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文章来源:高斋CATTI 发布时间:2020-11-10 14:53 作者:admin 点击:


1. 加快推动全球减贫进程 accelerate the global poverty relief process

2. 恢复经济社会发展 restore economic and social development

3. 同各方一道 work with all sides

4. 推进世界减贫事业发展 promote the cause of world poverty reduction

5. 精准扶贫 targeted poverty alleviation

6. 《联合国2030年可持续发展议程》 the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations

7. 西藏自治区 the Tibet Autonomous Region

8. 消除绝对贫困 eradicate/eliminate absolute poverty

9. 建档立卡贫困户 households registered as living under the poverty line

10. 低保户 people eligible for subsistence allowances

11. 农村分散供养特困人员 individuals who live at home in rural areas in extreme poverty and receive basic assistance

12. 贫困残疾人家庭 the families of people with disabilities affected by poverty

13. 涉农资金 agriculture-related funds  

14. 带动23.8万贫困人口脱贫 help lift more than 238,000 impoverished people out of poverty  

15. 转移就业 employment transfers  

16. 一系列惠民政策 a spate of preferential policies implemented to benefit the people

17. 职业教育和技术培训 vocational education and skills training

18. 农牧民 farmers and herders

19. 自主决定就业选择 make employment choices of their own free will

20. 不愁吃、不愁穿 be free from worries over food and clothing

21. 义务教育、基本医疗、住房安全有保障 have access to compulsory education, basic medical services and safe housing

22. 现行标准下的农村贫困人口全部脱贫 lift all rural residents living below the current poverty line out of poverty

23. 贫困发生率 poverty headcount ratio

24. 贫困线 poverty threshold/poverty line/poverty limit

25. 易地扶贫搬迁 relocate the poor

26. 扶贫基金 poverty alleviation funds

27. 开发式扶贫 development-orientated poverty reduction

28. 中非合作论坛 the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)

29. 秉持团结合作精神 uphold the spirit of solidarity and cooperation

30. 共同应对各类风险挑战 jointly cope with various risks and challenges

31. 多边主义和互利共赢的典范 an example of multilateralism and mutual benefits

32. 经历百年未有之大变局 undergo profound changes unseen in a century

33. 夯实友好互信 consolidate our friendship and mutual trust

34. 全面战略合作伙伴关系 comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership

35. 中非合作 China-Africa cooperation

36. 南南合作 South-South cooperation

37. 中非命运共同体 China-Africa community with a shared future

38. 碰瓷 deliberately crash a car to claim compensation/staged crash fraud/staged (auto) accident fraud

39. 虚构事实 fabricate facts

40. 隐瞒真相 conceal truths

41. 骗取赔偿 swindle compensations

42. 刑法 the Criminal Law

43. 以诈骗罪定罪处罚 be convicted and punished as the crime of fraud

44. 敲诈勒索罪 the crime of extortion by blackmail

45. 扫黑除恶 battles against gang crimes

46. 平安中国 Peaceful China initiative

47. 第三方责任险 third party liability insurance

48. 交通事故责任强制保险 mandatory liability insurance for traffic accidents of motor vehicles

49. 保险诈骗 insurance fraud

50. 社会主义现代化强国 a modern socialist country

51. 经济特区 special economic zones

52. 矫治教育 corrective education

53. 已满14周岁不满16周岁未成年女性 underage females aged between 14 and 16

54. 青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency

55. 刑事责任 criminal responsibilities

56. 刑事拘留 criminal detention

57. 教育为主、惩罚为辅 education first with punishment as a supporting approach

58. 解决实际问题能力 capabilities of solving practical problems

59. 想干事能干事干成事 be willing to act, and be able to deliver real outcomes

60. 政治能力 political competence

61. 科学决策 scientific decision-making

62. 新时代中国特色社会主义伟大实践 the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era

63. 国家林草局 the National Forestry and Grassland Administration

64. 逐步淘汰/逐步停止 phase out

65. 人工饲养的动物 farm-raised animals

66. 家畜家禽 poultry and livestock

67. 传染病防治 prevention and control of infectious diseases

68. 动物防疫 animal quarantine

69. 公共卫生事件应急响应 public health emergency responses

70. 陆生野生动物 wild terrestrial animals

71. 水生动物 aquatic animals

72. 人类卫生健康共同体 a global community of health for all

73. 疫苗联合研发 joint research and development of vaccines

74. 城市空间统筹利用 the utilization of urban space

75. 前沿技术 cutting-edge technologies

76. 证券公司和基金管理公司 securities and fund management companies

77. 中国特色社会主义先行示范区 a demonstration pilot area of socialism with Chinese characteristics

78. 要素市场化配置 market-based allocation of production factors

79. 优化营商环境 optimize business environment

80. 更多改革自主权 greater autonomy to carry out reforms





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