MTI 翻硕热词:国际援助、纪念币、交通违章、智能设备、迪士尼规定∣中国日报热词(9.09-9.15)
1. 人道主义救援 humanitarian relief
2. 国际援助international assistance
3. 民间外交civil diplomacy
4. 医疗直升机medical helicopter
5. 安全 nuclear safety
6. 核应急nuclear emergency
7. 国际传播能力建设 build up international communication capacity
8. 党对宣传思想工作的全面领导overall Party leadership in publicity and ideological work
9. 中国特色社会主义文化socialist culture with Chinese characteristics
10. 文化软实力cultural soft power
11. 中华人民共和国成立70周年 the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China
12. 纪念币 commemorative coins
13. 纪念邮票 commemorative stamps
14. 纪念钞 commemorative notes
15. 面额 denomination
16. 最大发行量 maximum circulation
17. 路灯road lamps
18. 违章抓拍traffic violation monitoring
19. 治安探头public order monitoring
20. 街道监控streets monitoring
21. 道路铭牌road signs display
22. 大气监测air quality monitoring
23. 违停监控illegal parking monitoring
24. 变电箱substation box
25. 通信电箱electricity supply box for communication
26. 飞线overhead power lines
27. 人工智能开放创新平台 open and innovative artificial intelligence platforms
28. 大数据 big data
29. 互联网+ Internet Plus
30. 智能设备 intelligent devices
31. 超广角镜头 ultra-wide lens
32. 前置摄像头 front-facing camera
33. 永久点亮显示 always-on displays
34. 电池续航能力 battery life
35. 方便面instant noodles
36. 带自热功能的食品food kept in containers with reheating capabilities
37. 瓶装水和饮料bottled water and beverages
38. 禁止外带食物政策 no-outside-food policy
39. 入场券/门票 admission tickets
40. 安检 security screening/security check
41. 禁带物品 prohibited items
42. 尊师重教 respect teachers and value education
43. 德智体美劳全面培养的教育体系an education system which comprehensively fosters the students' all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic grounding with a hard-working spirit
44. 教育体制改革 reform of the education system
45. 优先发展教育事业give priority to developing education
46. 强农兴农 boost agricultural prosperity
47. 乡村振兴 rural revitalization
48. 农业农村农民问题(“三农”问题) issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people
发布时间:2019-10-29 11:29