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Fostering a Global Community of Shared Future: Contemporary Significance and Tangible Achievements




(一)Improving Global Governance: A Chinese Initiative Responding to Common Challenges


A Resounding Call to Address Global Challenges


A Global Aspiration for a Brighter Future


An Intrinsic Requirement of Chinese Modernization


II. Standing for Mutual Appreciation: A Chinese Proposition Resonating Globally


The Essence of a Global Community of Shared Future


The Cultural Origins of a Global Community of Shared Future


The Contemporary Significance of a Global Community of Shared Future


III. Benefiting the World: A Chinese Practice Serving the Well-being of All Humanity


1. Steady Progress in Building a Global Community of Shared Future at Various Levels and in Multiple Areas


2. The Belt and Road Initiative as a Platform for Implementing the Global Community of Shared Future


3. Three Global Initiatives as Strategic Guidance for a Global Community of Shared Future


Throughout its development and progress, human society has given rise to diverse civilizations and systems. In light of this, how can we coexist and forge ahead as we collectively inhabit planet Earth, the sole abode of humanity?


In March 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the concept of a global community of shared future. As explicitly stated in the Report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a global community of shared future represents the path ahead for all the people of the world. It envisions a world where “all things flourish and nourish each other without harm; paths run parallel and coexist without conflict.” It is only when all nations follow the Great Way – living in harmony and engaging in cooperation for mutual benefit – that sustained prosperity and guaranteed security can be achieved.


Over the past 11 years, the concept of a global community of shared future has undergone continuous enrichment and development, with its theoretical framework growing increasingly robust. Its contemporary significance and timeless values have radiated brightly, serving as an inexhaustible wellspring of thoughts that guide the advancement of our era.


Over the past 11 years, the endeavor to build a global community of shared future has evolved from a Chinese initiative to an international consensus. Increasingly, countries and peoples have recognized that this concept resonates with the common interests and values of all humanity, and has the potential to catalyze the greatest synergy among nations in creating a better world. As a testament to its visionary nature, this concept has been repeatedly incorporated into the documents of the United Nations and other international organizations, garnering deep appreciation and support from leaders of numerous countries and international organizations.


Over the past 11 years, the pursuit of a global community of shared future has been translated into concrete practices, yielding fruitful outcomes. International cooperation, exemplified by initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative, has flourished. The building of bilateral and multilateral communities of shared future has witnessed steady progress. Through the advancement of various initiatives such as a global community of health for all, a community with a shared future in cyberspace, a community of shared future for nuclear security, a maritime community with a shared future, a community of life for humanity and nature, a community of all life on Earth, a global community of development, and a global community of security for all, a multifaceted framework and tangible strategies have been put in place to drive the construction of a global community of shared future.

推动构建人类命运共同体,是习近平外交思想的核心理念,体现了中国共产党人的世界观、秩序观、价值观,指明了世界文明进步的方向。它既是马克思主义“真正的共同体”(die wirkliche Gemeinschaft)思想的发展运用,也是对中华优秀传统文化的传承弘扬,回响着世界不同文明中古老智慧和共同追求的历史共鸣。

A global community of shared future is the core tenet of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy. It encapsulates the worldview, life philosophy, and value system upheld by the Communist Party of China, while shedding light on the trajectory of global civilization. It represents the evolution and application of the Marxist notion of a “real community” (die wirkliche Gemeinschaft) and the continuation of the rich traditional Chinese culture and resonates with the wisdom of ancient times and the shared aspirations of diverse civilizations across the globe.


A global community of shared future stands as an inherent  imperative for China’s path to modernization. With nearly one-fifth of the world’s population, China is intricately interconnected with the global community. In its pursuit of modernization, China actively contributes to a future that  encompasses  lasting peace, universal security, shared prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, and environmental sustainability. The belief that “China can only do well when the world is doing well; when China does well, the world will get even better” underscores the conviction that China’s progress is intertwined with the well-being of the entire world. The vision of a global community of shared future not only aligns with China’s own development aspirations but also exemplifies its sense of responsibility as a major country.


“In this world, countries are interconnected and interdependent to an unprecedented degree. Humanity, by living in the same global village in the same time and space where history and reality meet, have increasingly emerged as a community of shared future in which all people have in themselves a little bit of others.” Fostering a global community of shared future is intricately tied to the future of all individuals, nations, and peoples. It represents a concrete endeavor for the ultimate future of humanity and serves as a profound moral compass for the preservation of civilization.


I. Improving Global Governance: A Chinese Initiative Responding to Common Challenges


In the present-day world, human society grapples not only with weighty historical issues but also with significant contemporary challenges. Building a global community of shared future emerges as a governance approach for nations to tackle these challenges, resolve conflicts, and bridge differences. It represents a Chinese proposition aimed at propelling human society towards enduring peace, universal security, shared prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, and the creation of a clean and beautiful world.


1. A Resounding Call to Address Global Challenges


Since the Age of Discovery in the 15th century, Western developed countries have gradually established an unequal international division of labor and an unjust global political and economic order through forceful conquest and exploitative practices. Consequently, the majority of developing countries continue to confront formidable developmental obstacles, struggling to fully emancipate themselves from the constraints imposed by multinational capital and ideological manipulation. Simultaneously, the profit-oriented capitalist system prevalent in Western developed countries faces its own set of challenges, including excessive financialization, industrial decline, social polarization, and political extremism. These countries find themselves embroiled in political turmoil, grappling with economic stagnation, and experiencing societal fragmentation, leaving their citizens bewildered, perplexed, and frustrated.


Throughout history, especially since the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, humanity has extracted and exploited natural resources on an unprecedented scale, resulting in severe environmental degradation and detrimental effects on the sustainable development of society. Global warming and climate change have triggered a surge in extreme weather events, diminished agricultural productivity, and contributed to the spread of certain diseases, leading to substantial human casualties and economic losses. The obstacles to achieving economic and social sustainability are indeed formidable.


The ongoing new technological revolution is advancing at a rapid pace, bringing about profound societal transformations that test the adaptability and governance capacities of the countries of the world. The emergence of new technologies also gives rise to fresh forms of inequality, as technological disparities and the digital divide create new divisions within societies. Novel forms of injustice, such as oligarchy and manipulative practices by technological giants, come to the forefront. Humanity must not only confront the potential harms arising from technological hegemony but also wrestle with unpredictable technological risks that can have unpredictable consequences.


In addition to the growing prominence of nonconventional threats, various conventional threats have not diminished. While the ongoing Ukraine crisis persists, conflicts in the Middle East have resurfaced, contributing to a deteriorating regional security landscape with repercussions felt globally. Some influential powers lack the willingness to reach consensus on cooperation, leading to a resurgence of a confrontational atmosphere between blocs. The global economy is grappling with a sluggish recovery, accompanied by protectionist measures and zero-sum mindset that disrupt global supply and industrial chains. The current state of the world is marked by deficits in peace, security, development, and governance, presenting formidable challenges to the multilateral governance system.


On top of new and old issues that intertwine and clash, complex problems brew and simmer, making   instability and uncertainty the prevailing norm in the world. As UN Secretary-General António Guterres emphasized at the BRICS-Africa Outreach and BRICS Plus Dialogue in August 2023, “we cannot afford a world with a divided global economy and financial system; with diverging strategies on technology including artificial intelligence; and with conflicting security frameworks.” Humanity is once again standing at a crossroads, facing the question of which path to take.


Faced with a multitude of risks and challenges in the contemporary world, and in recognition of the crucial question of “what kind of a world we should build and how to build it,” which is pivotal for the collective future of humanity, China has presented a distinct proposition: Building a global community of shared future.


2. A Global Aspiration for a Brighter Future


Throughout the extensive course of social development, diverse ethnic groups, histories, and cultures have emerged. From the Chinese standpoint, the world can be likened to a garden, where countries with distinct social systems and rich historical and cultural backgrounds are akin to flowers, each vying to showcase its unique beauty. Despite the divergent paths we have taken, we all share a common yearning for a future that encompasses peace and prosperity. Fostering a global community of shared future can serve as the unified vision for all nations in their collective endeavor to build a better world.


Fostering a global community of shared future places great emphasis on the principle of “sharing.” This concept is not aimed at replacing one system or civilization with another. Instead, it revolves around the idea of sharing among nations encompassing diverse social systems, ideologies, history and cultures, and levels of development. It calls for the sharing of benefits, as well as rights and responsibilities in international affairs.


Fostering a global community of shared future promotes the idea of “integration.” Throughout history, even in ancient times when means of transportation was limited, various means such as camel caravans along the Silk Road, merchant ships crossing vast oceans, intrepid travelers, and daring explorers played a role in facilitating exchanges, fostering mutual learning, and propelling the advancement of human civilization. The Age of Discovery further accelerated the global flow of resources, while advancements in science and technology expanded the collective knowledge of humanity. As the grand tapestry of globalization continues to unfold, humanity increasingly becomes an interconnected community, where every individual has a stake in the future of others.


Fostering a global community of shared future underscores the principle of “inclusiveness.” President Xi Jinping has emphasized that “on the road to the well-being of all mankind, no country or nation should be left behind.” Fostering a global community of shared future aligns with the collective interests of humanity. It embodies the aspirations of people worldwide for peace, development, equity, justice, democracy, and freedom. It signifies the right direction for progress and has garnered growing recognition and support from nations and individuals globally, fostering a collaborative force of cooperation among civilizations.


Since President Xi Jinping first proposed the concept of a global community of shared future in 2013, it has undergone continuous evolution and enrichment, and has been implemented through tangible actions. It has now become a significant approach put forth by China to tackle global challenges and shape a better future during this critical transformation of the world. The concept helps to dissipate the haze in the turbulent world, providing a clear direction for global development.


3. An Intrinsic Requirement of Chinese Modernization


In the new era, rejuvenating the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization is the historic mission of the Communist Party of China. Promoting a global community of shared future is not only an integral part of this mission but also one of its intrinsic requirements.


China has never adopted an isolationist stance towards the world. In his keynote speech at the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, President Xi Jinping characterized China’s relationship with the world as follows: “China can only do well when the world is doing well. When China does well, the world will get even better.”


“China cannot be separated from the world in achieving development, and the world also needs China for prosperity.” China relies on imports of advanced equipment, raw materials, and critical supplies from over 200 countries and regions spanning six continents. Conversely, the immense market demand in China presents a wide array of cooperation opportunities for enterprises from various nations. China has diligently absorbed outstanding achievements and advanced experiences from civilizations worldwide, which have, in turn, sparked new ideas and insights infused with Chinese characteristics. As the world’s second-largest economy, largest manufacturer, and largest trader in goods, China actively contributes to global peace, stability, and economic development. China stands as the second-largest contributor to the United Nations budget and has become “a crucial element and key force in peacekeeping operations.” Over the past decade, China has accounted for over one-third of the world’s economic growth. China draws its developmental impetus from the world, and its progress undeniably benefits the global community.


Building a global community of shared future represents a natural extension of China’s path to modernization. China’s path to modernization encompasses a vast population and aims to achieve common prosperity, coordinated material and cultural-ethical advancement, harmony between humanity and nature, and peaceful development. As China pursues peaceful development, it stands as a staunch advocate for world peace, striving to “build a world of lasting peace.” Embracing the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, China commits to “building a world of common security.” With a focus on prosperity for all, China endeavors to “build a world of common prosperity” through win-win cooperation. Upholding the concept of “coordinated material and cultural-ethical advancement,” China advocates for the “building of an open and inclusive world” through communication and mutual learning. In its dedication to ecological conservation and promoting harmony between humanity and nature, China aspires to “build a clean and beautiful world.” The goals of China’s modernization align harmoniously with those of building a global community of shared future. Both sets of goals reflect China’s Five-Sphere Integrated Plan, which promotes political, economic, social, cultural, and ecological development. These goals embody the values of respecting individuals, equity, peace, development, and reverence for nature. They exemplify China’s wisdom and efforts in effectively managing relationships among people and between humanity and nature.


Chinese modernization is intricately linked to and inseparable from the construction of a global community of shared future. The process of China’s modernization will establish a strong foundation for a global community of shared future. With a population accounting for nearly one-fifth of the world’s total, China’s own modernization efforts contribute significantly to the modernization of human society as a whole. Furthermore, China’s modernization can serve as a reference and offer a new path for the modernization of other developing countries, thereby facilitating global common development and the modernization of all humankind. This, in turn, creates more favorable conditions for the establishment of a global community of shared future. The concept of a global community of shared future is an intrinsic requirement of China’s modernization. This requirement stems not only from the mission of the Communist Party of China but also from the necessity of an external environment that supports China’s modernization endeavors. The Communist Party of China is committed not only to pursuing the well-being of the Chinese people but also to promoting progress for humanity and striving for a harmonious world. A supportive external environment that fosters the common and peaceful development of humanity undoubtedly provides favorable conditions for the modernization of China.


China endeavors to advance the construction of global community of shared future while modernizing itself. This approach sets it apart from Western countries in terms of their respective modernization processes. Western modernization has often been accompanied by aggression, exploitation, conflicts, and inequality. In contrast, China is committed to forging a different path, one that   avoids the pitfalls   of past Western modernization and does not jeopardize the interests of other nations in the process of its own development. China upholds the concept of a shared future and adheres to principles such as equal consultation, win-win cooperation, and common development. China’s development endeavors also provide opportunities for other countries to benefit from its progress and advancements.


“To establish oneself, one must first help others to establish themselves first.” Through the construction of a global community of shared future during the course of China’s modernization, the Chinese people will collaborate with people worldwide to forge a brighter future together.


II. Standing for Mutual Appreciation: A Chinese Proposition Resonating Globally


The concept of a global community of shared future recognizes the interconnectivity of the future of all nations. It promotes collaboration, harmonious coexistence, and mutual benefits among diverse groups. This concept provides a guiding light for interactions between countries, resonating with the international community and generating hopeful anticipation. It also showcases China’s sense of responsibility and commitment as a major global player.


1. The Essence of a Global Community of Shared Future


The concept of a global community of shared future embodies a rich set of ideas and principles, including openness and inclusiveness, equity and justice, harmonious coexistence, diversity and mutual learning, and solidarity and cooperation.


“Openness and inclusiveness” mean not drawing ideological boundaries, not targeting specific entities, not forming exclusive “cliques,” and embracing diversity with open arms.


“Equity and justice” entail upholding the international order based on international law, maintaining the authority of international law, ensuring equal and uniform application of international law, and avoiding double standard and selective adherence.


“Harmonious coexistence” involves achieving peaceful coexistence and common development among nations while seeking common ground and reserving differences. The vitality of global development lies precisely in the coexistence of diversity.


“Diversity and mutual learning” recognize that the diversity of civilizations is a fundamental characteristic of the world, and the exchange and mutual learning among different civilizations are crucial drivers of human progress.


“Solidarity and cooperation” emphasize that one should consider the interests of the entire world. Addressing global development challenges requires cooperation among nations, as unilateral efforts are insufficient.


During his visit to Russia in March 2013, President Xi Jinping first put forward the vision of a global community of shared future, urging the international community to embrace the concept of an interconnected and interdependent global community with shared future.


On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the United Nations and the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War in September 2015, President Xi advocated the establishment of a new type of international relations characterized by win-win cooperation. He outlined a five-point proposal for building a global community of shared future. Firstly, he emphasized the importance of building partnerships based on equality, extensive consultation, and mutual understanding among nations. Secondly, he called for the creation of a security environment that is fair, just, cooperative, and beneficial to all. Thirdly, he emphasized the promotion of open, innovative, and inclusive development that benefits everyone. Fourthly, he highlighted the significance of fostering inter-civilization exchanges to promote harmony, inclusiveness, and respect for differences. Lastly, he emphasized the need to build an ecosystem that prioritizes the well-being of Mother Nature and promotes green development.


In January 2017, during his speech at the United Nations Office at Geneva, President Xi put forth five goals for the world. These goals aim to enhance and broaden the concept of a global community of shared future, providing a more distinct vision for the future of humanity. The five goals are as follows: building a world of lasting peace through dialogue and consultation; ensuring security for all in the world through joint efforts; realizing common prosperity globally through win-win cooperation; embracing an open and inclusive world through exchanges and mutual learning; and making the world clean and beautiful by pursuing green and low-carbon development.


The five-point proposal and the five goals for the world have expanded and enhanced the concept of a global community of shared future, offering crucial principles for the advancement of politics, security, economy, culture, and ecology.


In line with the concept of a global community of shared future, China has put forward the notion of building a new type of international relations that embraces a fresh approach to state-to-state interactions. This approach is characterized by principles such as mutual respect, equity and justice, and win-win cooperation. China upholds true multilateralism and encourages all nations to engage as participants in, contributors to, and beneficiaries of global peace and development. Furthermore, China advocates the common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy, and freedom for humanity. These values are deeply rooted in the pursuit of a global community of shared future.


2. The Cultural Origins of a Global Community of Shared Future


The concept of building a global community of shared future embodies a profoundly scientific ideology. It encompasses the quintessence of Marxism and builds upon the foundation of traditional Chinese culture by harmoniously merging the two. Furthermore, it reflects the enduring accomplishments of civilizations and the shared values embraced by diverse nations.


The concept of a global community of shared future represents a significant theoretical advancement in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context. It is founded on solid theoretical principles and follows the inherent logic of Marxism, aligning with its core essence.


In the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, Karl Marx stated that “man is a social being.” He further pointed out in the Theses on Feuerbach that “the essence of man is no abstraction inherent in each single individual. In reality, it is the ensemble of the social relations.” Therefore, the flourishing of human social life can only be achieved within a community. In The German Ideology, Marx and Friedrich Engels propose that “only within the community has each individual the means of cultivating his gifts in all directions; hence personal freedom becomes possible only within the community.” The concept of community aligns with the inherent requirements of human social nature and represents the natural and necessary expression of our collective essence.


According to Marxism, the development of human community has undergone a historical progression. In the pre-capitalist era, society was organized around the “natural common body” based on kinship and familial ties. With the advent of capitalism, an “imagined community” emerged, characterized by individuals gaining the ability to produce and exchange goods. While this development may initially appear as a path toward freedom, it actually signifies a shift from dependence on the community to reliance on “objects” such as property or currency. However, the “imagined community” fails to truly represent the interests of the majority, and it is inevitable that it will be replaced by a “real community.” In this real community, individuals will eventually become the masters of their own destiny. They will be embedded in specific social relations and freely or consciously engage in production and life. Through their collective efforts, they will pursue freedom as a unified entity, ultimately achieving genuine  freedom in the process.


The notion of a global community of shared future exemplifies the evolution of the Marxist concept of “community” within contemporary contexts, thereby expanding the frontiers and domains of scientific socialist theory.


The concept of a global community of shared future adopts the principles derived from traditional Chinese culture. It encompasses the worldview of fostering harmony among nations and promoting universal peace, the social values of tranquility and coexistence, the moral values of prioritizing the common good and seeking a balanced approach to moral obligations and economic interests, as well as the ecological principles of recognizing the unity of humanity and nature and adhering to the laws of nature.


The principle of fostering harmony among nations and promoting universal peace can be translated into promoting equality and cooperation in the modern world. During the first plenary session of the 8th G20 Summit in 2013, President Xi delivered a speech emphasizing the importance of countries embracing the vision of a global community of shared future and recognizing the interconnectedness of success and loss among nations. That necessitates cooperation amid competition and striving for mutually beneficial outcomes. While pursuing its national interests, a country should also consider the interests of other nations, leading to cascading effects and positive spillovers of its development on others.


The concept of tranquility and coexistence encapsulates the principles of mutual respect and appreciation. As stated in The Doctrine of the Mean, “All things flourish and nurture without causing harm to one another; paths run parallel and coexist without conflicting with one another.” China has consistently advocated approaching differences among civilizations and countries with a peaceful mindset and fostering inclusiveness in understanding political systems and values. Within the framework of a global community of shared future, the notion of coexistence and shared prosperity underscores the significance of respecting cultural diversity and acknowledging each country’s right to independently determine its own development path.


The principle of prioritizing the common good and seeking a balanced approach to moral obligations and interests serves as the theoretical foundation for pursuing equity, justice, shared benefits, and win-win outcomes. During the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly, President Xi expounded on the core essence of a global community of shared future. He emphasized the need to establish global partnerships at both international and regional levels, advocating a new approach to state-to-state relations based on dialogue rather than confrontation, and seeking partnerships instead of alliances. In managing their relationships, major countries should adhere to the principles of no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation. Furthermore, large countries should treat small countries as equals and adopt the right approach to moral obligations and economic interests, with a priority on moral obligations.


Recognizing the unity of humanity and nature and adhering to the laws of nature embody the idea of respecting, accommodating, and preserving nature, which reflects the concept of harmonious coexistence between human and nature in Chinese culture. President Xi has emphasized that nature is the source of all life, and humanity and nature form a community. It is imperative that we protect the environment with the same care as we protect our own eyes and cherish it as we cherish our own lives. This approach is crucial in addressing the issue of harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature.


The concept of a global community of shared future concerns the collective future of humanity. It promotes a value system centered on mutual benefits and achieving win-win outcomes for all nations worldwide. It strives to create a more equitable, just, united, and cooperative world, emphasizing the Communist Party of China’s dedication to peace and development for humanity. This vision aligns with the shared aspirations, beliefs, and ideals of other nations and communities.


The concept of a global community of shared future encapsulates the shared vision of diverse civilizations and the collective pursuit of all societies. Across history, humanity has fostered a multitude of distinct and coexisting civilizations. Despite the variations in languages, cognitive frameworks, and belief systems among these civilizations, the shared objectives of pursuing peace and development remain the same. The aspiration to establish a fair and equitable order is also shared, as is the pursuit of democracy and freedom.

人类很多文明都存在与人类命运共同体理念共通的文化基因。瑞士联邦议会的联邦宫圆顶中央,铭刻着一句格言——“我为人人,人人为我”(Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno)。古印度经典哲学文献《奥义书》提出“世界是一个大家庭”(Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam)。非洲很多地区信奉“乌班图”思想,其核心观念是“我们在故我在”。在美国犹他州费舍湖畔,一株地表以上有4万多棵枝干、地表下却共享同一根系的8万年巨树被命名为“潘多”,拉丁语含义是“我延伸”。“潘多”精神感召人们,看似毫不相干的独立个体,其实彼此存在深层联系。正因为每个个体都为整体提供养分,这个8万年的生命才能抵御洪水、干旱、山火、虫害等各种灾难,顽强地存活下来。

Numerous civilizations share cultural values that resonate with the concept of a global community of shared future. The dome of the Swiss Parliament Building of the Federal Assembly bears the inscription of a motto, Unus pro omnibus, omnes  pro uno (one for all, all for one). The Upanishads, ancient philosophical texts from India, propose the idea of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (The world is a big family). In many African regions, the Ubuntu philosophy is embraced, emphasizing the interconnectedness of individuals with the phrase “I am because we are.” Similarly, at Fisher Lake in the U.S. state of Utah, there exists a tree called Pando, Latin for “I spread”, that consists of over 40,000 stems connected by a single root system. This tree, which has survived for 80,000 years, embodies the spirit of interconnectivity. Despite the seemingly separate nature of its individual stems, they are deeply connected and support each other. Through the nourishment provided by each stem, the tree has withstood numerous challenges such as floods, droughts, wildfires, and pests. The story of Pando serves as a powerful inspiration, illustrating that seemingly insignificant individuals are intricately linked and that their collective strength enables survival in the face of adversity.


The concept of a global community of shared future is rooted in inclusiveness. It draws upon the remarkable accomplishments of diverse civilizations around the world, reflecting the universal aspirations of all humanity. It encompasses the shared values of different ethnic groups, faiths, and cultures, showcasing the governance experiences and wisdom derived from various regions, nations, and communities.


3. The Contemporary Significance of a Global Community of Shared Future


The path to progress lies in staying in step with the times. The concept of a global community of shared future embodies the shared values and aspirations of people from all nations, who seek peace, development, and stability. It represents the broadest consensus among countries with diverse cultural backgrounds and varying stages of development. It goes beyond outdated mindsets like zero-sum game, power politics, and Cold War confrontations. This concept has emerged as a prominent guiding principle, leading the way in the current era and directing human progress. It serves as China’s proposition to collectively address global challenges and forge a better future for humanity, particularly at a crucial juncture in the evolving global landscape.


Promoting a global community of shared future is essential for establishing an international governance system that is characterized by greater equity and justice. The international community recognizes the need to break away from the antiquated mindset of the law of the jungle or zero-sum game. However, there is still a lack of consensus on how to enhance the international governance system, how to make it fairer and more equitable, and how to actively involve all countries in the process. At this crucial juncture in history, the concept provides a clear direction for shaping the international governance system towards equity and democracy.


Promoting a global community of shared future entails upholding equality among all countries, regardless of their size, rejecting hegemony and power politics, and opposing any attempt by a few countries to monopolize international affairs. The concept respects the right of all nations to choose their own development paths and social systems, advocating inclusive consultation among all countries in global affairs. No single country has the authority to dominate global affairs, dictate the future of others, or monopolize developmental advantages.


Promoting a global community of shared future is in line with the current trend of economic globalization. From a historical perspective, today’s global economic interactions are deeper and more extensive than ever before, and all countries are more interconnected and interdependent than at any previous time. Embracing openness and integration has become an inevitable choice for all nations.


Promoting a global community of shared future involves upholding the proper course of economic globalization, rejecting technological blockades and decoupling, and collectively expanding the global economic pie. It also entails embracing win-win cooperation and effectively distributing the benefits of growth to ensure fairness among countries and various populations, preventing any nation or individual from being left behind.


Promoting a global community of shared future aligns with the world’s pursuit of lasting peace and collective security. In today’s interconnected world, certain nations have instigated conflicts and confrontations globally in their pursuit of absolute security.


The concept of a global community of shared future envisions transforming weapons of war into tools of peace. It is dedicated to resolving differences and disputes between nations through dialogue and consultation, while taking into account the legitimate security concerns of all countries. It advocates safeguarding against all forms of security risks, opposing the unlimited expansion of military alliances, and respecting the security space of other nations. It strives to build a new model of international relations characterized by no-conflict, no-confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation.


Promoting a global community of shared future heralds a fresh vision of openness, inclusiveness, exchange, and mutual learning for the advancement of all civilizations. The concept embodies the transcendence of cultural barriers through exchanges, the avoidance of conflicts through mutual understanding, and the embrace of inclusiveness rather than cultural superiority. It strives for a world characterized by mutual appreciation and coexistence. The concept acknowledges the existence of diverse paths toward modernization and encourages each country to explore a path commensurate with its national conditions. It fosters the creative transformation and development of the rich traditional cultures of various nations amidst the process of modernization. Additionally, it facilitates mutual understanding and friendship among people from all corners of the globe.


No civilization in the world can be deemed superior to others; each civilization is unique and regional in nature. Therefore, cultural differences should not be the cause of conflicts around the world. Promoting a global community of shared future has anticipated the future forms of civilization and embodies the overarching trajectory of human advancement. It provides guidance for different countries, nations, and civilizations, pointing the way towards progress. This vision is destined to garner growing consensus and promote human society towards a more promising future.


Promoting a global community of shared future facilitates humanity’s response to ecological challenges and the attainment of sustainable development. The Earth stands as our singular and exclusive abode. The longing for a harmonious homeland is a shared aspiration among all humanity. In face of environmental challenges, our destinies are interconnected, and no nation can remain impervious.


A global community of shared future promotes the collaborative establishment of a stronger partnership in green development. It emphasizes the pursuit of modernization that fosters harmony between humanity and nature, and calls for collective action in response to climate change to safeguard our planet, the cherished home of humanity.


Ⅲ. Benefiting the World: A Chinese Practice Serving the Well-being of All Humanity


Since 2013, propelled by China’s unwavering commitment, the building of a global community of shared future has made steady progress, transitioning from a “led chorus” to a “group singing” approach. The concept of a global community of shared future has taken root and gained extensive recognition and support from the international community, yielding significant dividends for the world and delivering tangible benefits to people across the world.


1. Steady Progress in Building a Global Community of Shared Future at Various Levels and in Multiple Areas


China has played a constructive role in promoting a global community of shared future at various levels and in multiple areas through multilateral and bilateral cooperation, contributing to global peace and development.


At the multilateral level, the China-Africa community of shared future stands as the earliest of regional communities of shared future, tightly linking the destinies of the largest developing country and the continent with the highest number of developing nations. Upon assuming the presidency, Xi Jinping put forward China’s Africa policy principles during his visit to Africa. These principles include sincerity, real results, amity, good faith, and the pursuit of the greater good and shared interests. He proclaimed that China and Africa will be enduring, trustworthy friends and genuine partners, underscoring that “China and Africa have always shared a common destiny.” Over the past decade, guided by the leadership and strategic planning of the heads of state from both sides, China and Africa have consistently deepened their cooperation through mechanisms and platforms such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. The outcomes of this collaboration have spanned various domains, including economy, trade, infrastructure, and the well-being of the people. The ongoing development of a China-Africa community of shared future in the new era continues to bring benefits to the people on both sides and serves as a commendable model for China and other regional countries to build their own communities of shared future.


Since then, China has made steady advancements in building regional communities of shared future, including with the Arab States, Latin America, Pacific Island countries, ASEAN, Central Asia, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member countries. Through unwavering solidarity and mutually beneficial cooperation among the participating nations, the vision of a global community of shared future has gained increasing international recognition and has continued to expand in terms of its depth and substance.


At the bilateral level, China has formulated action plans, issued joint statements, and reached significant consensus with various countries to build bilateral communities of shared future. These countries include Laos,  Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan, Mongolia, Cuba, South Africa, and Vietnam. The building of a global community of shared future at the bilateral level has encompassed all five Central Asian countries, serving as a model for relations between nations in the new era.


China has actively promoted international cooperation in multiple areas, translating the concept of a global community of shared future into tangible actions. In response to pressing global challenges, China has put forth proposals aimed at building specific communities that reflect the shared future vision. Amidst the rampant COVID-19 pandemic, China proposed the establishment of a global community of health for all. Recognizing the need for orderly cyberspace governance, China has advocated the creation of a community with a shared future in cyberspace. In light of mounting security concerns, China has called for the formation of a community of shared future for nuclear security. Addressing the complexities of maritime issues, China has emphasized the importance of building a maritime community with a shared future. Additionally, in the face of the escalating challenges posed by climate change, China has sought to foster a community of life for humanity and nature, as well as a community of all life on Earth.


A global community of shared future is not only multifaceted but also vibrant, playing a crucial role in addressing urgent global challenges and fostering sustainable development for human society in the long run.


2. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as a Platform for Implementing the Global Community of Shared Future


The BRI  proposed by China is a significant international public good and cooperation platform. It focuses on promoting connectivity and adheres to the principles of planning together, building together, and benefiting together. Emphasizing open, green, and clean cooperation, the BRI aims to achieve high standards, sustainability, and improved livelihoods, thereby advancing high-quality collaboration. The BRI facilitates physical and institutional connectivity in various fields, including infrastructure, rules and standards, and people-to-people exchanges. As a result, partner countries are more closely linked in terms of infrastructure, policies, trade, investment, and people-to-people interactions. This promotes coordinated development and contributes to common prosperity. Over the past 11 years, Belt and Road cooperation has expanded from Eurasia to Africa and Latin America, with more than 150 countries and 30 international organizations signing cooperation agreements. The third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was successfully conducted, and over 20 specialized multilateral cooperation platforms have been established under the BRI.


The BRI has emerged as a pathway for cooperation, opportunity, and prosperity for China and its partner countries. From 2013 to 2022, the total import and export volume reached an impressive $19.1 trillion, with an annual growth rate of 6.4 percent. Two-way investment between China and partner countries has exceeded $380 billion. In 2023, the imports and exports between China and partner countries reached a record high, accounting for a significant proportion of China’s foreign trade. Significant progress has been made in the construction of economic corridors and international routes. Cooperation in port construction, shipping, the Air Silk Road, and the development of international multi-modal transportation passages in partner countries has continued to expand. Belt and Road cooperation plays a pivotal role in enhancing the poverty reduction efforts of partner countries. According to the World Bank’s forecast, by 2030, investments related to the BRI are expected to lift 7.6 million people out of extreme poverty and 32 million people out of moderate poverty in participating countries. Furthermore, China and partner countries are actively expanding cooperation in such areas as culture and tourism, education, media, and think tanks, fostering robust people-to-people exchanges. Progress has also been made in health, green development, innovation, and the establishment of the Digital Silk Road, creating even more opportunities for international cooperation.


The BRI has ushered in a new era of extensive cooperation and development in the 21st century, emerging as a significant endeavor in constructing a global community of shared future. Participating countries are dedicated to coordinated development and mutually beneficial cooperation, leading to the upgrading of industrial structures and optimization of industrial chains. The establishment of the Land Silk Road, Maritime Silk Road, and Air Silk Road networks has significantly enhanced the infrastructure of numerous countries. Through equal consultation and dialogue, policy obstacles have been eliminated for participating nations. The flourishing trade has facilitated international exchanges of goods and services. Facilitation measures have accelerated the flow of capital between partner countries. The win-win economic exchanges have fostered robust people-to-people exchanges among partner countries. This unprecedented mega-scale collaboration, involving an exceptional number of countries, individuals, and diverse fields, has no parallel in history. Belt and Road cooperation has brought forth immense development opportunities in the 21st century. It serves as a vital practice in promoting the common development of all societies and constructing a global community of shared future, bearing historic significance.


3. Three Global Initiatives as Strategic Guidance for a Global Community of Shared Future


Since 2021, President Xi Jinping has introduced the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilization Initiative. These initiatives serve as guiding principles for China’s efforts in upholding global peace, advancing global development, and promoting exchanges and mutual understanding among civilizations.


The Global Development Initiative (GDI) has been an effective response to the strong aspirations and urgent requirements of the international community, especially developing nations, to accelerate economic growth and achieve sustainable development. Its objective is to tackle the imbalances and deficiencies in development, at both the national and international levels. By providing a roadmap for development through cooperation, the initiative has garnered widespread recognition from the international community.


The GDI was introduced by President Xi Jinping in September 2021 during the general debate of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. President Xi called for accelerated implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the building of a global community of shared future for development. The GDI places people at the center and emphasizes the creation of unified, equal, balanced, and inclusive global development partnerships. It advocates action-oriented measures to promote stronger, greener, and healthier global development.


Currently, the Global Development Promotion Center is operating smoothly, and the GDI project pool is expanding, encompassing over 200 projects that have yielded fruitful outcomes. More than 100 countries and international organizations have voiced their support for the GDI, with over 70 countries actively participating in the GDI Group of Friends established at the United Nations.


China has long been committed to global development and the promotion of an open global economy. It has emerged as the main trading partner for over 140 countries and regions, while also signing more than 20 free trade agreements with 28 countries and regions. As the largest developing country and a member of the Global South, China has been actively assisting other developing and recipient countries in expanding their development capacities. China has collaborated with nearly 20 international organizations, including the World Food Programme, and implemented over 130 projects in nearly 60 countries, such as Ethiopia, Pakistan, and Nigeria. These projects cover various areas, including poverty reduction, food security, COVID19 response, and climate change, benefiting more than 30 million individuals. China has played a significant role in assisting Africa with debt relief efforts. It has actively supported and advocated for the adoption and implementation of the G20 Group’s Debt Service Suspension Initiative. China has signed agreements or reached understandings with 19 African countries regarding the suspension of debt repayments, making the most substantial contribution among all G20 members to the initiative’s implementation.


The Global Security Initiative (GSI) is founded on the principle of indivisible security, emphasizing the interconnectedness between the security of individual countries and common security, as well as the interlinkage between conventional security and non-conventional security, rights and obligations, and security and development. It urges the international community to adopt a more comprehensive approach to addressing global security issues and to uphold the common security of the international community with a heightened sense of responsibility and mission. The GSI provides a pathway for resolving international disputes and safeguarding common security.


The GSI was initially proposed by President Xi Jinping during the Boao Forum for Asia annual conference in April 2022. President Xi emphasized the crucial link between security and development, highlighting that humanity is a community that shares indivisible security. In February 2023, China released The GSI Concept Paper, which outlines the core concepts, principles, cooperation priorities, and cooperation platforms and mechanisms. The paper introduces the Six Commitments that further elucidate the guiding principles of the initiative. According to the paper, the vision of “common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security” serves as the conceptual guidance. Respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries is considered a fundamental premise. Adhering to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter is a primary benchmark. Taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously is an important principle. Peacefully resolving differences and disputes through dialogue and consultation is deemed necessary. Lastly, maintaining security in both conventional and non-conventional domains is an inherent requirement.


The GSI has received wide welcome and positive response from the international community since it was brought up. It has received support and appreciation from over 100 countries and international organizations, and has been written into numerous bilateral and multilateral documents related to China’s interactions and cooperation with other countries and international organizations. Some collaborative actions are steadily progressing. Within the initiative framework, 20 key areas of cooperation have been proposed, covering traditional military security fields such as international and regional hot-button issues, peacekeeping operations, as well as non-traditional security fields including climate change, information, biological security, outer space, artificial intelligence, and public health. These efforts address the most pressing security concerns of the international community today.


China has consistently demonstrated its dedication to becoming an essential constructive force in upholding global peace and tranquility. It has actively pursued political resolutions for the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue and the Iranian nuclear issue. China has also played a successful mediation role in facilitating the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Additionally, China has voiced its position on the Ukraine crisis and the recent conflict between Palestine and Israel through official documents, aiming to promote peace and bring an end to the conflicts. China’s unwavering sincerity and commitment to safeguarding global security have remained steadfast.


The Global Civilization Initiative (GCI) embodies China’s recognition of the diversity and equality of human civilizations, as well as its dedication to fostering exchanges and mutual learning among Chinese and foreign civilizations for the sake of shared prosperity.


The GCI was introduced by President Xi Jinping in March 2023 during the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-level Meeting. He said that as the future of all countries are closely connected, tolerance, coexistence, exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations play an irreplaceable role in advancing humanity’s modernization process and making the garden of world  civilizations flourish. Xi said civilizations have become richer and more colorful with exchanges and mutual learning. No civilization in the world is superior to others; every civilization is special and unique to its own region. Diversity of civilizations should not be a source of global conflict; rather, it should be an engine driving the advance of human civilizations. The GCI emphasizes the importance of following the objective laws of progress and highlights the correct attitude and approach towards inter-civilizational relationships. It underscores the significance of enhancing one’s own civilization while creating conducive conditions for the development of other civilizations. As a result, the GCI serves as a crucial guiding principle for promoting mutual assistance, harmonious coexistence, and mutual respect and understanding among civilizations.


China has successfully hosted several significant events, including the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-level Meeting, the CPC and World Political Parties Summit, and the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations. These gatherings have facilitated extensive bilateral and multilateral exchanges and cooperation among political parties, fostering various forms of people-to-people diplomacy, city diplomacy, and public diplomacy. China has actively collaborated with numerous countries to co-organize bilateral and multilateral cultural exchange activities, such as the Year of Culture and Tourism and the International Arts Festival. Additionally, it has established and cultivated sister city (province and state) relationships with multiple counterparts. Through the establishment of new platforms, the mobilization of new forces, and the promotion of new consensus, China has made commendable efforts to encourage exchanges among civilizations. These endeavors have garnered appreciation and support from the international community.


Today, the changes of the world, the times and history are unfolding in an unprecedented way. The unstoppable trend of peace, development, and win-win cooperation is evident. Faced with a crossroads laden with challenges, China has put forward the vision of building a global community of shared future. This vision aims to draw upon rational global consensus to guide the path forward and inspire collective efforts to advance society amid trials and tribulations.


China’s proposition to build a global community of shared future is aligned with the course of history, serving the common interests of the majority of nations and promoting human progress. China has consistently upheld its commitment to being a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of the international order.


The establishment of a global community of shared future is gaining recognition and support from an increasing number of nations and people. It is regarded as the correct trajectory for the world to pursue sustainable development and work towards a shared future for all humanity on our planet.‎‎








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