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公众号:高斋CATTI 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:高斋CATTI 发布时间:2020-03-16 10:27 作者:高斋CATTI 点击:



1. 非物质文化遗产 Intangible cultural heritage

2. 口头传统  oral traditions

3. 表演艺术  performing arts

4. 社会惯例  social practices

5. 仪式  rituals

6. 节日活动 festive events

7. 与本土或全球有关的知识及惯例  knowledge and practices concerning native and the universe

8. 制作传统工艺品的知识和技能  the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts

9. 人类非物质文化遗产名录 the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

10. 急需保护的非物质文化遗产名录  the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding

11. 木活字印刷术 the wooden movable-type printing

12. 爱尔兰竖琴 an Irish harping

13. 葡萄牙狂欢节 The Carnival of Podence in Portugal

14. 马来西亚自卫术“席拉”  Silat self-defence in Malaysia

15. 文化多样性 cultural diversity

16. 文化资源整合 integration of cultural resources

17. 保护世界文化和自然遗产公约 Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage

18. 大力支持灵活就业  scale up support for flexible employment

19. 创造就业  job creation

20. 人才流动市场机制  market mechanisms for the flow of talents

21. 高技能人才  highly-skilled personnel

22. 常住人口 population of long-term residents/permanent residents population

23. 临时寄住的人口  temporary residents excluded

24. 户籍人口 household registered population

25. 现有人口  current population

26. 积分落户制  the points-based household registration system

27. 居住证  a residential permit

28. 流动人口  migrant population

29. 人口承载能力  population capacity

30. 户口迁移政策  household registration transfer policy

31. 优势互补高质量发展的区域经济布局 regional economic planning featuring complementary advantages and high-quality development

32. 区域经济布局  regional economic planning

33. 财政转移支付  fiscal transfer payments

34. 夜经济  the nighttime economy

35. 经济新兴活力源  new impetus for China's economy

36. 5G元年  the epoch-making year for 5G

37. 5G牌照  5G licenses

38. 5G套餐  5G data plans

39. 极限施压  exert maximum pressure

40. 加征关税  impose tariffs

41. 贸易霸凌  trade bullying

42. 贸易摩擦  trade frictions

43. 止暴制乱  bring violence and chaos to an end

44. 接诉即办  handling a complaint upon receipt

45. 快速响应机制  a quick response mechanism

46. 夸夸群  praise groups

47. 疯狂地夸奖吹捧  overwhelming compliments and praise

48. 增加信心  boost confidence

49. 减轻压力  relieve pressure

50. 迷失自我  lose themselves

51. 基层减负年  the year to reduce burdens on community-level officials

52. 冰墩墩/雪容融  Bing Dwen Dwen/Shuey Rhon Rhon

53. 2022年北京冬奥会和冬残奥会吉祥物 mascots for the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics

54. 杀猪盘  pig-butchering scam

55. 网络诈骗  online fraud

56. 乡字号/土字号  bucolic brands/agriculture business names

57. 国产航母  domestically-built aircraft carrier

58. 航母战斗群  aircraft carrier strike/battle group

59. 强国兴军  building a strong country with a strong military

60. 和平发展道路  the path of peaceful development

61. 网络高等学历教育 online diploma courses

62. 非全日制高等教育 part-time higher education targeting working population

63. 继续教育  continuing education

64. 终身学习  lifelong learning

65. 学分制 an academic credit system

66. 弹性修业年限  flexible learning schedule

67. 严守人才培养的入口关、过程关、出口关 strengthen supervision in enrollment, teaching and graduation

68. 招生规模  enrollment size

69. 招生宣传  enrollment marketing

70. 思想政治教育  ideological and political education

71. 教学管理  teaching management

72. 考试管理  examination management

73. 毕业资格审查  qualification screening for graduation

74. 个人信息安全  personal information security

75. 网络教育  online education

76. 用户体验  user experience

77. 能源安全  energy security

78. 国家石油天然气管网集团有限公司 the China Oil & Gas Piping Network Corporation

79. 天然气管道网络 natural gas pipeline networks

80. 可再生能源  renewable energy

81. 全球人权治理 global human rights governance

82. 以人民为中心的人权理念  a people-centered approach in human rights protection

83. 以人民为中心的工作导向  a people-centered approach at work

84. 人权法治保障  the rule of law for human rights

85. 世界人权事业  international cause of human rights

86. 中国新闻工作者职业道德准则  professional code of ethics for Chinese journalists

87. 国际视野  international perspective

88. 国际茶日 International Tea Day

89. 经济作物  cash crops

90. 减贫  poverty reduction

91. 袋泡茶  tea bag

92. 发酵茶  fermented tea

93. 爱国爱澳  loving the motherland and loving Macao

94. 具有澳门特色的“一国两制”实践 the practice of "one country, two systems" with Macao characteristics

95. 澳人治澳  the people of Macao governing Macao


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