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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:34 作者:官方文章 点击:





Rural Vitalization Strategy  乡村振兴战略

China on Sunday released a package of policies under the "No 1 central document" of the year, charting the roadmap for the country's rural vitalization strategy.


文件指出,实施乡村振兴战略(rural vitalization strategy),是解决人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间矛盾(address the contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing needs for a better life)的必然要求,是实现"两个一百年"奋斗目标(realize the Two Centenary Goals)的必然要求,是实现全体人民共同富裕(achieve prosperity for all)的必然要求。

实施乡村振兴战略,是党的十九大作出的重大决策部署。十九大报告指出,"农业农村农民问题是直接关系国计民生的根本性问题,必须始终把解决好"三农"问题作为全党工作的重中之重。"(Issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people are fundamental to China as they directly concern our country's stability and our people's wellbeing. Addressing these issues should have a central place on the work agenda of the Party.)


Spring Festival Couplets  春联

In celebration of the upcoming Spring Festival, China Central Television has teamed up with Chinese internet giant Baidu to launch an online system that can automatically compose Spring Festival couplets.


每年春节,为活跃节日气氛(liven the holiday atmosphere),家家户户都会作春联(Spring Festival couplets)。春联通常由两张纸质条幅组成(be comprised of two paper scrolls),上面写有韵律、长度、语境对仗的吉祥话或美好祝愿(auspicious sayings or good wishes matched in rhythm, length and context),上联和下联贴在门的两侧,而较短的横批则贴在门的上方。


Three-Year Plan On Defending the blue sky  蓝天保卫战三年作战计划


The Chinese government has announced plans to roll out a three-year plan to ensure greater achievements in air pollution control.

除制定实施打赢蓝天保卫战三年作战计划(three-year plan on defending the blue sky)外,今年还要出台京津冀及周边地区(the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas)、长三角(the Yangtze River Delta)、汾渭平原(the Fenhe and Weihe plain)等重点区域大气污染防治实施方案。


Anti-Missile Interception  反导拦截

The Ministry of National Defense announced on Tuesday that China has successfully tested a land-based mid-course anti-missile intercept technology within its territory on Monday, and the test achieved its preset goal.


反导拦截(anti-missile interception)技术按发射地分为陆基(land-based)、海基(sea-based)和天基(space-based),分别指反导系统在陆地、海上和天空发射。按照拦截时机不同可分为三大类,即助推段(boost phase)、中段(mid-course)和末端(terminal)。中段是弹道导弹飞行高度最高的一段,远程弹道导弹(ballistic missile)的中段是在大气层以外飞行。在中段进行拦截,可以避免敌方导弹飞临我方本土,相对于"爱国者3"等末端反导系统(anti-missile system),安全系数更高。但中段拦截因为目标距离远,也要求反导系统的雷达拥有更远的探测距离(detection range)、拦截弹拥有更快的速度和加速度,技术难度更高。


the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics Games  平昌冬奥会

The 23rd Olympic Winter Games will officially kick off Friday in Pyeongchang, South Korea. The opening ceremony, titled "Peace in Motion," begins at 8 pm local time.


平昌冬奥会(the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics Games)是史上规模最大的冬奥会(the largest Winter Games in history),有来自92个国家和地区的2920名运动员(2,920 athletes from 92 countries and regions)参加这场为期17天的冰雪盛会,比赛共分7大项(sports)、15个分项(discipines)以及102个小项(events),设有13座比赛场馆和3座训练场馆。平昌冬奥会将在4个项目上新增小项,分别是冰壶混合双人赛(mixed doubles in curling)、速度滑冰集体出发(speed skating mass start)、高山滑雪团体赛(Alpine skiing team event),以及单板滑雪大跳台(snowboard big air)。


Falcon Heavy  猎鹰重型

The world's most powerful rocket, SpaceX's Falcon Heavy, blasted off on Tuesday on its highly anticipated maiden test flight, carrying CEO Elon Musk's cherry red Tesla Roadster toward an orbit near Mars.


"猎鹰重型(Falcon Heavy)"火箭来自美国商人埃隆·马斯克的私人公司SpaceX,被誉为现役运力最强的运载工具(the most capable launch vehicle available),其设计的近地轨道最大装载量(maximum payload to low-Earth orbit)是64吨,这相当于五辆伦敦双层巴士的重量(the equivalent of five London double-decker buses)。此次"猎鹰重型"火箭不仅将SpaceX首席执行官马斯克的一辆特斯拉跑车送入太空,还成功回收了两枚助推火箭(booster rockets)。猎鹰重型火箭的成功发射代表了SpaceX非凡的科技成就(phenomenal technical achievement),开启了太空探索的新纪元(a new era of space exploration)。


Building Bridges  搭建桥梁

The inauguration of the Olympic Truce Mural took place on Feb 5 at the PyeongChang Olympic Village. According to the organizers of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games, the mural is "a reflection of a bridge as it signifies PyeongChang's vision to use the Olympic and Paralympic Games to open bridges between nations and help achieve a better world through sports."


此次休战墙的主题为“搭建桥梁(Building Bridges)”,墙高约3米、宽约7米,每面墙的中间部分都向下弯曲倒下,犹如拱桥的形状,体现打破壁垒,搭建和平桥梁的寓意。

Olympic Truce就是“奥林匹克休战”,truce指的是a state of peace agreed to between opponents 或者a cessation of all hostilities;那么“宣布休战”就是declaration of truce,与其意思相近的还有ceasefire,这两个词都表示“暂时停火”;armistice则表示参战双方达成正式的“停战协议”,寻找其他解决冲突的方法。


Country's Rail And Road Networks  铁路公路网


Minister of Transportation Li Xiaopeng has given an update on the expansion of the country's rail and road networks.


"By the end of 2017, the total mileage of China's operational railway reached 127,000 kilometers, among which the mileage of high-speed railway was 25,000 kilometers, ranking No. 1 in the world. The total mileage of roads in service was 4.77 million kilometers, among which the mileage of expressway was 136,000 kilometers, also ranking No. 1 in the world."



Ends His Professional Career   退役


Former NBA star Stephon Marbury, who plays for the CBA's Beijing Fly Dragons, ends his professional career Sunday after the China Basketball Association wrapped up its regular season.

前美职篮球星、 北京北控翱龙外援马布里在本赛季CBA常规赛最后一轮比赛后结束了自己的职业生涯。

“退役”的说法有很多,比如,retire from、hang up one's sneakers或者上面例句中的end one's professional career,马布里是篮球运动员,所以他退役就可以说Stephon Marbury retires from basketball。


It's been a blessing to see how basketball has continued to grow and develop in this country in the past nine years. I hope my spirit and the way how I played the game can affect the younger generation.


In the future I'll give my best and my love for the game to the younger generation here in China. That's my obligation.



Red Lines For Ecological Protection  生态保护红线


China has designated 610,000 square kilometers of land as key ecological zones with a fragile environmental status. The demarcated area covers 15 provincial regions, including Beijing, and is intended to strengthen ecological protection, the Ministry of Environmental Protection announced on Monday.


生态保护红线(red lines for ecological protection)是指在自然生态服务功能(ecosystem services)、环境质量安全(environmental quality and safety)、自然资源利用(use of natural resources)等方面,需要实行严格保护的空间边界与管理限值(boundaries and limits),以维护国家和区域生态安全及经济社会可持续发展,保障人民群众健康。

此次划定的生态保护区域涵盖了国家级和省级自然保护区(nature reserves of national and provincial levels)、风景名胜区(scenic areas)、森林公园(forest parks)、地质公园(geological parks)、湿地公园(wetland parks)等各类保护地,基本实现了“应划尽划”。

从不同区域看,京津冀区域生态保护红线包括水源涵养(water conservation)、生物多样性维护(maintenance of biodiversity)、水土保持(conservation of water and soil)、防风固沙(windbreak and sand fixing)、水土流失控制(control of soil erosion)、土地沙化控制(control of land desertification)、海岸生态稳定(ecological stability in coastal areas)等7大类37个片区,构成了以燕山生态屏障、太行山生态屏障、坝上高原防风固沙带、沿海生态防护带为主体的“两屏两带”生态保护红线空间分布格局。

长江经济带生态保护红线包括水源涵养、生物多样性维护、水土保持、水土流失控制、石漠化控制(rocky desertification control)和海岸生态稳定等6大类144个片区,构成了以“三区十二带”为主的生态保护红线空间格局。宁夏回族自治区生态保护红线包括水源涵养、生物多样性维护、水土保持、防风固沙、水土流失控制等5大类9个片区,构成了以“三屏一带五区”为主的生态保护红线空间格局。


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