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双语 刘晓明大使在诺丁汉大学的讲话:踏遍青山人未老,前路更加美好


Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Retirement Dinner of Professor Sir David Greenaway: A better view further down the road


University of Nottingham, 9 November 2017


Sir Andrew Witty,


Professor Sir David Greenaway,


Ladies and Gentlemen:


Good evening.


I was back in London only last Friday, after attending the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Beijing. My in-tray is full, and so is my diary. But I told myself, I have to come to this dinner, because

•      You, Professor Sir David, are my Vice-Chancellor.

•      You are an educationist whom I deeply respect.

•      You are a good friend of the Chinese people.

•      And you are a pioneer in advancing China-UK educational cooperation.

I would like to pay my highest tribute and extend my sincerest thanks to you, for the significant contribution you have made to closer educational cooperation and deeper friendship between China and Britain.

时隔两个月再次来到诺大,我感到景色已大不相同,上次还是霜林初染,秋水长天,此时已是落叶满地,秋意深浓。看着行人在成堆的落叶中走出一条条路来,我想说说关于“路”的三句话。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

This is my second visit to Nottingham in two months. In a matter of two months, the early autumn chill has turned the University into spectacular shades of gold. Looking at the paths formed on the thick carpet of autumn leaves as people walked by, I thought a lot and had three observations about paths that I would like to share with you.

第一句话,“地上本没有路,有了走路的人,也便有了路。”正是在格林纳韦爵士的带领下,诺大在中英教育交流中走出了一条“合作共赢”之路:在所有英国大学中,诺大第一个与中方合办高校、第一个任命中国人为校监、第一个倡导在中国本土设立孔子学院;诺大与清华大学、浙江大学等中国数十所大学建立了校际联系;诺大成立的当代中国研究学院、中国政策研究所和孔子学院,成为英国和其他西方国家研究和了解中国的重要窗口,诺大孔子学院成为全球首批“示范孔子学院”之一。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The first is: "There is no path until people take the first step and create one."

The University of Nottingham, led by Professor Sir David, was the one who took the very first step in the field of educational exchanges between China and Britain. You have created the path of win-win cooperation.

•      Of all the British universities, Nottingham is the first to set up a joint campus in China, the first to appoint a Chinese Chancellor and the first to set up a Confucius Institute in China.

•      Your ties with China are so close that you have twined with Qinghua University, Zhejiang University and dozens of other Chinese universities.

•      Here in Nottingham, you have established the Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies, China Policy Institute and Confucius Institute. You have become an important window through which Britain and other western countries can study and understand China.

•      Moreover, the Nottingham Confucius Institute was among the first to be awarded as a Model Confucius Institute.


Of all your achievements, the most notable is the establishment of Ningbo Campus. This is a successful example of international cooperation. It was commended by President Xi Jinping, who said, "The founding of the University of Nottingham, Ningbo is the very first joint effort between Chinese and foreign higher learning institutions to pool their respective educational strengths. It creates a new model for a world-class and international education system in China."

Thirteen years ago, there were only 254 students at the Ningbo campus. Today, Nottingham Ningbo is home to more than 7,300 students from over 70 countries and regions and has 12,000 alumni all over the world.

 第二句话,“地上有了路,走路的人就会越来越多。”中英教育“合作共赢”之路深受双方欢迎,走这条路的人越来越多。我担任中国驻英大使七年多来对此深有体会,教育已成为中英人文交流的最大亮点。英国吸引的中国留学生数量,开办孔子学院和孔子课堂,开展校际合作的名牌大学数量都是欧洲第一。中国还与英国建立了欧洲第一个高级别人文交流机制。教育也是我演讲最多的话题之一,是我大力推动互利合作的重要领域之一。我的使馆同事们称我为“爱教大使”,这都要归功于中英教育合作走上了正确的道路。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Let me turn to my second observation. "Where there is a path, there are more people who will follow."The path of win-win cooperation is gaining popularity among educational institutions in both China and Britain. It is attracting more and more people.

Education is undoubtedly the biggest highlight of the cultural and people-to-people exchanges between China and Britain. That's what I have learnt after seven years as Chinese Ambassador to the UK.

In the field of educational cooperation with China, Britain has set at least three European records:

•      First, Britain has the largest number of Chinese students in Europe.

•      Second, Britain is home to more Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms than any other European country.

•      Third, British universities have more cooperation with China than their counterparts in Europe.

It is especially worth noting that Britain was the first European country to set up High Level People-to-People Dialogue with China.

Education is also one of the most frequent topics for my speeches. It is a most important field that I have been working on to promote mutually beneficial cooperation.

At the Embassy, I am known as a "Pro-education Ambassador". I would attribute that to the right path that we are taking in advancing China-UK educational cooperation.

正确的道路必将通向光明的未来。刚刚闭幕的中国共产党第18+1次全国代表大会具有重大意义,标志着中国在中国共产党的领导下,成功地走出一条中国特色社会主义道路。这是一条中国人民致富路,也是一条世界人民共赢路。中国走出的这条道路,不仅为深入探索人类更好的社会制度贡献智慧,而且为发展中国家走向现代化提供更多选择,也将为中英关系“黄金时代”的深入发展带来新机遇,为推动构建人类命运共同体注入新动力。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Right path leads to promising future. This is true for China-UK educational cooperation. This is also true for China's cause as a nation.

The 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, which concluded not long ago, was most significant for China because it points to the right path forward.

•      This is a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

•      It is a path led by the Communist Party of China.

•      It is a path towards prosperity and happiness for the Chinese people.

It is also a path towards win-win cooperation for the people of the world.

•      This path is a contribution to man's exploration for a better social system.

•      It offers a new option for other developing nations who are striving to achieve modernization.

•      It brings new opportunities to China and the UK as our two countries build a successful "Golden Era".

It adds momentum to building a community of shared future for mankind.

第三句话,“走路的人一起走,路就会越走越宽”。格林纳韦爵士对中国怀有深厚感情,工作不仅限于教育领域,还积极推动宁波市与诺丁汉市缔结为友好城市,促进双方在商贸、教育、文化、体育等多个领域的交流与合作,吸引了中英两国的同道之人,让合作共赢的路越走越宽。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂


Now let me share with you my third observation about paths.

"A path will become broader when more people walk on it."

Sir David, with the deep love you cherish for China, you have broadened the path you helped to create. Thanks to your contribution, the win-win cooperation between China and Britain has been expanded into more fields than just education.

•      Ningbo and Nottingham have established twin city relationship.

•      The two cities have increased exchanges and cooperation in the fields of education, business, culture and sports.

•      More and more people have come to share the same ideal and work together.

•      This path of win-win cooperation has become broad thoroughfare to success.


While there is always an end to one's career, there is no end to what we can do and achieve for China-UK friendship.

•      Sir David has dedicated a successful career to living up to the spirit of mutual respect, mutual learning, and win-win cooperation.

•      You have found the key to heart-to-heart communications between the Chinese and British people.

•      You have contributed to the building of China-UK "Golden Era".

踏遍青山人未老,前路更加美好。中英关系发展仍需要格林纳韦爵士丰富的经验、知识和智慧,仍需要诺大这个积极发展对华关系与合作的模范团队。我希望并相信,诺大将继承和发扬格林纳韦爵士留下的宝贵财富,继续为促进中英教育交流合作、增进两国人民友谊作出更多新的贡献。我也愿与在座诸位一道,共同为建设中英合作大厦添砖加瓦,为打造中英关系“黄金时代”增光添彩。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Retirement is a new beginning. There is always a better view further down the road.

Sir David, we still need you in building a better future for China-UK relations. We still need your rich experience, extensive knowledge and great inspiration in order to get there. We still count on the wonderful team here at the University of Nottingham to actively engage in growing ties with China.

It is my hope and belief that Nottingham will carry forward what Sir David has started and continue to contribute to the educational exchanges and cooperation and the closer friendship between China and Britain.

I look forward to working with everyone present to contribute our part to China-UK relations and the China-UK "Golden Era".


Thank you!

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