1. 深海载人潜水器 deep-sea manned submersibles
2. 中国科学院深海科学与工程研究所 the Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering under the Chinese Academy of Sciences
3. 创下国内新纪录 set a national record
4. 通过全社会共同努力 thanks to the joint efforts of the whole society
5. 我国科技事业取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。China has made historic achievements and transformations in science and technology.
6. 重大创新成果竞相涌现 major innovations emerge in large numbers
7. 中国在一些前沿领域开始进入并跑、领跑阶段。China is now leading or co-leading the world in some frontier areas.
8. 深海采矿 deep-sea mining
9. 海洋经济 the marine economy
10. 海洋和沿海生态系统 marine and coastal ecosystems
11. 农业科学 agricultural sciences
12. 植物学 botany
13. 动物学 zoology
14. 生态与环境科学 ecological and environmental sciences
15. 地球科学 geoscience
16. 临床医学 clinical medicine
17. 生物科学 bioscience
18. 化学与材料科学 chemistry & materials science
19. 物理学 physics
20. 天文学 astronomy
21. 天体物理学 astrophysics
22. 信息科学 information science
23. 社会科学 social sciences
24. 110个热点前沿 110 prominent frontier research topics
25. 38个新兴前沿 38 emerging subjects
26. 中国在临床医学以及天文学与天体物理学方面与其他科技强国差距明显,分别排名第12名和第8名。China is notably behind other scientific powerhouses in clinical medicine and astronomy and astrophysics, ranking at 12th and 8th, respectively.
27. 基础研究 basic research
28. 科技创新能力 sci-tech innovation capability
29. 推动重要领域关键核心技术攻关 advance research on core technologies in important areas
30. 区域全面经济伙伴关系协定 Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
31. 中国愿同更多国家商签高标准自由贸易协定。China stands ready to conclude high-standard free trade agreements with more countries in the world.
32. 推动尽快签署区域全面经济伙伴关系协定 work for the early signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
33. 加快中欧投资协定、中日韩等自由贸易协定谈判进程 speed up negotiations on a China-EU investment treaty and a China-Japan-ROK free trade agreement
34. 加强同世界高标准自贸区交流互鉴 look forward to more exchanges and mutual learning with high-standard free trade zones in other parts of the world
35. 多边贸易体制 a multilateral trading system
36. 区域经济一体化 regional economic integration
37. 谱写生态优先绿色发展新篇章 write a new chapter in prioritizing ecological conservation and boosting green development
38. 打造区域协调发展新样板 create a new model for regional coordinated development
39. 构筑高水平对外开放新高地 create a new height for high-level opening-up
40. 塑造创新驱动发展新优势foster advantages in innovation-led development
41. 绘就山水人城和谐相融新画卷 draw a new painting featuring harmony between nature, the people and the cities
42. 在严格保护生态环境的前提下 on the premise of strictly protecting the ecological environment
43. 全面提高资源利用效率 comprehensively improve the efficiency of resource utilization
44. 加快推动绿色低碳发展 accelerate green and low-carbon development
45. 建设人与自然和谐共生的绿色发展示范带 build the region into a demonstration area that advances green development and promotes harmonious coexistence between human and nature
46. 绿色发展主战场 main focus for green development
47. 长江上中下游地区互动协作 coordinated work of the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the Yangtze River
48. 生态环境修复和保护 the protection and restoration of ecological and environmental systems
49. 高速率 high data rate
50. 大容量 high capacity
51. 低时延 short latency
52. 远程服务 remote services
53. 外场支援 field support
54. 增强现实 augmented reality
55. 已有107家运营商在47个国家和地区商用5G网络。107 carriers have commercialized 5G networks in 47 countries and regions.
56. 预计2025年底,将有410家运营商在123个国家和地区商用5G网络。By the end of 2025, 410 carriers are expected to commercialize 5G networks in 123 countries and regions.
57. 5G基站 5G base stations
58. 5G技术已被应用于海洋、电力网络、医疗及制造等20多个行业。5G technologies have been utilized in more than 20 industries including marine, power grids, healthcare and manufacturing.
59. 三大运营商已推出5000余个创新工程 China's three major telecom operators had launched more than 5,000 innovation projects.
60. 签署了约1000个5G商业合约 signed around 1,000 5G business contracts
61. 收购 acquisition
62. 是荣耀相关产业链发起的一场自救和市场化投资 represent a market-driven investment made to save Honor's industry chain
63. 能最大化地保障消费者、渠道、供应商、合作伙伴及员工的利益。It is the best solution to protect the interests of Honor's consumers, channel sellers, suppliers, partners and employees.
64. 全体股东将全力支持新荣耀。All shareholders of the new Honor company will fully support the development of the Honor brand.
65. 让新荣耀在资源、品牌、生产、渠道、服务等方面汲取各方优势 enable Honor brand to leverage the industry's advantages in resources, brands, production, channels, and services
66. 更高效地参与到市场竞争中 more effectively compete in the marketplace
67. 年出货量超七千万部 annual shipments of over 70 million
68. 消费升级 consumption upgrade
69. 联合收购 joint buyout
70. 并购 merger and acquisition
71. 供应链 supply chain
72. 全面依法治国 overall law-based governance
73. 中国特色社会主义法治道路 the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics
74. 金砖国家新工业革命伙伴关系 BRICS partnership on the new industrial revolution
75. 坚定不移构建开放型世界经济 stand firm for building an open world economy
76. 维护以世界贸易组织为核心的多边贸易体制 uphold the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core
77. 反对滥用国家安全之名行保护主义之实 reject abuse of the “national security” concept for protectionist purposes
78. 金砖国家新工业革命伙伴关系是下阶段金砖经济合作的一个重要抓手。The BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution is vital to BRICS economic cooperation at the next stage.
79. 将企业合作同新工业革命伙伴关系结合起来。The business sector should integrate business cooperation with the BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution.
80. 在创新、数字经济、绿色经济等领域拿出更多亮眼成果 produce more spotlight results in such areas as innovation, digital economy and green economy
81. 助力金砖五国经济实现高质量发展 promote high-quality development of BRICS economies
82. 维护国际公平正义 stand up for equity and justice in the world
83. 人员与货物跨境流动便利化倡议 the initiative on facilitating cross-border flow of people and goods
MTI翻硕热词:深海载人潜水器 、前沿科技
发布时间:2020-12-09 15:09