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文章来源:UNESCO 发布时间:2024-05-15 23:27 作者:UNESCO 点击:


International Day of Conscience 2024

Message from Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the International Day of Conscience


5 April 2024


“Cum scientia”, “with knowledge”. This is the Latin etymology of “conscience”, which we are celebrating today. Knowing together, thinking about the world together – and from this shared knowledge, learning to accept and respect others: this is the quintessence of the word “conscience”.

我们今天这个国际日所礼赞的“良心”,其拉丁语词源是“cum scientia”,意为“共同认知”(connaissance en commun)。共同认识、共同思考这个世界,并从这种共同的认知中学会接受和尊重他人:这就是“良心”一词的精髓所在。

This International Day is therefore a reminder of the founding principles of UNESCO’s mandate: understanding the world and otherness – a message we so urgently need in these troubled times.


For it is when the universality of consciousness is questioned and one’s own judgment or that of others is stifled or repressed, that peace weakens. This is why the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims that all human beings are endowed with conscience and are free to act according to it.


This is also why, more fundamentally, the mission of our Organization is also to bring about a collective conscience in humanity – the “intellectual and moral solidarity” that is the cornerstone of our Constitution.


Every initiative we undertake, whether in education, culture, information or science, is a step towards this ideal.


This is of course the purpose of the programmes through which we fight all forms of racism and discrimination and promote inclusion and peace education everywhere, based on respect for diversity. Through these programmes we strive to make everyone aware that we are all part of the same human family.


In environmental matters, too, UNESCO’s efforts are aimed at raising collective awareness of the urgency of rethinking our relationship with the living world. With this in mind, UNESCO is committed to ensuring that its Member States will make environmental education a more significant part of their school curricula. Such was the spirit of Husserl’s “consciousness”: a capacity to ask ourselves about the relationship between the individual and the world.


Similarly, UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence emphasizes the need to combine conscience and vigilance when developing new technologies, thereby echoing the wisdom of Rabelais that “science without conscience is but ruination of the soul”.


Finally, to address the challenges of dazzling advances in neurotechnology, and its ethical risks – to our brains, our private lives, our feelings, and therefore our consciousness – UNESCO is already engaged in another major project: the development of a recommendation on the ethics of neurotechnology.


It is with confidence, therefore, that on this International Day of Conscience, UNESCO assumes its role as “the conscience of the world community”, as put by Jawaharlal Nehru.









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