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公众号:高斋翻译学堂 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-03-19 17:23 作者:官方文章 点击:


The Evening Standard Publishes a Signed Article by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming Entitled"Chinese investment in the UK is an opportunity not a threat"

英国是全球对贸易和投资最开放、最自由的大国之一。中国对英投资是互利双赢的。目前中国对英非金融类直接投资达到180亿美元,投资领域涵盖基础设施、装备制造、高科技、新能源、金融服务等广泛领域。中国企业投资不仅为英国创造了大量就业岗位,而且推动了英国绿色、低碳发展,促进了英国经济的繁荣与稳定。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Britain is known to be liberal and open to foreign trade and investment. The Chinese investment in the UK is mutually beneficial and win-win for both countries. So far, $18 billion of Chinese non-financial investment has come into a wide range of sectors here in this country. From infrastructure and equipment manufacturing to hi-tech, new energy and financial services, Chinese investment is creating new jobs, generating green, low carbon growth and bringing economic prosperity and stability.


The ABP Royal Albert Dock project brings in £1.7 billion of Chinese investment. This urban complex of offices, homes and retail commerce will give London its third business and financial district and drive the development of east London. The UK's unchanged commitment to staying open is key to boosting the confidence of foreign investors. Charles Dickens wrote: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". At this turning point for Britain, these words ring true. How the UK will choose between being more open and embracing the world, and lowering the portcullis and pulling up the drawbridge not only matters to Britain's own future but concerns its global partners. As the Brexit negotiations continue and the ensuing uncertainties and negative impacts unfold, for Britain and for foreign investors, confidence is more valuable than gold.

开放包容是英国延续成功的精神基因。回顾历史,英国虽然只有24万平方公里的国土和6500多万的人口,但长期在国际政治、经济、科技、文化等领域拥有巨大影响力,其中重要原因之一就是英国始终坚持开放包容的精神。伦敦金融城就是最好的例子.伦敦金融城虽然只有“1平方英里”,但它不仅是伦敦乃至英国经济的心脏,也是享誉全球的国际金融中心,这离不开它开放的心态和包容的监管环境。英国在建设“全球化英国”的道路上,也应该发扬光大这种精神,继续张开双臂欢迎世界各国企业家前来投资兴业。只有这样才能续写成功,再创辉煌。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Third, being open and inclusive has been one of the keys to Britain's continued success. These qualities have over many years enabled this country of 240,000sq km and 65 million people to remain globally visible and wield considerable influence in international politics, economy, science, technology and culture. One case in point is the City, the "square mile" that is not only the heart of London and the soul of the British economy but also a centre of global finance. This could not have been possible without the kind of openness to business and inclusive regulatory environment the City has long hold on to. The UK on its way to building a "Global Britain" needs to live up to such spirit and welcome international investors, as this is how Britain passes on its success story to future generations.

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