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17.6 李克强在2017年夏季达沃斯论坛开幕式发表特别致辞后回答问题以及同国际工商企业界代表对话交流实录中英双语CATTI和MTI

2017年6月27日,国务院总理李克强在大连国际会议中心出席2017年夏季达沃斯论坛开幕式并发表特别致辞后,回答了世界经济论坛主席施瓦布的提问。6月28日,李克强在大连国际会议中心同出席2017年夏季达沃斯论坛的国际工商企业界代表对话交流。有关问答和对话交流实录如下:微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

On June 27, 2017, following his address at the Opening Ceremony of the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2017, Premier of the State Council Li Keqiang answered questions from Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab at Dalian International Conference Center. On June 28, Premier Li sat down for a dialogue with representatives of international business leaders attending the Annual Meeting. Below is the full text of these interactions:


Professor Schwab: In your speech, you talked about the dynamic development of the Chinese economy as well as relevant policies. I'm sure these policies can help sustain such dynamism. It is a remarkable achievement for China, the second biggest economy in the world, to grow at nearly 7%. Could you please share with us in greater detail what measures the government will take to keep such positive momentum going in the future?


Premier Li: China used to grow at double-digit rates, but now the growth has moderated to a medium-high level of 6.9% in the first quarter of this year. Some characterize this trend as a slowdown, but that wouldn't be very accurate, as the Chinese economy has become much bigger than before. Every one percentage point of growth in GDP now would generate the same amount of additional output as 1.5 percentage point growth five years ago or 2 percent growth ten years ago. I often use the analogy of somersaults to describe such a situation: It is much easier for a child to do a dozen somersaults at one go than for an adult, for whom just three or four would be quite an accomplishment. For major economies with GDPs of two trillion US dollars or above, a 3% growth would be no mean feat. I hope you can view the Chinese economy in an objective way. It will keep growing at medium-high speed, as we have 1.3 billion people, huge market potential and social creativity.

当然,要实现中国经济较长时间的中高速增长需要多种措施,在当前和今后一段时间里,起码有三条我们会坚守住:微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

To sustain the positive momentum requires a host of measures. We will keep on working in the following three areas for a considerable time to come.


First, we will maintain stability in macroeconomic policies. This means we will continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy. We will not resort to massive stimulus measures. Instead, we will continue to undertake structural adjustments and provide the market with stable and clear expectations, which is of overriding importance in a market economy.


Second, we will advance reform and opening-up. In undertaking supply-side structural reforms, the government will continue to streamline administration, delegate its power, widen market access and enhance compliance oversight to create a level playing field. We will ease corporate burdens by reducing taxes and administrative fees to unleash the vitality of the market.


Third, we will accelerate efforts to replace traditional drivers of growth with new ones. We will adopt market- and rules-based approach to tackle and phase out excess and backward capacity in steel, coal and other sectors. Meanwhile, we will work hard to grow new drivers and encourage the development of new technologies, new business forms and models. In this process, the government will exercise accommodating and prudent supervision to provide an enabling environment for the healthy growth of the new economy. Furthermore, Chinese and foreign-invested companies will be treated as equals.

施瓦布:在全球范围内,中国政府引入第四次工业革命工作做得最好。我要向您、向中国政府表示祝贺。当然,第四次工业革命有时也会带来一些颠覆性的影响,包括在就业和收入分配方面。您在开幕演讲中也提到这一点。中国政府正在采取什么举措,减少这些负面影响?微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Professor Schwab: Looking around the world, the Chinese government has been most effective in embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution. I want to congratulate you and the Chinese government on that. That said, the Fourth Industrial Revolution also has its disruptive effect, including on employment and income distribution. You did talk about this in your opening speech. What steps is the Chinese government taking to reduce such adverse impact?


Premier Li: Thank you, Professor Schwab, for your positive comments on the steps taken by the Chinese government in the Fourth Industrial Revolution or the new industrial revolution, but I would hesitate to say that we are most effective in this aspect. As a Chinese proverb goes, "when the moon reaches its fullest, it begins to wane". We are in constant pursuit of perfection out of a recognition of our own imperfections. I believe the new round of industrial revolution brings more opportunities than challenges, but it is not always the case in all fields and sectors. After all, everything has its pros and cons.


Take employment for example, will the extensive application of artificial intelligence and robots deprive people of their jobs? This is indeed a question, and it is already happening in some industries and sectors. Yet, through the Internet Plus initiative and mass entrepreneurship and innovation, new technologies and new business forms empowered by the new round of industrial revolution, such as online shopping, express delivery and bike-sharing, have generated far more jobs than those taken by robots. In this sense, what we are experiencing is only a structural shift, which calls for adjusting the training in labor skills. We will meet such challenge head on, because it is simply inescapable. More importantly, the development of new technologies, business forms and models makes it possible to accommodate and harness people's individual choices to generate greater market potential and put everyone's talent to best use. By pooling the wisdom of all people, we will be able to create far more wealth and jobs than what have been lost.

我们的确在和时间赛跑。施瓦布先生曾讲到,未来不是大鱼吃小鱼,而是快鱼吃慢鱼。我想略做补充,快鱼一定会优于慢鱼,但我希望,慢鱼能够加快速度追上快鱼,快鱼也能够回过头来帮助慢鱼。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

This is a race against time. Professor Schwab just said that in the future, it's not going to be the big fish eating the small fish, but the fast fish eating the slow fish. I want to add to that metaphor. The fast fish will certainly do better than the slow fish, but I do hope that the slow fish will move faster and catch up with the fast fish, and the fast fish will also turn around to help the slow fish.


Feike Sijbesma, Chairman and CEO of the Royal DSM Group: Premier Li, over the last several years, key tasks have been performed on the supply-side reform. My question is: Could you elaborate a little bit on the progress in these areas and the contribution the international business community can bring to reform in the next stage?


Premier Li: China has focused on supply-side structural reform in comprehensively deepening reform in recent years. One of its key tasks is to phase out and cut overcapacity in coal and steel production. Last year alone, more than 65 million tons of steel-making capacity and over 290 million tons of coal-production capacity were eliminated. At the same time, we are nurturing new drivers of growth and reducing the burden on companies by widening market access and cutting taxes and administrative fees. A multitude of new market entities has since sprung up in China. Over the past four years, the number of Chinese enterprises has doubled, reaching 27 million, and the number of market entities in total has surpassed 90 million. They have spawned a surge in new technologies and new business forms. China's reform, especially supply-side structural reform, has boosted the structural transformation and upgrading of the Chinese economy.

大家都知道,国际上一些领域出现产能过剩,这是国际金融危机发生以后,许多国家实施量化宽松政策导致的一个结果,需要全球共同努力来解决这个问题。中国没有推卸责任,而且主动作为,通过供给侧结构性改革在消化过剩产能方面付出了努力,也为国际社会作出了贡献。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

We all know that excess capacity exists in some sectors globally. This is the result of the quantitative easing policies taken by some countries in response to the financial crisis. Nothing short of a global solution is required. In the face of this issue, China has not shied away from its responsibilities. Instead, we have made painstaking efforts to phase out excess capacity through supply-side structural reform, which is also our contribution to the international community.


Over the past three decades, reform in China has always moved forward side by side with opening-up in a mutually reinforcing way. To advance reform, we need the participation of foreign capital, businesses and expertise. Foreign companies are welcome to take part in the merger and reorganization of enterprises in China. While fostering new growth drivers, we will lower market access thresholds in service sectors for foreign investors and introduce a negative-list management model. The policy support enjoyed by Chinese companies in keeping with WTO rules will be equally applied to foreign enterprises registered in China. We welcome continued investment from your company in China.


Alex Molinaroli, Chairman and CEO of Johnson Controls: The Made-in-China 2025 strategy has greatly promoted China's manufacturing and innovation capabilities. You have already addressed one of my questions about foreign investment and a level playing field for foreign companies within China when answering the last question. Then what challenges and obstacles are there in the implementation of this strategy and what does the Chinese government plan to do in response? 

李克强:“中国制造2025”,是根据中国目前的工业化水平、放眼未来制定的,核心内容是要提高中国产品和中国装备的质量和水平。一方面,中国制造可以说是已经享誉全球,但是中国制造的水平总体还处于中低端。另一方面,中国的装备和中国制造一样总体水平也不高,还需要引进国外的装备。“中国制造2025”就是要在中外合作中,推动中国装备的水平向智能化的方向发展,在现有的层次上不断提高质量。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Premier Li: The Made-in-China 2025 is a forward-looking strategy developed on the basis of the current industrialization level in China. It is designed to raise the quality of Chinese products and equipment. While made-in-China products have acquired a sound global reputation, those products are still at the low and medium level in terms of quality. Similarly, China's equipment is yet to reach a high level, and we still need to import foreign equipment. The Made-in-China 2025 strategy aims to boost the quality of Chinese equipment with the application of intelligent technologies through cooperation with foreign partners.


First, the Made-in-China 2025 strategy will bring huge opportunities for both Chinese and foreign businesses. To enhance the quality of their products, Chinese companies need to introduce advanced techniques and equipment. This can be achieved through cooperation with developed countries. For example, we are synergizing this strategy with Germany's Industry 4.0, and cooperating with the United States. In the future, more foreign equipment-manufacturing products and technologies will enter the Chinese market.

第二,会有更多的中外企业在装备技术领域开展合作。国外装备在中国要争取更大的市场,需要把产品本地化。比如美国通用汽车在中国市场占据了相当份额,它是和中国企业合资,按照中国的道路状况、气候条件等进行了改造,所以在中国的市场份额不断扩大。有一点,我要强调,这种合作是企业自愿、有利于开拓中国市场甚至第三方市场的。中国政府不允许中国企业强迫合资方转让技术,更不允许出现侵犯知识产权的行为。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Second, we expect to see more cooperation between Chinese and foreign companies in equipment technologies. For foreign equipment makers to expand their presence in the Chinese market, they need to localize their products. For example, the US company General Motors has been able to take a big share of the Chinese market through setting up joint ventures with Chinese companies and remodeling its vehicles according to road and climatic conditions in China. This has secured a growing market for the company in China.

I want to stress that such cooperation is voluntary and helps companies expand in the Chinese market and even in third countries. The Chinese government does not allow Chinese companies to impose mandatory technology transfer requirements on their foreign partners, still less will we tolerate infringements on intellectual property rights.


Third, in areas of the Made-in-China 2025 strategy, such as green development, where both the Paris Agreement and WTO encourage governments to provide policy support, foreign-invested companies registered in China will enjoy the same policy incentives offered by the Chinese government as their Chinese counterparts.


Now, let me address a misunderstanding about the Made-in-China 2025 strategy. To those people who seem to believe that the purpose of the relevant policies is to shut the door on imports of foreign equipment, let me say this: First, door-shutting is impossible. We live in a globalized world, where companies make their own choices about the equipment they want to purchase, and they should be given the right to do so in the open market. Second, it is natural for any country to want to make equipment of a higher quality. It is only that in a globalized world, this cannot be done with one's doors closed. Third, given the size of the Chinese market, when China climbs up the quality ladder, this will also boost global demand for manufactured products and equipment.

美国赛富时公司董事长兼首席执行官马克·贝尼奥夫:非常高兴今天能够有机会再次来到夏季达沃斯。昨天我认真聆听您的演讲,感到深受启发。自我出席夏季达沃斯这些年以来,在美国国内已经发生了巨大的变化,我也很愿意聆听您对于这些形势变化有什么评论?另外,我知道中国政府高度重视中小企业的发展,推进大众创业、万众创新。我在其他场合,包括去年夏季达沃斯论坛上,都听您谈到过对有关问题的看法。我想特别了解的是,在当前不断变化的大背景之下,中国推进这些工作的努力面临什么样的挑战或者复杂因素?美国企业和国际工商界,能够再做些什么,更加有效地帮助中国推进相关的努力,包括在“一带一路”倡议下的合作?微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Mark Benioff, Chairman and CEO of Salesforce: It's great to be here in the conference. Your speech yesterday was excellent and was very meaningful to me personally. As you know, there have been a lot of transitions and changes in the US since I was here last just a year ago. I was very interested in hearing your comments about these changes if possible. Now, the Chinese government has placed great importance, you spoke about it last year as well, on the development of new companies and entrepreneurs, and on mass innovation and entrepreneurship, which you also articulated many times. So what challenges do you see based on what is happening in the world today facing this effort? Tell me also how can we both from the US and also the international business community participate more meaningfully in your efforts, including your Belt and Road initiative.


Premier Li: China and the US are the world's largest developing country and largest developed country respectively. Steady growth of China-US relations and expansion of our economic and commercial relations will bring tremendous benefits to people of the two countries and also to world peace, development and cooperation. No matter how the situation in our respective countries may evolve, we are sure about one thing, that is, China-US relations have always kept moving ahead despite ups and downs in the past several decades. Our two-way trade has seen strong growth, in particular, from just about one billion US dollars before we established diplomatic ties to over 500 billion US dollars last year. It would be fair to say that China and the US now have forged a community of inseparable interests.

中国政府着力推进大众创业、万众创新,首先是从就业角度考虑的。中国每年城镇新成长劳动力1500万人,就业压力较大,而大企业要提高效率,会更多应用机械手、机器人,就业容量实际上是在下降的。我们通过放宽市场准入,每天新增1.5万户以上小微企业,提供了大量的就业岗位。现在小微企业提供的就业岗位已经占了全部就业岗位的80%,这是包容性增长的基础。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The Chinese government's initiative of mass entrepreneurship and innovation is first and foremost about employment. The government faces quite a big pressure in terms of employment, as we need to generate as many as 15 million new urban jobs each year to accommodate new entrants into the labor force. As big companies enhance efficiency and introduce more robots and manipulators, it is only natural that the total number of jobs they can offer has been somewhat declining. With government efforts to widen market access, as many as 15,000 small and micro businesses are getting registered on an average day in China, and they have been a large source of new jobs. Now in China, small and micro businesses provide 80% of all jobs. They are the backbone of inclusive growth.


Second, this initiative is intended to meet the needs for innovation. The new industrial revolution has brought about a major shift in the marketplace, which is the exponential growth in individualistic customer demands. Meeting these demands requires flexible business models and innovation in management and organizational structures. The SMEs have an edge in adaptability. As a Chinese idiom goes, it is easy for a small boat to shift direction.


Third, the initiative of mass entrepreneurship and innovation is a response to the trend of integrated development among large, medium and small companies. Not just small companies make innovations to accommodate special needs, many big companies have also been engaged in customized production, which requires adjustments in their organizational structures. I visited a local equipment manufacturer in Dalian, which has opened a lot of maker spaces on its production lines. The maker teams are able to remodel products according to customer needs. Although this company produces large equipment, 85% of its products are made to order. Not just this company, many large companies are doing the same.


Naturally, we also need to overcome some difficulties in the process of promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation.

首先,从政府角度,要砍掉既得的利益,降低市场准入的门槛,同时要用更多精力来进行事中事后监管,使这个市场的竞争是公平的,是不允许假冒伪劣、坑蒙拐骗、侵犯知识产权发生的。这对政府转变职能是一个重大考验。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

First, the government needs to shed its vested interests, lower the threshold for market access, and spend more energy on compliance oversight. The playing field ought to be level, and we can never allow sales of shoddy or counterfeited products, fraud and violations of intellectual property rights.


Second, the financial sector has come under strain. It may be a global challenge for SMEs to get loans as all banks seem to favor big companies. China is no exception. This is why we are encouraging financial inclusion in China by providing incentives to financial institutions to lend to SMEs.


Third, as SMEs make innovation and pursue integrated development with large and medium-sized companies, how to incentivize inventors and innovators to make further innovations by protecting intellectual property rights has become a challenge. Now applications for patents and inventions from SMEs account for 70% of the total. But this does involve some disputes. For those big companies that have makers and small businesses at maker spaces on their production lines, the challenge is how to share the profits between them and their smaller partners to promote common development.

我刚才举例的大连那家企业的企业家很有远见,当生产线上的创客空间对企业产品进行个性化改造后,所创造的价值是企业家和创客空间三七分成。我就问谁是三、谁是七?企业家回答说,创客们是七,我是三。我说你很有勇气啊,把大头让给了创客。他回答说,如果没有他们,我不要说“三”,连“一”都拿不到。这就说明,知识产权既要保护,又要能够有激励的机制,需要我们在探索中前行。创客们虽然用的是这家企业的设备进行创造,但企业家认识到这些创客们的点子更有价值。要让所有人都有这样的认识并不是一件容易的事情。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

I cited the example of the company I visited in Dalian, whose owner is a visionary man. He told me that he has been able to involve a lot of makers on his production lines to improve products, and the value generated through such cooperation were divided at a ratio of 30% to 70%. I asked him who took 30% and who took 70%. He said 70% of the profits went to makers and he took the smaller share. I praised him for his courageous generosity. He replied that had it not been for those makers, he would not be able to get even 10% of newly generated revenue.

The story of the company shows that it is necessary to protect intellectual property rights and at the same time incentivize innovations. This requires further efforts on our part to explore an effective approach. Although the makers make use of the equipment of the company for their innovations, the owner of the company recognizes the superior value of the makers' ideas. That said, it won't be easy for everyone to recognize this.


Patrice Motsepe, Founder and CEO of African Rainbow Minerals: I am a businessman from South Africa. I was the first Chairman of the BRICS Business Council. I saw how the BRICS countries, but Africa in particular, benefited immensely from the growth of the Chinese economy as well as from trade with China. I have no doubt that the rest of the world has benefited immensely from trading with China. My question is: The WTO's Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) entered into force earlier this year. China has been an active supporter in this area. What will be the major challenges in enforcing the agreement? And what further steps will China adopt to advance global trade facilitation? 


Premier Li: You raised a very important question, particularly in the context of the growing backlash against globalization. There have been as many as 3,000 protectionist measures adopted by various countries in the past ten years since the outbreak of the international financial crisis. The entry into force of the Trade Facilitation Agreement, which was adopted by the WTO in 2013, would be beneficial for global economic recovery and for guiding market expectations.

《贸易便利化协定》是中国加入世界贸易组织之后参与并达成的第一个多边货物贸易协定,而且在不到两年的时间,中国国务院就通过了国内的法定程序,批准这个文件。但现在还有近三分之一的世界贸易组织成员没有履行国内批准程序。我们希望各方能够共同努力,使《贸易便利化协定》在今年真正全面实施。据专家们估算,这至少会增加1万亿美元的贸易额,对世界经济的稳定复苏无疑将是有益的。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

The TFA is the first multilateral agreement on trade in goods China acceded to after joining the WTO. The Chinese State Council completed domestic procedures for its ratification in less than two years. As things stand, some one third of the WTO members are yet to go through ratification procedures. We hope all parties will work together for the TFA to be fully implemented this year. According to estimates by experts, the TFA, once implemented, will add at least one trillion US dollars to global trade. That would undoubtedly be good news for a steady global recovery.

中国不仅要履行这个协定,而且要根据自身国情尽可能推进贸易便利化。首先,我们要推动单一窗口,在相关管理上把体制内部很多分管部门合并成一个窗口,简化企业在通关过程当中的手续。第二,要缩短通关的时间。今年将把通关时间再缩短三分之一,而且跟国际最先进的通关程序、时间进行对标,争取在不太长的时间内达到世界先进水平。第三,加强国际合作,特别是监管部门进行监管的相互认证,使企业在通关过程当中避免重复认证,减少成本。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

While observing the TFA, China will advance trade facilitation as much as possible in line with its national conditions. First, we will consolidate the mandate of various agencies to streamline customs clearance procedures for businesses by establishing "single window" service centers.

Second, we will make customs clearance faster. We intend to shorten the time needed for customs clearance by another one third this year, and will aim to meet the most advanced international standards regarding customs clearance procedures and speed in the not so distant future.

Third, we will enhance cooperation with other countries, particularly in mutual recognition of inspection between regulatory authorities, to avoid repetitive procedures and lower costs for businesses.


These are the technical measures we will take. What is most important, I believe, is that we must recognize the valuable role of free trade in boosting global economic recovery. Trade liberalization and investment facilitation is the hallmark of free trade. When everyone acts to promote free trade with an open-minded approach, this will provide consumers with more choices and compel domestic companies to innovate and upgrade. In the meantime, we should take account of the varying national conditions of different countries, and adopt measures to cushion the impact on certain sectors through consultation among countries on the basis of mutual understanding and mutual accommodation. But overall we need to keep to the right direction.


Professor Schwab: Mr. Premier, I want to take this opportunity to ask you a question about the development of the Internet and digitization. The Internet Plus policy is a very important national strategy. But if we look at digitization, we can no longer make differentiation between digital industries and old-fashioned industries. Today, every industry is digitized. Could you share with us what your experiences and challenges are in this aspect? Particularly, how the international business community could be more meaningfully engaged into China's efforts of overall digitization of its economy?

李克强:“互联网+”产生的新业态可以说是层出不穷。大数据的发展已经成为一个潮流,我们只有顺应这个潮流,才能够抓住新的机遇。但与此同时,传统产业确实在经受挑战,我曾经举例说过网购和实体店就有过冲突,或者说是不协调的痛苦经历,但是现在实体店也在进行网上销售,反而增强了它的实力。所以,挑战是巨大的,但是应对挑战的办法更多。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

Premier Li: The introduction of the Internet has given rise to a mushrooming of new forms of business. And big data application has become a trend. We must adapt to this trend in order to seize as many opportunities as possible. Traditional industries did come under challenges. I once cited the example of physical stores going through the painful experience of confronting or even conflicting with online shops. Now many physical stores have also opened their own online stores, which has made them more competitive. As we can see, notwithstanding the numerous challenges, we have more ways and means to overcome them.


The Internet Plus strategy the Chinese government has been advancing is inherently open to the world. We have in China a large number of cloud platforms that are attractive to foreign businesses or individuals. Foreign companies are getting registered on such platforms in large numbers. In sectors of basic telecommunications and value-added services in China, many business areas are now open to foreign investors, which represents the highest level of openness so far among all developing countries. This means tremendous opportunities for foreign firms.


Furthermore, China has over 900 million mobile broadband users and over 730 million Internet users. We are also actively advancing cross-border e-commerce. Foreign companies can sell their products and services on the e-commerce platforms. Nothing is impossible as long as you act on your ideas. In this process, the Chinese government will exercise prudent yet accommodating regulation to make sure that foreign companies can grow together with Chinese companies and join in our efforts to boost the Chinese economy and deliver greater convenience to the Chinese people. For the online economy to attract more consumers, security is the precondition. We must work together to crack down on fraud, sales of fake and shoddy products online, and theft of trade secrets.

最后,我想强调一下,刚才几位企业家做了提问,也都介绍了他们自己的企业。希望在座的各位和媒体,不仅关注他们的提问和我的回答,也要关注他们企业所取得的业绩,以及对中国现代化建设的支持。谢谢你们。微博@高斋翻硕 公众号:高斋翻译学堂

To conclude, let me emphasize one point. Just now a few business leaders have asked questions and introduced their businesses. I hope all the delegates here and the media will pay attention not just to the questions they asked and the answers I gave, but also to what their businesses have achieved in the Chinese market and their support for China's modernization. Thank you.


Professor Schwab: We should be very grateful to the Premier for being here at this dialogue and for having shared with us his insights and many specific policies and measures, particularly some vivid examples. We also want to express our appreciation to the participation of such a prominent government delegation which has accompanied you, Mr. Premier. And we wish the Chinese government all the best in the implementation of those strategies. And you can be assured that you have the goodwill of all those here, and you have the strong commitment of the World Economic Forum to contribute to the success of the development of China. 

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