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别再用错as well as和and啦|CATTI和MTI
发布时间:2019-03-15 13:53 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:


Trade and economic relations between China and the US are of great significance for the two countries as well as for the stability and development of the world economy.

很多人写成了and,今天“高斋翻译学堂”就给大家分享关于 as well as的用法。这平时的练习中也是经常碰到的。通过例句给大家总结了关于它 的用法。

as well as也可以换为and,但是as well as起到强调作用,而且A as well as B, 主要在强调A,后面介词可加,可不加。

1.Hollywood has always been about marketing dreams to investors as well as to audiences.


2.you need to pre-sell in China as well as the US.


第1例句加上介词to, 第2例句都省略了介词in,也可以加上in, in China as well as in the US。

并列用as well as,相当于, and,但是as well as起到强调作用,而且A as well as B, 主要在强调A。

Website traffic includes customers checking online prices and information, as well as those actually buying. 


分析:those指的是new practitioners,这个as well as更好,使用and与后面的and重复了。

as well as 前后连接的是一个不同的整体,,and会引起歧义,as well as避免引起歧义。

1. Gree has plants in four provinces in China as well as Brazil, Vietnam and Pakistan. 


分析:例1如果写成and,会引起歧义,误以为是China和Brazil, Vietnam and Pakistan并列,其实是four provinces in China 和Brazil, Vietnam and Pakistan并列。

as well as 连接的前后都是不同的整体,前面或者后面小并列是整体,后面是独自的整体,使用,and会引起歧义。

1.This can include practical abilities such as riding a bike and kneading dough, as well as higher-level tasks.


2.Yet slower predicted growth in China’s property and infrastructure this year, as well as rising scrap prices, could dampen the steel boom.


注意:例1:如果使用riding a bike and kneading dough, and higher-level tasks会误以为是并列的,但是前面riding a bike and kneading dough是基础能力,后面是 higher-level tasks高技术能力,所以使用as well as避免引起歧义。

例句2 as well as 前面省略了 China’s,说明物主代词不需要重复。

as well as 前后连接的是一个不同的整体,避免and使用太多,使用as well as

1. 我们要加强各国议会、政党、民间组织往来,密切妇女、青年、残疾人等群体交流,促进包容发展。我们也要加强国际反腐合作,让“一带一路”成为廉洁之路。

We should strengthen exchanges between parliaments, political parties and non-governmental organizations of different countries as well as between women, youths and people with disabilities with a view to achieving inclusive development.

2. 还有前面提到的那段:of great significance for the two countries as well as for the stability and development of the world economy.

例1和例2:前后是不能直接并列的,前后各属于一个整体,前后都是并列短语,所以使用as well as并列,不建议使用,and,因为避免使用太多逗号。而且重复介词显得结构更加清晰。

而且加上介词更有强调的感觉,比如范冰冰道歉信英文版里面有这样一句:Again, I apologize to society and my devoted fans, as well as to my friends and family who care about me. I sincerely say: I am sorry! 

as well as作介词,后面接动词ing或原型,意为“除了„„之外,不仅,还有”,后接n or v-ing

As well as trying to master the Chinese language, Mr Zuckerberg has entertained China’s chief censor at his San Francisco home.


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