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双语 刘晓明大使在英国利物浦世界博物馆兵马俑展开幕式上的讲话


Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition "China's First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors" at the World Museum of Liverpool: Pass on the Torch of Civilization to Realize the Dream for the Future

(2018年2月8日, 英国利物浦世界博物馆 )

World Museum, Liverpool, the UK, 8 February 2018


Lord Lieutenant Mark Blundell,


Parliamentary Under Secretary Michael Ellis,


Lord mayor Malcolm Kennedy,


Sir David Henshaw,


Vice Governor Wei Zengjun,


Ladies and Gentlemen:


Good afternoon!

很高兴来到著名的利物浦世界博物馆出席“秦始皇和兵马俑”展览开幕式。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

It is a real delight to join you at the famous World Museum of Liverpool to open the exhibition "China's First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors".


The terracotta warriors are China's national treasures. They are also the Eighth Wonder of the World.

This is not their first visit to Britain. Eleven years ago in 2007, the British Museum hosted them. "The First Emperor: China's Terracotta Army" attracted 850 thousand visitors and was a resounding success.

Now, once again, these ancient warriors have come through thousands of years and crossed boundless oceans to reach the shores of the British Isles. This exhibition is a definite highlight of the cultural and people-to-people links between China and the UK in 2018.

Please allow me to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone from both our countries who have worked so hard for so long to make this exhibition possible.

I believe this exhibition is well-timed and significant in the following three ways.

  第一,架起了一座中英了解与友谊之桥。今年是中英关系“黄金时代”加速推进之年。上周,我刚有幸陪同梅首相首次正式访华。访问期间,两国领导人就推进中英各领域交流合作达成重要共识,为中英人文交流大发展注入了新动力。梅首相还特意向习近平主席介绍了利物浦世界博物馆这次“秦始皇和兵马俑”展览。我想,这不仅是因为利物浦是梅先生的故乡,更因为利物浦文化多元、活力四射,被称为“欧洲文化之都”。利物浦与中国渊源深厚,拥有欧洲最古老的中国社区,利物浦大学也是最受中国留学生青睐的英国大学之一。相信利物浦将借力此次兵马俑展,为增进中英两国人民之间的了解与友谊、推进两国人文交流与合作发挥独特作用。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

First, this exhibition serves as a bridge of understanding and friendship in the "Golden Era" of China-UK relations.

Last week, I had the honour to accompany Prime Minister May on her first official visit to China.

During this visit, the leaders of our two countries reached important agreement on exchanges and cooperation across the board. This has injected new impetus to China-UK cultural and people-to-people exchanges.

In their meeting, the Prime Minister specifically mentioned to President Xi this exhibition in Liverpool. Why is it? I think the reason is more than that Liverpool is the hometown of Mr. May.

•      Being a culturally diverse and vibrant city, Liverpool is well known as European Capital of Culture.

•      Liverpool's historic connection with China has given the city the oldest Chinese community in Europe.

•      It is also home to one of the favorite British universities for Chinese students - the University of Liverpool.

I am sure this exhibition of terracotta warriors will be a good opportunity for Liverpool to continue its special connection with China. With this connection, Liverpool will play a unique role in advancing cultural and people-to-people links between China and the UK, which is key to understanding and friendship between the people of our two countries.

第二,讲述了一堂生动的中国历史课。中国是四大文明古国中唯一不间断传承5千年文明的国家,重要原因之一就是公元前221年,秦朝完成统一大业,使中国成为一个多民族统一国家。从那以后,对统一与稳定的追求、对和平与繁荣的向往,就深深烙入中华民族的基因,流淌在中华民族的血液中代代相传。历史照进现实,去年10月召开的中共十九大绘制了中国发展的宏伟蓝图,明确提出推进祖国和平统一进程,推动构建相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系,构建人类命运共同体,这正是对中国传统文化最好传承与弘扬。希望英国民众在徜徉中国历史、领略中国古代文化魅力的同时,也能加深对中国传统思想和文明底蕴的了解。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Second, this exhibition is a vivid lesson on Chinese history.

Of the four ancient civilizations in the world, the Chinese civilization has the longest continuous history of 5,000 years. One important reason for this is that China has basically remained a united nation.

The First Emperor of Qin Dynasty, who ordered the creation of the terracotta army, brought different ethnic groups under a united China in 221 BC.

Since then, the yearning for unity and stability, and the pursuit of peace and prosperity have been deep in the vein of generations of Chinese nation.

Today, the best expression of this aspiration is the blueprint for China's future development outlined at the 19th Party Congress last October.

According to the blueprint,

•      China will strive to achieve peaceful reunification of the country.

•      China will work for a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation.

•      China will join hands with other countries to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

These goals reflect China's determination to carry forward our fine heritage.


Third, this exhibition isn't just about history. It opens a window on today's Belt and Road Initiative.

The terracotta warriors were unearthed in Xi'an, the current name for Chang'an, which was the eastern starting point of the ancient Silk Road.

The relics from the past remind us of the glory of the ancient Silk Road. Their display here in Liverpool, thousands of miles away from home, is a fresh testament to the vitality of the new Silk Road.

This new Silk Road opened under the Belt and Road Initiative has become a source of driving force for the development of countries from Asia to Europe. It has also created new opportunities for the whole world.

•      Since this Initiative was proposed four years ago, China has invested over 50 billion dollars in countries along the route.

•      Chinese companies have set up 56 economic and trade cooperation zones in over 20 countries.

•      This has generated some 1.1 billion dollars of tax revenue and created 200 thousand jobs locally.

China at the eastern end of the Belt and Road, and the UK at the western end should seize the new opportunities created by this Initiative. Together, we could harvest more "golden fruits" for China-UK "Golden Era".


Ladies and Gentlemen,

中英都是拥有悠久历史和灿烂文化的伟大国家,两国人民都是执着追求、自强不息的伟大人民。习近平主席提出了“中国梦”,梅首相提出了“英国梦”,两个梦想都将各自发展与世界发展紧密融合,都将本国“梦想”与促进人类和平发展的“世界梦”紧密相连。出生在利物浦的甲壳虫乐队主唱约翰·列侬曾说过,“一个人的梦只是一个梦,而一群人怀揣着同一个梦想,便会梦想成真。”让我们一起从两国优秀传统文化中汲取营养,从历史深处书写未来的光荣与梦想,共同为实现人类命运共同体的“世界梦”贡献力量!微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The great people of our two countries are in persistent pursuit of self-improvement.

President Xi proposed the Chinese Dream, and Prime Minister May expounded a lot on the British Dream.

•      Both dreams see the development of our respective countries in the larger picture of global development.

•      Both align our national dreams with the world dream of peace and development.

John Lennon, who was born in this city, once said, "A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality."

If we draw strength from our splendid past, we can write a glorious chapter of the future.

If we dream together the World Dream of a community with a shared future, we can make it a reality.


In eight days time, it will be the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Dog. In Chinese culture, dog stands for loyalty, courage, diligence and good fortune.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you good fortune in the Year of the Dog!

I wish all your dreams come true!

In conclusion, I wish the exhibition "China's First Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors" a complete success!


Thank you!

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