展实践、开创美好未来的一面旗帜。把握好新发展理念的引领性,就要牢固树立和自觉践行新发展理念,把它作为推进改革发展稳定的指挥棒,不断谱写中国特色社会主义事业的崭新篇章。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

As General Secretary Xi Jinping has stressed, advancing China’s economic and social development in line with these principles constitutes both the main requirement and trend of our country’s development at present or in the period ahead. This requirement and trend highlights the role of our new development principles as a strategic guideline, indicating that they will govern the fundamental, long-term direction of the country’s development. By 2020, we aim to have accomplished our first centenary goal – to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects. In this regard, our new principles of development have provided us with a clear guideline to follow. Attaining moderate prosperity across the board represents a crucial step in China’s modernization push. The attainment of our second centenary goal – to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation – will be a more arduous and protracted task. The advancement of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics represents a series of protracted struggles through uncharted territory. Such a grand cause must be guided with great wisdom and strategy. Representing new productive forces and a new direction of development, China’s new principles of development are a strategic plan focusing on the long-term development of the Chinese nation, and a banner that will guide our country’s development, opening the door to a better future. With a firm grasp of the guiding nature of our new development principles, we must firmly establish these principles and practice them conscientiously, regard them as a guideline for promoting reform, development, and stability, and work constantly to write a new chapter in the cause of Chinese socialism.


(Liu Qibao is Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, and Director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee.)

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