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公众号:高斋翻译学堂 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
发布时间:2019-03-15 11:50 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:


1.     “两个一百年”奋斗目标: Two Centenary Goals

例如:The Chinese people can derive great confidence and a strengthened sense of unity from these achievements, drawing on them to forge ahead on this new leg of the journey toward realizing the Two Centenary Goals.这些成就极大增强了中华民族的自信心和凝聚力,必将激励全国各族人民在实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标的新征程上奋力前行!

2.      保持经济中高速增长:maintain a medium-high rate of growth

例如:We should work to maintain a medium-high rate of growth and promote the development of industries toward the medium-high end. 保持经济中高速增长,推动产业迈向中高端水平。

3.      加快推进产业结构优化升级:move faster to improve or upgrade the structure of industry

例如:To that end, we will move faster to improve or upgrade the structure of industry and launch initiatives that use advanced technologies and can drive industrial development. 加快推进产业结构优化升级,实施一批技术水平高、带动能力强的重大工程。

4.      新型城镇化和农业现代化:new urbanization and agricultural modernization例如:We should make progress in new urbanization and agricultural modernization as well as in balancing development between urban and rural areas and between regions. 推进新型城镇化和农业现代化,促进城乡区域协调发展。

5. 人口老龄化:population aging

 例如:We need to respond proactively to population aging. 积极应对人口老龄化。

6.  顶层设计:a top-level strategy

7.  道德制高点:moral high ground

8.  服务型政府:a service-oriented government

9.  改革蓝图:reform blueprint

10. 高度自治:a high degree of autonomy


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on April 27, 2016


译文:In 2011 and 2012, the Security Council convened meetings on the piracy issue in the Gulf of Guinea. This time,China’s joint proposal with Angola and Senegal of holding an open debate on this issue got positive response from the international community with great attention.The Security Council also issued a presidential statement which answered the call of coastal states of the Gulf of Guinea and countries in the region for international cooperation against piracy, built up international consensus on combating pirates in the Gulf ofGuinea and shed light on how this issue could be resolved with joint efforts, bringing the international cooperation against piracy to a higher level.


the Security Council:n.联合国安全理事会

convene:vt. 召集,集合;传唤 vi. 聚集,集合例如:The governor convened his troops to put down the revolt. 总督召集他的部队去镇压叛乱。

issue:n. 流出;发行物;问题;期号 vt. 发行,发布;放出,排出;发给 vi. 发行;流出;造成…结果;传下

例如:It's extremely rare for her to weigh in on political issues.


An independent committee issued a discouraging review of the WHO's response.


shed light on:阐明;使…清楚地显出

例如:The work is also expected to shed light on intriguing studies that suggest how we live today can have striking repercussions for the health and behavior of our grandchildren. 这项研究成果还有望阐明某些颇为吸引人的研究,这些研究发现,我们今天的生活方式对后代的健康和行为具有非常重大的影响。article.yeeyan.org

It will be a year or two before climate scientists publish definitive analyses of the Russian heat wave and the Pakistani floods, which might shed light on the role of climate change, if any. 气象科学家还需一到两年的时间才能公布俄罗斯炎热高温天气和巴基斯坦洪水的最终报告,这可能有利于阐明气候变化在这些事件中扮演的角色。article.yeeyan.org


译文:In conducting China’s relations with Africa, we adhere to the principles of sincerity, practical results, affinity and good faith and uphold the values of friendship, justice and shared interests. We take an active part in international cooperation against pirates in the Gulf of Guinea and offer help to coastal states in their endeavor to maintain normal traffic order on the sea and enhance capacity building in infrastructure and other fields. We will continue to strengthen cooperation with African countries and create a sound security environment for the economic and social development of Africa.


adhere to:坚持, 依附例如:We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly. 我们坚持人人都应该被平等对待这一原则。club.topsage.com

We must adhere to the principle of making study serve the practical purpose. 我们必须坚持学以致用的原则。《新英汉大辞典》

practical results:实际的效果;实践结果;施工实效;实效性

例如:The test of the worth of personal freedom, then, can only be its practical results in a country whose institutions and ways of life and of thought have grown from individualism. 因此,对个人自由的价值测试,也唯有通过在一个国家里的实践结果来确定,而这个国家的制度、生活方式和思考方式都要诞生自个人主义。article.yeeyan.org

The US side noted bilateral law enforcement cooperation has scored practicalresults, which is beneficial to the development of US-China relations. 美方表示,中美执法合作取得了实际成果,这有利于美中关系的发展。www.fmprc.gov.cn

affinity:n. 吸引力;姻亲关系;密切关系;类同

例如:This substance has an affinity for water. 这物质和水有亲和力。《新英汉大辞典》

There are two busy threads on the sending side, and only one of them gets its affinity set. 在发送端有两个繁忙的线程,并且其中仅有一个拥有其亲和力集合。www.ibm.com


Cyber thieves target global bank systems after Bangladesh heist


2016年04月27日 06:02 AM


原文:The FireEye statement,which one person in the cyber security sector said amounted to awarning of a criminal “campaign” targeting banks, followed an admission by Swift on Monday that it was aware of malicious software designed to prevent banks spotting fraudulent transactions.



statement : n.声明, 陈述结算单, 报表

例如:Can you deny the truth of her statement? 你能否认她的声明的真实性吗?《21世纪大英汉词典》

We attached no significance to his statement. 我们认为他的声明毫无意义。《21世纪大英汉词典》

amount to:总计, 等于

例如:Whatever you make, you have to sell a certain amount to break even. 不管你做什么,你都要卖出一定数额才能达到收支相抵。article.yeeyan.org

Then it provides an edit field for the user to enter the amount to deposit or debit. 然后,提供一个编辑框,用户可以在其中输入存款或取款的数量。www.ibm.com

 malicious:adj.恶意的, 恶毒的

例如:You ought to kick back at such malicious slander. 你应当对这种恶意诽谤进行反击。《21世纪大英汉词典》

The malicious rumours compromised her good reputation.恶毒的谣言使她的好名声受到损害。《21世纪大英汉词典》

fraudulent:adj.欺骗的,不诚实的 adv.欺骗地

例如:Various fraudulent schemes purporting to be from or associated with the World Health Organization(WHO), have been circulating. 各种声称来自或与世界卫生组织(世卫组织)有关联的欺诈计划在四处传播。www.who.int

Burton says that using the essays as part of an application would be fraudulent and that he discourages it, but both men concede it's a possibility. 波顿说使用这些论文作为申请的一部分是欺骗性的,他并不鼓励这一点,但这两位均承认存在这种可能性。article.yeeyan.org

transaction: n.处理, 办理, 执行 ;(一笔)交易; (一项)事务

例如:They derived a benefit from that transaction. 他们从那笔交易中获利。《21世纪大英汉词典》

In this case,you should count the flow as one transaction. 在这种情况下,您应该将该流程计算成一个事务。www.ibm.com


1.奥运会会徽:Olympic logo 亦称奥运会会标

奥运会会徽(Emblem of Olympic Games)是一届奥林匹克运动会的奥林匹克徽记,亦称奥运会会标。现代奥运会(包括冬季奥运会)的组织委员会都为所举办的奥运会设计一种独特的会徽。会徽的图样有时是通过广泛公开征集,择优选中的。但是,奥运会会徽必须经过国际奥委会执行委员会审查批准。(出自百度百科)

2.背景调查:background check/investigation


3.跳蚤市场: flea market

跳蚤市场(flea market)是欧美等西方国家对旧货地摊市场的别称。由一个个地摊摊位组成,市场规模大小不等。出售商品多是旧货、人们多余的物品及未曾用过但已过时的衣物等,小到衣服上的小装饰物,大到完整的旧汽车、录像机、电视机、洗衣机,一应俱全,应有尽有。价格低廉,仅为新货价格的10%~30%。跳蚤市场的管理松散。现在在大多数学校都会举办一年一度的跳蚤市场活动。(出自百度百科)

4.在线教师:online teacher/tutor

在线教师(online teacher/tutor)是指利用网络提供教学辅导的老师。随着互联网的快速发展,在线辅导((online tutoring)、在线教育服务(online education services)优势明显,获得迅速发展。

5.增值税:value-added tax (VAT)



6.气泡音:vocal fry

7. 澜沧江—湄公河合作机制:The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation mechanism

8.“E11”(新兴11国):E11 (eleven emerging economies)

9.人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录:list of intangible world heritages

10.快时尚:Fast fashion




罗素: 20世纪英国哲学家、数理逻辑家、历史学家,无神论或者不可知论者,也是上世纪西方最著名、影响最大的学者和和平主义社会活动家之一。罗素曾获得诺贝尔文学奖,“以表彰其多样且重要的作品,持续不断的追求人道主义理想和思想自由”。他的代表作品有《幸福之路》、《西方哲学史》、《数学原理》、《物的分析》等。


1.  埃斯库罗斯:古希腊悲剧诗人,是古希腊悲剧的真正创造者,与索福克勒斯和欧里庇得斯一起被称为古希腊最伟大的悲剧作家,有“悲剧之父”、“有强烈倾向的诗人”的美誉。代表作品有《被缚的普罗米修斯》《阿伽门农》《复仇女神》等。

2.  索福克勒斯:雅典三大悲剧作家之一,他既相信神和命运的无上威力,又要求人们具有独立自主的精神,并对自己的行为负责,这是雅典名主政治繁荣时期思想意识的特征。他根据他的理想来塑造人物形象,即使处在命运的掌握之中,也不丧失其独立自主的坚强性格。和埃斯库罗斯不同,索福克勒斯认为命运不再是具体的精神,而是另一种抽象的概念。有“戏剧艺术的荷马”之美誉。代表作有《俄狄浦斯王》、《安提戈涅》等。

3.  欧里庇得斯:雅典三大悲剧作家之一,是民主政治衰落时期的悲剧诗人。在智者学派的影响下,他对神和命运之类的观念提出了异议。他所表现的神往往都是荒谬的。在他看来,命运不是生前注定的,取决于人们自己的行为。有舞台上的哲学家之美誉。代表作有:《独目巨人》《特洛伊妇女》《美狄亚》等。其作品对于后世的影响是深远的。

4.  古希腊三大悲剧:《被缚的普罗米修斯》、《俄狄浦斯王》、《美狄亚》。

5.      阿里斯托芬:古希腊喜剧作家,雅典公民。有“喜剧之父”之称。在欧洲古代阿里斯托芬被看作是旧喜剧的三大最著名的诗人之一。阿里斯托芬及他之前的喜剧被称为就喜剧,后起的则被称为中喜剧和新喜剧。相传写有四十四部喜剧,现存《骑士》、《和平》、《鸟》、《蛙》等十一部。


1.     普希金:俄国著名的文学家、被许多人认为是俄国最伟大的诗人、现代俄国文学的奠基人。19世纪俄国浪漫主义文学主要代表。被誉为“俄国小说之父”。他的作品是俄国民族意识高涨以及贵族革命运动在文学上的反应。代表作有诗歌《自由颂》、《致大海》、《致恰达耶夫》、《假如生活欺骗了你》等。

2. 果戈里:俄国批判主义作家,善于描绘生活,将现实和幻想结合,具有讽刺性的幽默,他最著名的作品是《死亡灵》和《钦差大臣》。果戈里是俄国现实主义文学的奠基人。他对俄国小说艺术的发展做出了显著贡献。



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