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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:33 作者:官方文章 点击:





Trade War  贸易战

Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai said China doesn't want a trade war with the US or with anybody else, but China is not afraid of it.


美国总统特朗普22日在白宫签署总统备忘录(signed a presidential memorandum),依据"301调查(Section 301 investigation)"结果,将对价值600亿美元从中国进口的商品征收关税(impose tariffs on up to $60 billion of Chinese imports),并限制中国企业对美投资并购。23日,商务部发布了针对美国进口钢铁和铝产品232措施的中止减让产品清单,拟对自美进口部分产品加征关税(consider a tariff increase on imports of some products from the US),以平衡因美国对进口钢铁和铝产品加征关税给中方利益造成的损失(make up for losses caused by US tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum products)。

中国驻美大使崔天凯22日表示中国不希望和美国或任何国家打贸易战(trade war),但如果有人要把贸易战强加中国,我们会战斗,我们会尽一切力量保护我们合法利益(China will take all necessary measures to defend its rights and interests),维护全球贸易体系。崔大使表示,他要告诉那些要打贸易战的人:"我们一定会反击,我们会报复。如果有人玩厉害的,我们就和他们玩厉害的,看谁更持久。"(We will certainly fight back. We will retaliate. If people want to play tough, we will play tough with them, and see who will last longer.)


Preferential Policy of Bonus Points  特长生加分政策

The Ministry of Education will stop giving bonus points to students who have exceptional sports ability, who have won academic Olympiads or science and technology competitions, who are named "provincial-level excellent students" or those who have performed "righteous and courageous deeds", according to a statement posted on its website.


特长生加分政策(preferential policy of bonus points)是指针对拥有体育、文艺等方面专长的学生(students with special talent in sports or artistic field),经过专业部门的测试后,在高考成绩之外给予一定的加分。


特长生加分项目取消以后,如何才能进入心仪的大学呢?答案是,参与大学的自主招生(independent college admission)。目前,全国有90所高校将百分之五的招生名额留给参加自主招生的特长生(Currently, 90 universities have allocated 5% of their enrollment slots to independent admissions designed for students with special talents),每年录取的特长生超过2万名。


Data Breach  数据泄露

European Union and British lawmakers demanded on Tuesday that Facebook should clarify data breach following revelations that personal data was massively misused for political purposes. Facebook CEO Zuckerberg on Thursday admitted that the social media giant "made mistakes".


美国《纽约时报》和英国《卫报》近日曝光,脸书上超过5000万用户的数据被一家名为"剑桥分析"的数据挖矿公司获取(the data of more that 50 million Facebook users were harvested by a data-mining firm named Cambridge Analytica),并在2016年美国总统大选中被用于针对目标受众推送广告,从而影响大选结果。消息一出,脸书市值蒸发数百亿美元。各方批评脸书无能,呼吁引入法规,加强监管。

扎克伯格22日发声明称:脸书有责任保护用户的数据,如果没有做到,我们就不配为用户提供服务(Facebook has a responsibility to protect its users' data and if it fails, we don't deserve to serve you)。这次事件破坏了脸书和用户之间的信任(a breach of trust)。我们将从事件中汲取教训,进一步巩固平台的安全性(learn from this experience to secure our platform further)。

扎克伯格还表示,针对此次数据泄露(data breach)事件,脸书将对所有存在可疑行为的应用进行全面审查(conduct a full audit of any app with suspicious activity);禁止服务不同意进行彻底审查的开发者(ban any developer that did not agree to a thorough audit);禁止服务违规使用用户个人身份信息的开发者等。


Central Radio and Television Station  中央广播电视总台


The reform involves restructuring dozens of central departments. Among them, a notable move is the establishing of a central station for radio and television, which will bring together the current China Central Television, China National Radio and China Radio International.


中央广播电视总台(central radio and television station)的主要职责是,宣传党的理论和路线方针政策(publicize the theories and policies of the Party),统筹组织重大宣传报道,组织广播电视创作生产(organize major journalistic events and the production of radio and television products),制作和播出广播电视精品(produce and broadcast high-quality works of radio and television),引导社会热点,加强和改进舆论监督(strengthen the media's supervision),推动多媒体融合发展,加强国际传播能力建设,讲好中国故事(enhance the capability of international communications to tell good China stories)等。

组建中央广播电视总台旨在加强党对重要舆论阵地的集中建设和管理(strengthen the Party's leadership over public opinion ),增强广播电视媒体整体实力和竞争力(make the whole TV and broadcasting industry more competitive),推动广播电视媒体、新兴媒体融合发展(the development of the TV and broadcasting industry must be combined with the development of new media)。


Fast App  快应用

The top 10 Chinese smartphone vendors, including Huawei and Xiaomi, joined hands on Tuesday to promote technical standards for "fast apps," which are designed to compete against Tencent's mini programs.


快应用(fast app)是基于手机硬件平台的新型应用生态,用户无需下载安装APP便可以即点即用。从产品特性来看,快应用与微信小程序高度相似。与小程序内置于微信不同的是,快应用直接与手机操作系统关联(directly linked to the mobile operating systems of phones)。

快应用技术标准确定后,开发者在一处上传的某个快应用可在10家厂商的手机上线,形成统一的快应用门户(fast app portal)。除了标准化的发布流程、完善的开发者文档、工具及论坛支持外,未来,快应用开放平台还会开放开发者服务支持,如消息推送(push notifications)、帐号接入(acount access)、支付接入(payment)、数据服务(data services)等。


Upskirting  拍裙底照

Girls are being forced to wear shorts under their skirts at school to stop boys from “upskirting”, a teachers’ leader has warned. 

Dr Bousted explained that the practise of “upskirting” - where photographs are taken up girls’ skirts without their knowledge - has led to “girls wearing shorts under their skirts so that [boys] are not going to find anything”. 


The advent of camera phones is behind the growth in upskirting, Dr Bousted said, as it enables teenagers to quickly take a picture and then share it among their friends, or upload it to a social media site. 


“It can happen in an instant: sending it around, and then giving the name of the girl - that is the worst thing, the absolute humiliation, the embarrassment and shame. Social media just provides a new vehicle, another way that girls can be harassed.” 



New Fad  新时尚


Starting on Monday, drivers in Chengdu, Sichuan province, caught sticking dolls onto the exterior of their car will be hit with a 200 yuan fine and two demerit points, according to a report at


在车顶或车尾处贴个卡通玩偶成为国内很多车主的新时尚(new fad),除了蜘蛛侠,还有钢铁侠、小黄人、美国队长等。

这里的fad指在短时间内很流行,但是风潮很快就过去的某种流行趋势,比如,He likes to indulge in all the latest fads.

交管部门表示,车顶粘贴玩偶是对车身外观的轻微改变(slight modification of the car exterior),根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》第16条第一项和《机动车登记规定》第57条之规定,这是违法行为(traffic offense)。

多地交警都曾发布提醒称,此举存在一定的安全隐患,在高速行驶的情况下,尤其是在高速公路上,可能会导致挂饰物脱落( flying off during fast-speed driving),对周边的车辆和交通参与者造成伤害。另外也容易分散驾驶人的注意力(distract other drivers),一旦控制不好与前车的距离,容易发生追尾( rear-end collision)或者剐擦事故(scratch)。


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