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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
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今天公众号“高斋外刊双语精读”给大家分享一段相关的文章,取自经济学人21.7.09期,题目叫Social skills,副标题是The vital art of talking to strangers

经济学人原文:Social circles generally narrow again as people find life-partners, form households and produce offspring of their own. Time becomes scarce; new friendships are often based on sharing the burden of child care. Some people never recover the youthful zest for unforeseen liaisons. Professional duties swell even as parental ones diminish, and the inclination sags. In old age, even if curiosity and charisma remain undimmed, frailty makes new serendipitous connections harder to establish.




第一句:Social circles generally narrow again as people find life-partners, form households and produce offspring of their own.


1. 句子结构分析:as后引出的是伴随状语,表示“随着”。主句为“Social circles generally narrow again”。find life-partners,form households和produce offspring of their own并列,主语都是people。

2. 一词多义:narrow有很多意思,总结如下:

A. 作形容词,表示“狭窄的;窄小的;勉强的;刚刚好的”,如“尖下巴”就可以说a narrow jaw。还比如高斋外刊精读翻译班中这句:

In China these days, people like Shui Jin, an old lady pedalling a wooden cart laden with apricots and cherries through the narrow lanes of Suzhou, an eastern city, are in the spotlight. 这些天来,像水锦(音译)这样的摊贩成为了中国社会关注的焦点。这位老太太骑着一辆装满杏子和樱桃的木轮车,穿过苏州一条条狭窄的小巷。

B. 作动词,可以是及物动词,也就是后面直接跟名词,意为“使窄小;变窄;缩小”,如close/narrow the finance gap 弥合金融缺口。还比如经济学人中这一句:

Higher wages at the bottom, as well as more predictable work schedules, could narrow the gap. 提升底层劳动人口的工资及让工作时间更规律可能会缩小这一差距。

还比如CATTI冲刺班|第9期快练资料中这句(今年CATTI真题就考了“中西部地区与东部地区”,虽然很简单,好像也有人把“中”翻译为了middle):区域发展格局继续改善,中西部地区与东部地区差距缩小continued to improve the regional development layout, and narrowed the development gap between the central and western regions and the eastern region.

narrow作动词,也可以是不及物动词,是sth narrow,如CATTI和MTI政工翻译资料中这句:区域发展差距继续缩小The regional development gap continued to narrow;

还比如考研英语真题中这句:As a result, I now believe the digital divide will narrow rather than widen in the years ahead. And that is very good news because the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for combating world poverty that we’ve ever had. 因此,我现在相信未来几年,数字鸿沟将会缩小而不是扩大。这是一个非常好的消息,因为互联网很可能是我们有史以来对抗世界贫困的最有力工具。

今天这里的Social circles generally narrow就是sth narrow的用法,narrow此时是不及物动词。

3. life-partners:人生伴侣,生活伴侣。也可以直接说life partners,或partners,如4中的例句。

4. 同义表达:form households表示组建家庭,也可以说start/build a family,如这句:they are not yet ready or not interested in building a family. 他们还没有准备好组建家庭,或者对此不感兴趣。


For working couples, Japan’s efforts to combat the spread of the virus — encouraging teleworking and asking residents to stay inside — have highlighted disparities in the division of domestic work that shape households across the globe but are especially pronounced in Japanese society. 


还可以作形容词,表示家庭的,如household savings家庭储蓄

还有个固定表达a household name表示一个家喻户晓的人,一个家喻户晓的名字。如经济学人这句:Mr Doig is hardly a household name, but collectors fight for the chance to buy a work if it comes up at auction. 多依格先生绝非一位家喻户晓的人物,但只要他的作品出现在拍卖会中,收藏家们就会竞相地去购买。

4. produce offspring of their own中produce表示生育、繁殖。offspring表示后代;子女;孩子;幼苗,produce offspring也可以说have offspring或have children。

5. of their own:放在名词后面,表示某人自己所有的,如这句散文:可是如果你仔细听听,认真想想,却发现他嘴里没有一句是他的话。However, if you listen attentively and think carefully you will find they are but parrots that only repeat what others have said without a single word of their own.



第二句:Time becomes scarce; new friendships are often based on sharing the burden of child care.


1. scarce:美 [skers]形容词,意为“缺乏的;不足的;稀少的;罕见的”,名词是scarcity。如water-scarce countries水资源短缺国家,还比如经济学人中的这句:

As Britain crawls out of recession and jobs remain scarce, demand for university education has been soaring. 由于英国刚走出萧条,工作机会仍然不足,对大学教育的需求日益高涨。

例如纽约时报上的这句:These products use precious resources which are becoming scarce. 这些商品都是用宝贵的资源制成的,这些资源越来越稀缺。

2. the burden of:……的负担。比如《为什么蛋壳公寓爆雷是必然的?| 外刊双语精读中这句:A part-time bookkeeper will relieve you of the burden of chasing unpaid invoices and paying bills. 雇一个兼职会计将使你摆脱追讨未付单据和支付账单的负担。

3. child care:表儿童托管;托儿服务;育儿;照顾孩子。如例句:A vastly disproportionate burden falls on women for child care. 照料孩子的重担落在了女性身上。

还比如《热议!全职太太离婚获5万元补偿 | 纽约时报双语中这句:

Ms. Wang requested that the couple’s assets be equally divided and argued that she should be compensated for housework and child care, since she said her husband did not perform those duties, according to news reports. 据报道,王女士要求平分财产,并提出她应该获得做家务和照顾孩子的补偿,因为丈夫没有履行这些职责。

sharing the burden of child care指彼此帮忙照顾孩子,我们知道现在不少邻居之间经常互相帮助照顾孩子,如接孩子、下班后帮照顾孩子等。




第三句:Some people never recover the youthful zest for unforeseen liaisons.


1. youthful:是形容词,表示青年的,名词是youth,如《年轻人“躺平”还是“内卷”?| 经济学人双语完整版中这句:They refer to “Buddhist youth”, meaning those who are never disappointed since they want nothing. 他们还提到了“佛系青年”,指那些因无欲无求而从不会感到失望的人。

2. zest for:美 [zest] 作名词,表示“热情;兴奋;兴趣”,for引出对象,如柯林斯词典这句:He has a zest for life and a quick intellect. 他对生活充满热情,思维敏捷。

3. unforeseen:foreseen是动词,表示预见,如:He did not foresee any problems.他没有预见到任何问题。加上un表否定,unforeseen作形容词,表示“未想到的;始料未及的”。如unforeseen problems无法预见的问题。

4. liaison:英 [liˈeɪzn]名词意为“联络;联系;联络员;联系人”。如liaison interpreting 联络口译。


还比如金融时报中的这句:But many migrants marry in their home villages and often live apart from their spouses for lengthy periods. This has contributed to a big increase in extramarital liaisons. 但很多背井离乡的打工者都是先在家乡结婚,然后再和配偶长期分居,因此婚外情的现象越来越普遍。

今天这里unforeseen liaisons中liaison表示联系,根据语境unforeseen liaisons表示意料之外的邂逅。



第四句:Professional duties swell even as parental ones diminish, and the inclination sags.


1. 句子结构分析:even as parental ones diminish是Professional duties swell的状语,the inclination sags和前面整句并列,不是和parental ones diminish并列;and表示微弱的因果关系,有“因此”之义。

2. swell:美[swel] 作动词表示“膨胀;肿胀;(使)凸出;增加,增大”。如纽约时报中的这句:Meanwhile, the water reserves in China swelled, as dam reservoirs filled with the glacial melt that has fed the Mekong for millenniums. 同时,数千年来冰川融化流入湄公河的水填满了中国的水库,中国的储水量激增。

还有个常见的表达the swelling ranks of,相当于an increasing number of,表示越来越多的,如the swelling ranks of young myopes越来越多的年轻人近视。其中swelling相当于increasinggrowing

2. ones:这里指duties。one有很多用法,比如《致命女人》中这句:Oh, you're a fine one to talk. 你倒是有脸评头论足了是吧。

3. diminish:美 [dɪˈmɪnɪʃ]动词意为“减少;下降;缩小”。例如纽约时报中的这句:Our ability to focus may diminish — with lasting consequences. 我们的专注力都可能减弱,从而带来持久的后果。

也可以作及物动词,如电影台词:Time erodes all such beauty, but what it cannot diminish is the wonderful workings of your mind. 时间会腐蚀所有表面的美,时间无法消灭的是你心灵美好的运作。

4. inclination:美 [ˌɪnklɪˈneɪʃn] 名词意为“倾向;倾斜度;爱好;趋向;意愿”。一般是show the inclination to do sth,have the inclination to do sth,inclination for sth,或by inclination,如柯林斯中下面的例句:

He had neither the time nor the inclination to think of other things. 他没有时间也不愿意去考虑其他事情。

He was a loner by nature and by inclination .他天性不喜交际,且自己也无意于此。

My natural inclination is to find a compromise. 我生性易于妥协。

从最后一个例句可以看出“生性”是natural inclination,常见是one’s natural inclination is to do sth,还比如经济学人中的这句:

Another problem is the natural human inclination to spend money today rather than to save for a distant, and uncertain, future. 另外,人的天性就是今朝有酒今朝醉,而不是为遥远而不确定的未来储蓄。

5. sag:美 [sæɡ] 作动词表示“下垂;减弱;减少”。比如我们常说“士气低落”,则可以说The morale is sagging. 或者The morale is sinking lower.



第五句:In old age, even if curiosity and charisma remain undimmed, frailty makes new serendipitous connections harder to establish.


1. charisma:美[kə'rɪzmə] 名词意为“超凡的个人魅力;感召力;领袖气质”。比如经济学人中的这句:Competence is more important than charisma. 能力比个人魅力更重要。

2. undimmed:形容词意为“不暗淡的;不模糊的”;例如金融时报中的这句:With good infrastructure links and a well-educated workforce, the attractions of investing in eastern European remain undimmed. 由于东欧有着良好的基础设施和受过良好教育的劳动力队伍,在该地区进行投资仍有很大的吸引力

原型dim,作形容词表示“微暗的;暗淡的”,如:She stood waiting, in the dim light. 她站在昏暗的光线下等待。还表示悲观的;渺茫的,如经济学人中这句:As China limps back to work after covid-19, their job prospects are truly bleak. 新冠疫情后中国缓慢复工,毕业生就业前景的确不容乐观。还可以表示模糊的,如a dim memory模糊的记忆。

3. frailty:美['freɪlti] 名词“虚弱;衰弱:(性格或道德上的)弱点”。例如纽约时报中的这句:Adequate nutrition is important, as old age brings poor appetite and lack of hunger, which leads to unintentional weight loss and greater frailty. 充足的营养是很重要的,因为年老会带来食欲不振和饥饿感缺乏,导致无意的体重减轻,身体更加虚弱。

形容词是frail,表示易碎的,脆弱的,虚弱的,如Human nature is frail. 人性脆弱。She looks frail. 她看起来很虚弱。

4. serendipitous:美 [ˌserənˈdɪpətəs] 形容词表示“偶然发现的;侥幸的;长于发现精品的;偶然的”。如a serendipitous discovery一个偶然幸运的发现,serendipitous  dimes意外拾获的硬币。
















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