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文章来源:高斋CATTI 发布时间:2020-11-10 14:52 作者:admin 点击:



1. 新时代中国特色社会主义新疆 Xinjiang featuring socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era

2. 文明进步 culturally advanced

3. 安居乐业 people living and working in contentment

4. 生态良好 healthy ecosystems

5. 中华民族共同体意识 a sense of identity of the Chinese nation

6. 民族大团结 ethnic unity

7. 民族区域自治制度 the system of regional ethnic autonomy

8. 电商直播 the e-commerce livestreaming

9. 物联网 internet of things

10. 数字经济 the digital economy

11. 移动互联网 mobile internet

12. 科技创新 science and technological innovation

13. 移动互联网家庭普及率 household penetration of mobile internet

14. 中国国际服务贸易交易会 the China International Fair for Trade in Services

15. 公共卫生防疫 public health and epidemic prevention

16. 入境航班 inbound flights

17. 核酸检测 nucleic acid tests

18. 体温检测 temperature scans

19. 14天集中医学观察 a 14-day concentrated medical observation

20. 流感疫苗接种 flu vaccinations

21. 养老机构 elderly care centers

22. 护理机构 nursing homes

23. 福利院 welfare homes

24. 优先接种流感疫苗 take flu vaccines on a priority basis

25. 中国疾控中心 the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC)

26. 60岁及以上的老年人 citizens aged 60 and above

27. 流感高风险人群 the group at higher risk from influenza

28. 采取歧视性限制措施 take discriminatory and restrictive measures

29. 遵守 abide by

30. 开放经济体 an open economy

31. 开放、公平、公正的营商环境 an open, fair and just business environment

32. 正当防卫 justifiable defenses

33. 防卫过当 excessive defenses

34. 不法侵害 unlawful infringements

35. 不法侵害人 unlawful infringers

36. 负刑事责任 bear criminal responsibility

37. 学位互认 mutual recognition of qualifications and academic degrees

38. 一带一路 the Belt and Road Initiative

39. 留学生 international students

40. 海归 overseas returnees

41. 出国游学 overseas study tours

42. 商业短信 commercial short messages

43. 商业性电话 commercial calls

44. 基础电信业务经营者 basic telecommunication business operators

45. 婚姻登记 marriage registrations

46. 合法夫妻 legally wedded couples

47. 宣读结婚誓言 take wedding vows

48. 鸿蒙系统 the Harmony OS

49. 华为移动服务 Huawei Mobile Services

50. 旅行安全 travel safety

51. 连续29天无本土新增新冠肺炎确诊病例 no new locally transmitted infections for 29 consecutive days

52. 防范输入病例 fend off imported infections

53. 有能力逐步增加入境航班数量 be capable of gradually increasing incoming flights

54. 为当地居民带来危险 pose risks to local residents

55. 住房租赁条例 rental housing rules

56. 保护租客和房东的合法权益 protect the lawful interests of tenants and landlords

57. 符合国家有关标准 meet national standards

58. 危及承租人的人身健康 pose a risk to tenants' health

59. 住房租金贷款 loans to pay rents

60. 超过租赁合同期限 exceed the duration of the lease

61. 商业银行 commercial banks

62. 出国受阻留学生 stranded students intending to study abroad

63. 航班限制 flight restrictions

64. 营造国际一流创新创业生态 create a first-class international environment for innovation and entrepreneurship

65. 世界级先进制造业集群 world-class advanced manufacturing clusters

66. 长江经济带 the Yangtze River Economic Belt

67. 实体经济发展 the development of the real economy

68. 物流枢纽 logistics hubs

69. 先进制造业集聚区 a cluster area for advanced manufacturing industries

70. 数字经济发展示范区 a digital economy development demonstration zone

71. 学位论文作假 dissertation frauds

72. 交通运输部 the Ministry of Transport

73. 创新驱动发展战略 innovation-driven development strategies

74. 城乡数字鸿沟 the urban-rural digital gap

75. 考古发现 archaeological findings

76. 源远流长、博大精深的中华文明 the long-standing and profound Chinese civilization

77. 灿烂成就 glorious achievements

78. 文化事业 the cultural undertaking

79. 历史文化遗产 historical and cultural heritages

80. 考古能力建设 archaeological capacity building

81. 倾听人民呼声 heed people's views

82. 汇聚人民智慧 pool people's wisdom

83. 征求意见 solicit public views and suggestions

84. “十四五”时期 the 14th Five-Year period

85. 补齐民生领域短板 improve/shore up weak links concerning people's livelihood

86. 构建新发展格局 build a new development pattern

87. 拓宽征求意见渠道,丰富征求意见形式 expand channels and multiply means for soliciting opinions

88. 新型消费 new forms of consumption

89. 去除机制障碍 remove institutional obstacles

90. 线上线下消费 online and offline consumption

91. 危中寻机 seek opportunities in crisis

92. 补齐短板和弱项 fix the shortcomings and weak links

93. 顺应第四次工业革命发展趋势 keep up with the trend of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

94. 探索新技术、新业态、新模式 explore new technologies and new forms and models

95. 数字化、网络化、智能化发展 digital, networked and smart development

96. 探寻新的增长动能和发展路径 foster new growth drivers and explore new development pathways

97. 建设数字丝绸之路、创新丝绸之路 build the digital Silk Road and the Silk Road of innovation

98. 援企、稳岗、扩就业 support enterprises, stabilize employment and create more jobs





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