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发布时间:2019-06-21 09:58 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:

"中国学" 怎么翻译?这个话题上外高翻去年考过!



Sinology has been advancing fast in recent years. 


However, it is undeniable that the studies of China have not kept pace with the development of China during the past three decades. 


there is an urgent need for an objective, comprehensive and original approach to the studies ofChina. 

(百度百科:中国研究也称“中国研究”、“汉学”。国外对中国研究的统称。汉学(英语:Sinology)或称中国学(英语:China Studies)是指中国以外的学者对有关中国的方方面面进行研究的一门学科。有广狭两义。广义指研究中国的哲学、宗教、历史、政治、经济、艺术、语言等各门社会科学和部分自然科学;狭义指研究中国的文献、语言和文学。在现阶段,中国学的研究重心是当代中国的政治、经济和文化。包括中国历史、政治、社会、文学、哲学、经济等等,甚至也包括对于海外华人的研究。中国人研究汉学,通常称为国学。)


The answers to these questions call for joint study and exploration both in China and the rest of the world. PKU and Cambridge, the two world-class universities of the highest academic traditions, have a key role to play in this endeavour. PKU has been regarded as the top Chinese university ever since its founding more than a century ago. Today, PKU boasts flourishing academic achievements and a growing number of fine graduates. Among other things, it is a leading institution in China in the study of Europe and Britain. I have visited PKU more often than any other Chinese university. Back in 2010, I was with Prime Minister David Cameron when he visited PKU. Just a few weeks ago I was here discussing with the PKU Academy of Opera about its cooperation with Britain. And today, I am back once again.

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