双语 刘晓明大使在英国中国商会2018年全体会员大会上的致词
Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the China Chamber of Commerce in the UK 2018 Gala Dinner: Be the Facilitator, Pioneer and Story-teller of the New Era
City of London, 18 January 2018
Chairman Sun Yu,
Friends from the Business Community,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Good evening!
很高兴在新年伊始与英国中国商会各位新老朋友欢聚一堂,庆祝过去一年的“黄金成果”,展望新的一年的“黄金机遇”。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂
It is a real delight to be a part of such a distinguished gathering of friends, both old and new, from the China Chamber of Commerce in the UK to mark the beginning of a new year.
This is a good opportunity to celebrate the "golden fruits" of the past year, and look forward to the "golden opportunities" in the new year.
This afternoon, I spoke at the China-UK Economic and Trade Forum. Business communities from both countries had in-depth discussions on important agenda such as the Belt and Road Initiative and Brexit.
I found it particularly encouraging that the forum generated many brilliant ideas on advancing the China-UK "Golden Era".
· I can sense a growing faith in the mutually-benefit between China and the UK.
· I can see a broader path for China-UK win-win cooperation.
And I felt deeply inspired by the promising future of China-UK relations.
The year 2017 marks the 45th anniversary of the ambassadorial diplomatic ties between China and the UK. It is also a year for consolidating the China-UK "Golden Era". Amid the uncertainties of Brexit negotiations and the snap election, China-UK relations maintained a sound and steady momentum.
Here are two definite highlights of 2017:
The fifth China-UK High-Level People to People Dialogue and the ninth China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue.
A total of 72 outcomes were reached in the respective fields – I call this a fruitful conclusion of a successful 2017.
2017年,中资机构在英不断发展壮大,中国对英投资遍地开花,两国能源、金融、卫生等传统领域合作续有进展,大数据、清洁能源、人工智能、智慧城市等新兴领域合作方兴未艾。这些可喜可贺的成绩离不开在英中资企业的辛勤耕耘和积极贡献,我谨向各位表示衷心感谢!微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂
But the list of our achievements in 2017 is by no means restricted to the two Dialogues.
· Chinese companies expanded their business and made investment across the UK.
· There was continued progress in the traditional areas such as energy, finance and health.
· In emerging fields -- big data, clean energy, artificial intelligence and smart city -- China-UK cooperation was thriving.
All these could not have been possible without the hard efforts and vigorous contributions of each and every one of you. Please allow me to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you present tonight.
The year 2017 is also a fruitful year for China Chamber of Commerce in the UK.
· Under the Chairmanship of Mr. Sun Yu and other leading members, CCCUK has flourished. This big family has strong cohesion, wide influence and high efficiency.
· Over the past year, CCCUK improved its organizational structure, upgraded its management, and hosted a rich variety of events.
· According to what I heard, you now have close to 200 members, covers dozens of sectors in which Chinese companies operate here in the UK, and you are still expanding.
· I also learnt about your four professional committees. They are the Financial Committee, the Trade Committee, the Technology Committee and the Supervisory and Management Committee. With these committees, CCCUK could provide more professional and multi-dimensional services for member companies.
You deserve a round of applause for such impressive progress.
When I addressed the CCCUK council meeting last year, I compared Chinese companies in the UK to "stabilizers, propellers and loudspeakers" for China-UK "Golden Era".
In 2018, CCCUK will continue to have an important role to play.
· 2018 is the opening year for the implementation of the blueprint outlined at the 19th Party Congress.
· 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up policy.
· 2018 will see us taking China-UK "Golden Era" another step further.
This new era has entrusted CCCUK with new missions. I wish you well and I want to share with you my three hopes.
First, I hope Chinese companies could be the facilitatorin building a new-type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind.
This is the centerpiece of China's diplomacy in the new era. I look forward to more vigorous efforts from Chinese companies in the UK in this respect.
Amid Brexit negotiations, it is important that Chinese companies in the UK enhance communication with local communities. Pursuing business interests and addressing local concerns can go hand in hand and be mutually reinforcing.
Moreover, your work will help the British public see the tangible results of China-UK cooperation. Your efforts will make the new-type of international relations and the community with a shared future for mankind feel close, real and meaningful.
第二,要做“一带一路”的开拓者。“一带一路”倡议是中国为世界发展振兴提供的重要公共产品。英国是“一带一路”合作的天然伙伴,双方合作前景广阔。英国脱欧对中英关系既有挑战,更有机遇。上个月中英宣布成立首期10亿美元的双边投资基金,英国金融机构承诺为“一带一路”项目提供250亿英镑的融资,支持“一带一路”亚洲项目。在英中资企业应抓住机遇,与英国企业加强合作,优势互补,共同为“一带一路”建设贡献力量。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂
Second, I hope Chinese companies could be the pioneer in Belt and Road cooperation.
Against the challenges of Brexit, there are also opportunities for China-UK relations. If we seize the opportunities, our cooperation is bound to have a promising prospect.
The Belt and Road Initiative is a great opportunity. It is an important public good that China offers to the world. It is a public good for global development and recovery. The UK is a natural partner for the Belt and Road Initiative.
Last month China and the UK announced the establishment of a bilateral investment fund with an initial capital injection of $1 billion.
British financial institutions pledged £25 billion in support of Belt and Road project financing in Asia.
Chinese companies in the UK should grab these opportunities. You should work closer with your British partners to pool the respective strengths of both sides. Together, there is a great deal you can achieve in Belt and Road development.
第三,要做“改革开放”的宣介者。今年是中国改革开放40周年。40年来,改革开放使中国经济社会发生了翻天覆地的变化。中国致力于构建开放型经济新体制,开放的脚步不会停歇,开放的大门只会越开越大。近年来中国更是大幅度放宽市场准入,在服务业上扩大开放的态势更加明显。英国也是对贸易和投资十分开放的国家,在服务业领域独具优势。在英中资企业最能切实感受到中英两国开放的脉动。希望中资企业讲好中国改革开放的故事,让英国民众全面了解中国改革开放的新格局,切实感受到中国改革开放为中英关系带来的新机遇。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂
Third, I hope Chinese companies could be a good story-teller of China's reform and opening-up.
The year 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up policy. This policy has brought about tremendous changes to China over the past 40 years.
Today, China remains committed to building an open economy. China will only open its market wider. In recent years, China has greatly increased market access, especially in the service sector.
The UK is also open to trade and investment. It has unique strength in the service sector.
Chinese companies in the UK are best positioned to feel the pulse and take advantage of the opening on both sides.
Here in the UK, I hope you could tell the story to your British friends and partners. You could help the British public get the whole picture of what is going on in China with regard to reform and opening-up. Your could show them why and how China's reform and opening creates opportunities for China-UK relations.
旧岁已展千重锦,新年再进百尺杆。新的一年里,我希望英国中国商会展现新气象,实现新作为;希望中国企业家争做新时代的推进者、开拓者、宣介者。中国驻英使馆将继续为在英中资企业提供支持和服务,我们将与你们一道共同为中英关系“黄金时代”添砖加瓦,增光添彩!微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂
Ladies and Gentlemen:
2017 has presented its grandeur. 2018 opens up new prospects for greater progress.
In the new year, I look forward to a new look and new achievements of CCCUK. I hope to see more facilitators, pioneers and story-tellers among the Chinese entrepreneurs.
The Chinese Embassy will continue to provide support and services to Chinese companies in the UK. We look forward to working with you all.
Together, we will make China-UK "Golden Era" not only shine brighter but deliver more golden fruits.
The Chinese New Year is around the corner. Let me wish you and your family a healthy, happy and prosperous Year of the Dog!
Thank you.