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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:高斋CATTI 发布时间:2020-03-16 10:28 作者:高斋CATTI 点击:




1. 脱贫摘帽  shake off poverty/be lifted out of poverty

2. 我和我的祖国  me and my motherland

3. 金色十年  the golden decade

4. 学习强国  study to make our country stronger

5. 中美经贸磋商  China-US trade talks

6. 最美奋斗者  the most outstanding contributors

7. 硬核  hardcore

8. 垃圾分类  garbage sorting/classification

9. 先行示范区  pilot demonstration areas

10. 基层减负年  the year to reduce burdens on community-level officials

11. 我太南了  What am I supposed to do?

12. 《健康中国行动》 the Healthy China Initiative

13. 政府机关  government institutions

14. 企事业单位  enterprises and public institutions

15. 开展急救培训  carry out first-aid training

16. 急救服务  emergency services

17. 改善心理健康教育  promote mental health education

18. 心理评估  psychological assessments

19. 心理咨询  psychological counseling

20. 心理治疗服务  psychological treatment services

21. 健康问题  health concerns

22. 心理健康  mental health

23. 儿童肥胖  child obesity

24. 安宁疗护  hospice care/end-of-life care

25. 旅游景区质量等级  quality rating of scenic areas

26. 服务质量与环境质量  quality of service and environment

27. 交通  transport

28. 游览  tour

29. 旅游安全  travel safety

30. 卫生  sanitation

31. 邮电服务  the postal service

32. 购物  shopping

33. 资源和环境的保护  resource and environment conservation

34. 游客意见  tourist feedback

35. 达到国家5A级旅游景区标准要求  up to standard of 5A-level scenic areas

36. 热门景点  tourist hotspots

37. 取景地旅游  set-jetting

38. 故宫  the Forbidden City/Palace Museum

39. 天坛  the Temple of Heaven

40. 颐和园  the Summer Palace

41. 中轴线  the Central Axis

42. 长安街  the Chang'an Avenue

43. 北京老城  the old downtown area of Beijing

44. 沿二环路的文化景观环线  scenic spots along the second Ring Road featuring diverse culture of Beijing

45. 国家级、市级、区级三级文物保护单位  historical and cultural sites protected at the national, municipal and district level

46. 不可移动文物  immovable cultural relics

47. 地下文物埋藏区  underground archaeological ruins

48. 历史建筑  historical buildings

49. 历史文化街区  streets and areas featuring ancient culture

50. 历史河湖水系和水文化遗产  ancient water system and water culture heritage

51. 城址遗存  ancient city ruins

52. 历史名园与古树名木  ancient gardens and trees

53. 革命史迹  revolutionary relics

54. 非物质文化遗产   intangible culture heritage

55. 京津冀协同发展规划  the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration plan

56. 北京城市副中心  subcenter of the capital

57. 旅游纪念品  tourist souvenirs

58. 北京礼物  Beijing Gifts

59. 古都文化  culture of ancient capital

60. 红色文化  the red culture

61. 京味文化  the Beijing culture

62. 创新文化  culture of innovation

63. 世界城市形象  image of a world-class city

64. 精致工艺  refined craftsmanship

65. 优良品质  top quality

66. 老字号产品和纪念品  time-honored brand items and souvenirs

67. 唐人坊·国粹娟人系列  Peking Opera dolls

68. 吉兔坊·新北京兔儿爷系列  the Rabbit God

69. 东方艺珍·花丝如意系列  ruyi, an S-shaped ornamental object

70. 步瀛斋·京城花海系列女鞋  women cotton shoes

71. 华都· “国安一起赢”二锅头酒   erguotou, traditional Chinese vodka

72. 御茶膳房·“北京的心意”皇城手作糕点  artisan pastry

73. 国家京剧院·京剧脸谱面膜  the Peking Opera-style face mask

74. 东韵·北京人文系列丝巾  the silk scarf

75. 陈彤云·北京中医美好的祝福系列化妆品  TCM cosmetics

76. 唱吧·“唱响北京”蓝牙麦克风  the bluetooth microphone

77. 万华镜·缤纷京城万花筒系列  kaleidoscope featuring Beijing elements

78. 国产知名品牌   established domestic brands

79. 国家品牌日   Chinese Brands Day

80. 尊重员工  respect for employees

81. 公平公正的用人原则  fairness and equal opportunity policy at workplace

82. 政府部门   government organs

83. 事业单位   public institutions

84. 国有企业   State-owned enterprises(SOEs)

85. 最理想雇主   the most desirable employer

86. 创业   start one's own business

87. 起薪   starting salary

88. 政务公开  transparency in government affairs

89. 简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革 (“放、管、服”改革)streamline the government, delegate power, and improve government services

90. 进口暂定税率   provisional import tax rates

91. 全面开放新格局   a new structure of all-out opening-up

92. 补上“三农”领域短板  strengthen the weak links in the work on agriculture, rural areas and rural people

93. 脱贫攻坚战  the battle against poverty

94. 全面建成小康社会  build a moderately prosperous society in all respects

95. 农村集体产权制度  the rural collective property rights system

96. 劳动力和人才社会性流动  social mobility of labor force and talents

97. 人才流动市场机制  market mechanisms for the flow of talents

98. 高技能人才  highly-skilled personnel

99. 高质量流动机会  high-quality mobility opportunities

100. 理想信念  ideals and convictions

101. 疏解北京非首都功能  relieve Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as the capital

102. 森林覆盖率  the forest coverage

103. 教师减负  reduce the burden of teachers

104. 教育惩戒  school discipline

105. 校园安全  campus safety

106. 师德师风  professional ethics of teachers

107. 民营企业改革发展  reform and development of private enterprises

108. 社会主义市场经济  the socialist market economy

109. 亲清新型政商关系  a new type of cordial and clean relationship between government and business

110. 新时代的中日关系  China-Japan relations in the new era

111. 互利合作  mutually beneficial cooperation

112. 战略互惠互信  strategic reciprocity and mutual trust

113. 建设性管控矛盾分歧 manage disputes and differences constructively

114. 高级别人文交流磋商机制  high-level consultation mechanism on people-to-people and cultural exchanges

115. 人格权   personality rights

116. 社会信用体系  the social credit system

117. 居住权   rights of habitation

118. 依法治国  the rule of law/law-based governance


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