Chapter 1
1. As I reflect on the work of the Organization since I took office almost two years ago, I have seen yet again that one of the most valuable assets of the United Nations is its capacity to operate as a convener of people, a proponent of ideas, a catalyst for action and a driver of solutions. As today’s problems grow ever more global, multilateralism is more important than ever.
2. The Charter of the United Nations provides a moral compass to promote peace, advance human dignity and prosperity and uphold human rights and the rule of law.
A frank, realistic appraisal is essential
3. I started my tenure calling for 2017 to be a year of peace, yet peace remains elusive. Conflicts have deepened, with grave violations of human rights and humanitarian law; inequality has risen, intolerance has spread, discrimination against women remains entrenched and the impacts of climate change continue to accelerate. To address these issues, we need unity and courage in setting the world on track towards a better future. One of my goals as Secretary-General is to ease and end suffering while laying the foundation for stability. I have worked to exercise my good offices, bolster our capacity for mediation and emphasize prevention. We have also embarked on wide-ranging reform efforts to make the Organization fit for the twenty-first century.
我在任期之初便呼吁将2017年作为和平之年,但和平仍然难以企及。冲突恶化,人权法和人道主义法遭到严重践踏;不平等问题加剧,不容忍现象蔓延,妇女所受歧视依然根深蒂固,气候变化的影响继续变本加厉。为了解决这些问题,我们需要团结一致,拿出勇气,让世界走上迎接更美好未来的坦途。作为秘书长,我的目标之一是纾解和消除苦难,同时为稳定打下根基。我努力开展斡旋,增强我们的调解能力,并大力重视预防工作。我们还启动了广泛改革,使本组织适应二十一世纪的需要。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI
Confronting global challenges
4. Globalization has taken root, generating remarkable gains, yet too many people are unable to share in these benefits, and millions continue to live in extreme poverty. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development — an integrated and universal framework — is our contribution to a fair globalization that leaves no one behind. The launch of the Sustainable Development Goals has generated coordinated efforts by Member States and civil society to alleviate poverty and build peaceful, prosperous and inclusive societies. Reform of the United Nations development system — the most comprehensive effort in decades — aims to strengthen the capacity of the United Nations to support Member States in pursuit of the Goals.
全球化已落地生根,成果斐然,但有太多人无法分享这些惠益,亿万人仍然生活赤贫。《2030年可持续发展议程》作为一项综合、普遍的框架,是我们为推动公平全球化、不让任何一个人掉队所作的贡献。可持续发展目标的启动促使会员国和民间社会协同努力,共同减轻贫穷,建设和平、繁荣和包容的社会。联合国发展系统改革是数十年来最综合全面的举措,旨在加强联合国支持会员国谋求实现可持续发展目标的能力。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI
Multilateralism is more important than ever.
5. Gender equality is central to leaving no one behind, but progress is generally slow and some parts of the world are moving backwards on legal protections and rights. The global gender pay gap is 23 per cent — underscoring persistent inequalities. Women make up more than half the world’s population and all of us lose when this vast wealth of skills is underutilized or ignored.
6. A new 24-hour Secretariat hotline allows staff to confidentially report situations of sexual harassment and to seek advice. A Secretariat staff survey will be undertaken to enhance understanding of the scale and nature of the problem.
7. New frontiers of technology are expanding. Artificial intelligence, genetic engineering and advances in cyberspace continue to transform the way we live and work. Our challenge is to reap the benefits of these rapidly developing technologies while protecting against unintended consequences and the dark side of technological advances. I have established a High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation that will focus on this effort.
新的技术前沿正在不断拓展。人工智能、基因工程和网络空间的进步继续改变我们的生活和工作方式。我们面临的挑战在于,既要享受这些飞速发展的技术带来的惠益,又要防范意外后果和技术进步的阴暗面。我已设立数字合作高级别小组,重点开展这项工作。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI
8. The impacts of climate change are being felt throughout the world and remain an existential threat. Scientists have long confirmed that human influence on the climate ecosystem is beyond doubt — and its effects are worsening. Rising sea levels threaten coastal cities, low-lying island nations and vulnerable deltas. In the Arctic, summer could well become ice-free, with devastating repercussions for indigenous peoples and sea life. We must increase ambition to bend the emission curve by 2020. Currently,however, climate change is moving faster than we are.
气候变化的影响正在世界各地显现,继续威胁人类生存。科学家早已证实,人类对气候生态系统的影响不容置疑,而且影响带来的后果愈演愈烈。海平面上升危及沿海城市、低洼岛国和脆弱三角洲地区。北极很可能出现夏季无冰的情况, 给土著人民和海洋生物带来毁灭性影响。我们必须加大行动力度,在2020年前扭转排放趋势。然而,我们目前的行动速度落后于气候变化的速度。
9. The Paris Agreement on climate change is an important expression of collective commitment to limit the rise in global temperature to well below 2 degrees Celsius and as close as possible to 1.5 degrees. As at 20 July 2018, 179 parties, representing some 90 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, have ratified the Agreement. Countries need to turn pledges into national climate action, however. Cities, regions, territories and private entities are contributing by setting their own ambitious targets. To build on this momentum, I plan to hold a summit in 2019.
Climate change continues to move faster than we do.
10. Upholding human rights remains a global imperative and human rights and national sovereignty should not be seen as competing ideas. Observance of human rights enables every person to contribute to society and strengthens development in every aspect, thereby reinforcing sovereignty.
Global challenges require global strategies
11. Global strategies include building partnerships among Member States, regional and international organizations, and civil society. United Nations partnerships not only create space for dialogue to share ideas and actions, but also promote burden-sharing where no country can go it alone. This includes strengthening our partnerships with Africa and I am a firm believer in an effective, well-funded African-led peace architecture.
Prevention must remain a high priority
Chapter 2
The work of the Organization
A.Promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development
12. Many people around the world are living better lives than they did a decade ago. Globally, the under-5 mortality rate dropped to 41 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2016 from 78 in 2000 — a 47 per cent decline. In the least developed countries, the proportion of the population with access to electricity has more than doubled since 2000. Labour productivity has increased worldwide, the unemployment rate has decreased and Governments have been actively putting in place the institutions and frameworks necessary to implement the Sustainable Development Goals.
世界各地许多人的生活状况比10年前有所改善。全球5岁以下儿童每1,000 例活产死亡率从2000 年的78例降至2016 年的41例,降幅达47%。自2000年以来,最不发达国家有电可用的人口比例增加了1倍多。全世界的劳动生产率提高,失业率下降,各国政府一直在为执行可持续发展目标,积极建立必需的机构和框架。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI
13. Progress has been uneven, however, and not rapid enough to meet all the Agenda’s Goals and targets in every country by 2030. While extreme poverty has been reduced considerably, it stubbornly persists in some parts of the world. For example, in 2015, 3 in 10 people did not have access to safely managed drinking water services, and 6 in 10 people did not use safely managed sanitation services.
然而,进展参差不齐,步伐也不够快,无法到2030年在每个国家实现《议程》的所有目标和具体目标。赤贫现象大幅减少,但在世界某些地区仍顽固地长期存在。例如,2015 年时,每10人当中就有3人得不到经过安全管理的饮用水服务,有6人用不上经过安全管理的环境卫生服务。
We need to take concerted action to address countries’ vulnerability to climate change to ensure no one is left behind.
14. We see that conflicts, disasters and the effects of climate change have also adversely affected populations. The past 5-year average global temperature was the highest on record, and in 2017 the world experienced the costliest North Atlantic hurricane season in history, with damages conservatively estimated at $229 billion, highlighting exposure and vulnerabilities which must be systematically and preemptively addressed. World hunger appears to be on the rise after a prolonged decline, mainly because of conflicts, drought and disasters linked to weather-and water-related hazards.
15. The number of undernourished people rose from 777 million in 2015 to 815 million in 2016. Through its special meeting on the “Aftermath of recent hurricanes: achieving a risk-informed and resilient 2030 Agenda”, the Economic and Social Council demonstrated the disproportionate impact on countries with a high level of exposure and vulnerability to climate change, many of which were small island developing States, and the need to increase their access to concessional finance given their high level of indebtedness. We need to take concerted action to address countries’ vulnerability to climate change to ensure that no one is left behind.
16. Although the high- level political forum on sustainable development of 2018, with a focus on making societies sustainable and resilient, reflected some very positive initiatives, it also showed that we urgently need to step up efforts to implement the Sustainable Development Goals in areas such as energy, water and terrestrial ecosystems. An integrated approach to the implementation of sustainable development, climate change and disaster risk reduction policies remains pivotal.
17. Countries — including some of the richest ones — are well behind in embarking on sustainable consumption and production pathways. The voluntary national reviews presented at the high-level forum are a powerful way for countries to exchange lessons and experiences in implementing the Goals. In 2018, 47 countries carried out such reviews. I encourage all countries to conduct a voluntary national review between now and September 2020.
包括部分最富裕国家在内的各国远未走上可持续消费和生产的道路。在高级别论坛上提交的自愿国别评估是各国就执行可持续发展目标交流经验教训的有效途径。2018年,47个国家进行了此类评估。我鼓励所有国家在2020年9月前都开展一次自愿国别评估。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI
We urgently need to step up our efforts to implement the SDGs.
18. Recent improvements in global macroeconomic conditions, with International Monetary Fund (IMF) predictions of 3.9 per cent growth in 2018/19, may offer policymakers greater opportunity to address some of the deep-rooted barriers that continue to hamper progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. A stronger and more stable economic outlook should allow a shift from crisis management and short-term stabilization to longer-term policies that are crucial to the success of the 2030 Agenda. This includes rehabilitating and protecting the environment, making investments disaster-risk-informed, making economic growth more inclusive and tackling institutional barriers to development. For example, in commodity-exporting countries in Africa, Latin America and Western Asia, the recent recovery of commodity prices, coupled with largely stable global financial conditions, has eased fiscal and external pressures, creating room for much-needed investment in resilient infrastructure and social services. Against a backdrop of stronger economic activity, GDP per capita growth in most developing regions is projected to improve.
19. In tandem with recent improvements in global economic growth, downside risks to the global economy have also been building, including a rise in trade tensions and an increasing tendency to move away from the multilateral framework. In many countries, economic performance is expected to be slow and fragile, given significant country-specific vulnerabilities, for example, the need to strengthen institutions, human resources, finance and infrastructure. Among the least developed countries, only a handful are expected to reach the Sustainable Development Goal target of “at least 7 per cent gross domestic product growth per annum” by 2019.
20. Partnerships are key to achieving the 2030 Agenda and the United Nations has actively facilitated the engagement of all stakeholders through the Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals online platform. As of June 2018, 3,834 partnerships have been registered by stakeholders from different sectors across all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.This includes the Small Island Developing States Partnership Framework to monitor the progress of existing, and stimulate the launch of new, genuine and durable partnerships for this group of countries.
21. The United Nations has also been tracking the implementation of the more than 1,400 voluntary commitments made by Governments, the United Nations system, civil society organizations, academia, the scientific community and the private sector around the United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 (the Ocean Conference). Those commitments, together with the Conference outcome document, mark a global breakthrough on the path to the sustainable management and conservation of our oceans, seas and marine resources. In addition, nine thematic multi-stakeholder “Communities of Ocean Action” were launched in support of Goal 14.
Partnerships are key to achieving the SDGs
22. The unanimous agreement on the intergovernmental conclusions and recommendations of the Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up of 2018 signalled a strong interest on the part of all stakeholders in facilitating the mobilization of adequate financing for sustainable development. The forum drew on the Organization’s analytical work, specifically, the report of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Financing for Development, which has become an authoritative voice on Sustainable Development Goal financing that resonates beyond the United Nations. The forum attracted a record number of Ministers and other high-level representatives, again underscoring the high level of interest in the United Nations as a forum for discussions on financing issues. The inaugural Sustainable Development Goal Investment Fair was widely welcomed as a promising platform to scale up investments on the ground.
23. In October 2017, we welcomed Sophia, the first robot to be a panellist at the United Nations as she addressed a joint meeting of the Economic and Social Council and the Second Committee of the General Assembly. This event provided a preview of the increasing opportunities that technology creates, and how it can facilitate the realization of the 2030 Agenda. While incredibly enabling, these technologies also generate fundamental challenges relating to ethics and human rights, peace and security, jobs and even society as we know it. While many frontier technologies offer great promise for improving lives, livelihood and environmental sustainability, advances in artificial intelligence and automation raise serious concerns regarding the future of work.
2017年10月,我们迎来了联合国的首位机器人专题讨论嘉宾,她就是在经济及社会理事会和大会第二委员会联席会议上发言的索菲亚。这次活动向我们预示了技术创造的越来越多机会,还预示了技术如何能促进实现《2030年议程》。这些技术虽然起到极大的促进作用,但也引起了涉及道德和人权、和平与安全、就业机会甚至我们今天的社会的根本性挑战。虽然许多前沿技术为改善生活、生计和环境可持续性带来了巨大希望,但人工智能和自动化的进步引起了人们对工作前景的严重关切。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI
24. Identifying the spatial location of drought or flood areas is critical and the Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management moved forward two initiatives that will help to ensure that no one is left behind. The global fundamental geospatial data themes enable national mapping agencies and national statistical offices to offer guidance, including information which combines statistics and geography to provide repositories of national information.
25. The United Nations has actively promoted the use of new data sources and new technologies to improve the availability and dissemination of high quality statistics and indicators. Examples of these public-private partnerships are the Open Sustainable Development Goal Data Hub and collaborative data projects under the Global Working Group on Big Data for Official Statistics. To fully implement and monitor progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, political commitment is needed to meet the demand for quality, accurate, open, timely and sufficiently disaggregated data and statistics. In December 2017, I also launched the Centre for Humanitarian Data in The Hague, the Netherlands, to increase the impact of data and its use to inform evidenced- based humanitarian action.
Young people are seizing the opportunity to lead.
26. Young people are crucial for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. Their ideas and innovations, some of which they shared at the Economic and Social Council Youth Forum in January 2018, are an important contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at national and local levels. My Envoy on Youth, Jayathma Wickramanayake of Sri Lanka, is proactively addressing youth concerns by continuously advocating for their needs and rights, including their right to participate in decision-making processes at all levels, and by playing a key role in strengthening the United Nations system’s coordination on delivering for and with youth. Young people are seizing the opportunity to lead and take responsibility for their future as agents of change. Therefore, including youth in policymaking and the setting of national priorities and plans and their implementation is not only good practice but beneficial for all. Recognizing the importance of youth and the challenges we face in tapping into young people’s potential and concerns, the Organization has adopted the United Nations strategy on youth. Through this strategy, we seek to step up our work with and for young people across the three pillars (peace and security, sustainable development and human rights) and to strengthen the Organization’s capacity to engage with young people and benefit from their views and ideas. The strategy aims to facilitate increased impact and expanded global, regional and particularly country-level action to address the needs for quality education,health care, decent work and civic and political participation.The strategy includes empowering youth to act and advancing the rights of young people around the world and ensuring their engagement in the implementation, review and follow-up of the 2030 Agenda as well as other agendas and frameworks.
27. Since 2000, the global number of international migrants has increased by 49 per cent to reach 258 million in 2017 (see figure I). The share of international migrants in the total population has grown too: international migrants now comprise 3.4 per cent of the global population, compared to 2.8 per cent in the year 2000.
自2000年以来,全球国际移民人数增加了49%,2017年达到2.58亿。国际移民人数占总人口份额也有所增加:国际移民现在占全球人口的3.4%,而2000年为2.8%。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI
28. While the largest number of international migrants reside in Asia (80 million) and Europe (78 million), Africa recorded the fastest increase in the number of international migrants since 2000 (67 per cent). Most international migrants move within their region of birth.
29. International migration is one of the drivers of population change. In the developed regions, the net inflow of migrants has outpaced “natural increase” (the excess of births over deaths) as the primary source of population growth since the 1990s. International migration is projected to remain a major driver of population growth in developed regions after 2020. In contrast, the impact of migration on overall population change in developing regions is likely to remain relatively small for the next several decades.
30. Officially recorded remittances to low- and middle-income countries reached $466 billion in 2017, an increase of 8.5 per cent compared to 2016. Global remittances, which include flows to high-income countries, grew 7 per cent, to reach $613 billion in 2017. The global average cost of sending $200 was 7.1 per cent in the first quarter of 2018, more than double the Sustainable Development Goal target of less than 3 per cent.
31. This comprehensive framework comprises a range of objectives, actions and avenues for implementation, follow- up and review, all aimed at facilitating safe, orderly and regular migration, while reducing the incidence and impact of irregular migration.
32. Forests and trees play an important role in support of life on earth, human well- being and sustainable development. At its thirteenth session, in May 2018, the United Nations Forum on Forests adopted a communication and outreach strategy to raise awareness, within and outside the forest sector. Member States at the Forum adopted the format for voluntary national reporting to the Forum on the implementation of the United Nations strategic plan for forests 2017–2030. Several Member States also announced their voluntary national contributions towards the achievement of the six global forest goals and targets of the strategic plan, which provides a global framework for sustainably managing all types of forests and trees outside forests, halting and reversing deforestation and forest degradation and increasing forest area. To further enhance access of eligible countries to multilateral funding for forests, the Forum at its thirteenth session also adopted guidelines for the operation of the Global Forest Financing Facilitation Network.
33. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals requires immediate an accelerated actions by countries, together with collaborative partnerships among Governments and stakeholders at all levels to implement a risk-informed and resilient 2030 Agenda. While much has been done in the past year, we must step up efforts to achieve meaningful progress by September 2019, when the high-level political forum will take stock of progress towards realizing the vision of the 2030 Agenda. The cross-cutting and comprehensive nature of the Goals makes our task even more challenging, but in every aspect their achievement has the potential of reducing and even eliminating human suffering and preventing the outbreak of conflict, the values that the United Nations is mandated to uphold. The paradigm shift reflected in the 2030 Agenda requires significant adjustments in the skill sets, leadership, and coordination and accountability mechanisms of the United Nations development system. To remain a partner of choice, the United Nations system must ensure that it is better prepared to support countries across all Sustainable Development Goals, with a much greater degree of cohesion, and leveraging partnerships and financing for national priorities on an unprecedented scale. These are key objectives of the ongoing reforms.
实现可持续发展目标需要各国立即加快行动,在各国政府和各级利益攸关方间建立合作伙伴关系,以执行顾及风险和有韧性的《2030年议程》。虽然过去一年做了许多工作, 但我们必须加紧努力,在2019年9 月高级别政治论坛对实现《2030年议程》愿景的进展情况进行评估之前,取得切实进展。可持续发展目标贯穿各领域,覆盖全面,这种性质使我们的任务更具挑战,但从每个方面来说,实现这些目标都有可能减轻甚至消除人类苦难,防止冲突爆发,这正是联合国受命维护的价值观。《2030年议程》所体现的根本模式的转变要求对联合国发展系统的技能组合、领导作用、协调和问责机制进行重大调整。为了继续成为首选伙伴,联合国发展系统必须确保自身更具条件支持各国实现所有可持续发展目标,大大提高协调一致性,并以前所未有的规模为国家优先事项利用伙伴关系和筹资。这些是正在进行的改革的主要目标。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI
B.Maintenance of international peace and security
Peace must be homegrown, but it can be effectively bolstered through strategic international support.
34. Prevention is first and foremost about supporting efforts by national Governments and populations to make full use of the gamut of United Nations tools and programmes. Peace must be homegrown, but it can be effectively bolstered through coherent and strategic international support. To that end, I have conveyed to the United Nations system that prevention should permeate everything we do. It should cut across all pillars of the Organization’s work — within respective mandates and resources — and unite us for more effective delivery. To further ensure that we live up to this challenge, I have also articulated the idea of a prevention platform with the aim not of creating new structures or processes, but rather as an internal organizational, cultural and management tool designed to enable us to make maximum use of existing resources and capacities in support of a broader prevention agenda that is commensurate with the risks and challenges our Member States are facing.
预防,首先就是支持各国政府和人民作出努力,充分利用联合国的一系列工具和方案。和平必须是内生的,但可通过协调一致的战略性国际支持得到有效加强。为此,我已向联合国系统指出,预防应当渗透到我们的一切工作当中。在本组织工作所有支柱的各自任务和资源范围内,预防应贯穿始终,并使我们团结一致,更有效地交付成果。为了进一步确保我们能够应对这一挑战,我还阐述了关于预防平台的想法,其目的不是建立新的构架或程序,而是用作一种内部组织、文化和管理工具,使我们能够最大限度地利用现有资源和能力,根据会员国面临的风险和挑战,支持更广泛的预防议程。在2018年4月举行的建设和平与保持和平高级别会议上,会员国正是重申支持整个联合国系统采取这种全面和协调的办法支持预防工作。最近核可的多项改革将使本组织能够向会员国提供更有效的支持,帮助它们应对面临的各种预防挑战。通过建立一个综合区域构架,并为提高成效将建设和平支助办公室定位成联系发展支柱的纽带,联合国和平与安全架构正在进行重组, 目的是实现和平与安全、可持续发展和人权三大支柱之间的协调,以支持预防工作。联合国发展系统的改革将使我们能够在实现可持续发展目标方面取得更加协同一致的进展,同时认识到执行这些目标是我们能为预防作出的最有效贡献。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI
Children continue to be increasingly and disproportionately affected by armed conflict.
Special political missions remain a flexible and versatile response.
35. We must also continue to work with international financial institutions. The United Nations-World Bank study, Pathways for Peace, is the first endeavour of its kind and the United Nations is working closely with the Bank on its recommendations. The Partnership Framework for Crisis-Affected Situations that I signed with the President of the World Bank in April 2017 explicitly shifts our collaboration from crisis response and recovery to risk reduction and prevention. The Strategic Partnership Framework agreement with the World Bank that we signed in May 2018 further aligns our support to countries in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and climate and post-crisis humanitarian responses.
36. The women and peace and security agenda remains a priority. The United Nations continues to make progress in enhancing women’s participation in peacekeeping, and approximately 11 per cent of staff officers and observers are female, nearing the target of 15 per cent by 2018. The United Nations also works to promote women’s meaningful inclusion in peace processes and to promote gender sensitive agreements, including by developing a close working relationship with Member State regional and national networks of women mediators. With regard to financing of the agenda, 36 per cent of Peacebuilding Fund support went to programmes intended to further gender equality, surpassing the 15 per cent minimum called for by the Secretary-General in 2009. As 15 per cent has been adopted as a minimum standard by a growing number of Member States and other organizations, other United Nations entities working on peacebuilding, recovery, or countering violent extremism still have more work to do to track their investments on gender equality and reach this minimum threshold. Equally, women continue to be underrepresented in decision-making in peacekeeping, as well as local and national peace processes, making further efforts on the participation front imperative.
妇女、和平与安全议程仍然是优先事项。在加强妇女对维持和平的参与方面,联合国继续取得进展,现有约11%的参谋人员和观察员为女性,接近到2018年达到15%的目标。联合国还作出努力,促进妇女切实参与和平进程,推动达成具有性别敏感性的协议,包括为此与会员国、区域和国家妇女调解人网络建立密切的工作关系。就该议程所获供资而言,建设和平基金提供的支持有36%流向了旨在推进性别平等的方案,超过秘书长2009年呼吁达到的15%这一最低比例。鉴于越来越多的会员国和其他组织采用了15%的最低标准,在建设和平、恢复或打击暴力极端主义等领域开展工作的其他联合国实体仍需作出更多努力,跟踪本实体在性别平等方面投入的资金数额,并达到这一最低门槛值。同样,妇女在维和决策以及地方和国家和平进程中的参与人数仍然不足,因此当务之急是在参与方面进一步作出努力。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI
Effective governance and rule of law are important for sustainable peace.
有效的治理和法治对 可持续和平至关重要。
37. The Security Council’s recent focus on youth and peace and security, including its open debate in April and its adoption of a resolution in June, highlights the important role that young people play in preventing conflict and sustaining peace. The recently finalized United Nations strategy on youth prioritizes supporting young people as catalysts for peace and security, sustainable development, human rights and humanitarian action. This includes the promotion of an enabling environment that promotes intercultural and interreligious dialogue, is conducive to young people’s actions, and recognizes their important contributions in informal and formal processes, including in mediation, conflict resolution and peace processes.
C. Development of Africa
The UN and AU relationship is based on mutual respect, solidarity and complementarity.
38. As I am a strong believer in African-led solutions to African problems, I made the solemn promise that the relationship between the United Nations and the African Union will be based on mutual respect, solidarity, complementarity and interdependence to deliver effectively for the African people. Our mutual goals and aspirations are not only about economic development, environmental protection and reduced conflict, but also about a fundamental commitment to social justice for all and leaving no one behind. These are also the guiding principles for our work and partnerships on the continent.
39. Intra-African exports made up only 18 per cent of total exports in 2016, compared to 59 and 69 per cent for intra-Asia and intra-Europe exports, respectively. To address this issue, in March 2018, in Kigali, 44 African Heads of State and Government signed the framework to establish the African Continental Free Trade Area, a landmark initiative of the African Union. The Free Trade Area will cover a market of 1.2 billion people and a gross domestic product of $2.5 trillion. By progressively eliminating tariffs on intra-African trade, it will contribute significantly to Africa’s regional economic integration and structural transformation. Enhanced intra-continental trade will potentially generate cross-border entrepreneurial initiatives and decent jobs, help to formalize the informal sector and create opportunities for the growing youth population, thus harnessing the continent’s demographic dividend.
2016年,非洲内部出口仅占总出口的18%,而亚洲内部出口和欧洲内部出口则占各自总出口的59 %和69%。为解决这一问题,2018年3月,44名非洲国家元首和政府首脑齐聚基加利,签署设立非洲大陆自由贸易区框架,这是非洲联盟的一项标志性举措。自由贸易区将覆盖一个由12亿人组成、国内生产总值2.5万亿美元的市场。通过逐步取消非洲内部贸易关税,自由贸易区将为非洲区域经济一体化和结构转型作出重大贡献。加强非洲内部贸易有可能催生跨境创业举措,带来体面就业,促进非正规部门实现正规化,为不断增长的青年人口创造机会,从而利用非洲的人口红利。
40. Changes in the global population affect the implementation of the 2030 Agenda; therefore the location and demographic characteristics of people need to be taken into account. Africa has the fastest growing population of all major regions and that is expected to continue for decades to come (see figure II). Supporting larger populations and improving their quality of life without bringing about negative environmental impacts or otherwise diminishing the quality of life of future generations remains the central challenge of sustainable development.
41. Africa is the only region where the number of young people aged 15–24 years is projected to increase until mid-century (see figure III). The ability of countries to harness the demographic dividend depends critically on investments in education, health care and job opportunities needed for a productive integration of working-age women and men into the labour force. If human capital investment falls short or if the labour market is unable to generate productive employment opportunities, the potential of the demographic dividend may be squandered. The consideration of these major changes in the size, characteristics and location of the human population should be part of data-driven planning for sustainable development.
非洲是15-24岁青年人口预计在本世纪中叶前一直增加的唯一区域。各国是否有能力利用人口红利,关键取决于在教育、医疗保健、就业机会等方面进行所需的投资,让工作年龄男女有效加入劳动力大军。如果对人力资本的投资不足,或是劳动力市场无法创造生产性就业机会,人口红利的潜力可能就会浪费殆尽。在借助数据进行可持续发展规划时,应考虑人口规模、特性和地理分布发生的这些重大变化。公众号高斋翻硕 公众号高斋CATTI
D. Promotion and protection of human rights
42. The year 2018 marks the seventieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a milestone document underpinning all progress made inthe advancement of human rights at the global level, so that all people can live in freedom, equality and dignity. Challenges to the protection of human rights are a global phenomenon. Entrenched levels of discrimination, inequality and violent conflict continue to displace millions of people around the world. In 2017, 68.5 million people were on the move, with women and children the most vulnerable to further exploitation. The global threat to democracy and the rule of law is steadily increasing; this is manifested by the frequent repression of demonstrations, human rights defenders and the media, accompanied by the dismantling of institutions and policies that promote greater justice.
43. Protecting and promoting human rights is the cornerstone of the 2030 Agenda, as the High Commissioner for Human Rights emphasized at the conference held in Vienna in May 2018. The Sustainable Development Goals “seek to realize the human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls”.
We launched an e-learning module on operationalizing the right to development while implementing the SDGs.
44. During the period covered, we continued to monitor human rights situations in several countries, in particular the situations of vulnerable groups such as migrants, the displaced and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons. The protection of human rights and the rule of law are key to the proper functioning of democratic institutions and the maintenance of civic and political space, which is increasingly under threat as a result of the adoption of repressive security legislation and emergency measures. We have therefore supported States in developing more comprehensive and human rights-compliant approaches to their security concerns through the provision of capacity-building and assistance to countries facing terrorism threats and attacks. We have also supported approaches that enhance inter faith and inter- community understanding through the Faith for Rights initiative be means of which faith-based actors explore the deep connections between religion and human rights.
E. Effective coordination of humanitarian assistance efforts
The UN and its partners provided aid to over 100 million people in 40 countries.
45. Humanitarian challenges are on the rise as the United Nations mobilizes humanitarian action to relieve human suffering and save lives. The World Humanitarian Data and Trends report for 2017 disclosed that 68.5 million people have been forcibly displaced. Conflicts continue to drive humanitarian needs and displacement. Flagrant violations of international humanitarian and human rights laws deepen humanitarian crises. Denial of humanitarian access and bureaucratic impediments to aid delivery compound civilian suffering.
46. During the course of 2017, the United Nations and its partners targeted a record 105.1 million people in 40 countries with aid, saving millions of lives, reducing suffering and promoting human dignity. The United Nations appealed for $24.7 billion in funding for humanitarian assistance and donors’ funding responses reached $13.8 billion. Yet the growth in need has outpaced the increase in funding.
47. In 2017, 30.6 million new internally displaced people were registered in 143 countries and territories, including18.8 million displaced by disasters. The number of those forcibly displaced by conflict and violence reached 11.8 million in 2017, up from 6.9 million in 2016, bringing the total to 40 million people who remained internally displaced because of conflict by the end of 2017.
F. Promotion of justice and international law
The global focal point has provided timely and comprehensive support to 18 countries.
48. To achieve the best results, constructive engagement of Member States with the Secretariat is essential before intergovernmental organs take decisions on establishing or supporting new accountability mechanisms in order to ensure due consideration of United Nations policies and best practices.
49. We continue to cooperate with the International Criminal Court by providing support pursuant to the Relationship Agreement, including through the sharing of information and evidence, and the provision of services, facilities and various forms of practical support.
G. Disarmament
The continuing use of chemical weapons is deeply troubling.
50. The third agenda area is disarmament for future generations. Developments in science and technology bring clear benefits but we also see the risks and challenges posed by autonomous weapons, artificial intelligence and cyberthreats. At the seventy-third session of the General Assembly, I will report on current developments in science and technology and their potential impact on international security and disarmament efforts. I foresee a spectrum of responses and multi- stakeholder coalitions being required to meet these potential challenges. Regarding cybersecurity, considerable progress has been made on the issue by several groups of governmental experts with respect to the application of international law, cybernorms, rules and principles of responsible State behaviour, and confidence-building and capacity-building measures. To enhance understanding of frontier technology issues, the Office for Disarmament Affairs has been developing an online training course for diplomats and all interested stakeholders which will be released in October 2018.
H. Drug control, crime prevention and combating terrorism
The transnational nature of terrorism requires a multidimensional international response.
51. Strategic partnerships are key to providing comprehensive responses to prevent and counter terrorism and violent extremism. In May 2018, the Office of Counter-Terrorism partnered with the United Nations Development Programme to develop and implement national and regional plans of action to prevent violent extremism. Currently, over two thirds of all United Nations projects dedicated to curbing acts of terrorism and violent extremism have a focus on the preventive pillar of the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. These involve 16 United Nations and other international entities that implement some 260 projects in more than 80 countries. Over 1,000 participants attended the first-ever United Nations High-level Conference of Heads of Counter-Terrorism Agencies of Member States on 28 and 29 June 2018. The Conference helped to strengthen multilateral counter-terrorism cooperation, break down silos and build new partnerships.
Chapter 3 Strengthening the Organization
52. A significant endeavour in the past year has been my reform effort that aims at making the Organization more effective, nimble, field focused and efficient to serve Member States and their populations. This is the first time that the United Nations has embarked on a reform agenda of this scale.
53. These reforms are highly significant to the success of the Sustainable Development Goals and the litmus test will be results on the ground. The renewed United Nations Development Group and the Joint Steering Committee to Advance Humanitarian and Development Collaboration are already operational and will bring about solutions, on the required scale, to challenges faced by countries and United Nations country teams. I count on Member States to continue to support the implementation of these reform efforts, including by providing the necessary funding to the resident coordinator system and the system at large. Repositioning the United Nations development system is a shared responsibility.
54. In October 2017, I proposed a new management paradigm that will empower managers to determine how best to use their resources to support programme delivery and mandate implementation. This will mean transferring greater responsibility to managers and holding them accountable for the programme and financial performance of their programmes. Support to managers will be improved by streamlining and simplifying the policy framework, providing clear guidance and restructuring the current management and support departments to better support delivery of all programmes and provide all managers with quality assurance and strategic policy guidance.
The UN is taking concrete steps to eradicate sexual exploitation and abuse as well as sexual harassment.
联合国正在采取具体步骤, 消除性剥削、性虐待和性骚扰。
55. The Organization is taking concrete steps to eradicate sexual exploitation and abuse as well as sexual harassment and is establishing a mechanism to protect and support victims. To accelerate our work in addressing sexual exploitation and abuse, I have crafted, in cooperation with Member States, a voluntary compact which identifies specific prevention and response actions, elevates the interests of victims, and develops a sexual exploitation and abuse risk management toolkit that provides field missions with a systematic approach to identifying, assessing and mitigating risks. To address sexual harassment, I have mobilized senior managers to improve guidance, information and services for staff, and I have launched a 24-hour helpline for colleagues to access information and confidential support. The Office of Internal Oversight Services is implementing a fast- track procedure to receive, process and address all sexual harassment complaints. In addition, the United Nations is creating a specialized investigation team.
本组织正在采取具体步骤,消除性剥削、性虐待和性骚扰,还正在建立机制,保护和支持受害者。为加快我们处理性剥削和性虐待问题的工作,我与会员国合作拟定了一项自愿契约,其中确定具体的预防和应对行动,更加关注受害者利益, 并制定出性剥削和性虐待风险管理工具包,为外地特派团发现、评估和减轻有关风险提供系统办法。为解决性骚扰问题,我已动员高级管理人员改进为工作人员提供的指导、信息和服务,并已建立一条24小时热线,让工作人员能够获得信息和保密支助。内部监督事务厅正在采取快速通道程序,接收、处理和解决所有性骚扰投诉。此外,联合国正在设立一个专门调查小组。
56. Evolution in information and communications technology is accelerating innovation and the delivery of data for decision-making, making such technology an increasingly valued partner and enabler of the work of the Organization. A broad range of analytics tools now support strategic direction, policy formulation and decision-making. Others, such as the computer-assisted translation tool eLuna, facilitate the work of conference services, while the electronic fuel management system supports our field missions. Umoja will enable us to produce dashboards providing real-time information on financial and programme performance of departments and offices.
信息和通信技术的发展正在加快创新和决策所需数据的提供,使此类技术成为联合国工作中越来越有价值的帮手和推进手段。现在有种类繁多的分析工具用于支持战略指导、政策制定和决策。另一些工具,比如计算机辅助翻译工具eLuna, 促进了会议服务工作,电子燃料管理系统则为我们的外地特派团提供支持。“团结”系统将帮助我们生成信息看板,提供关于各部厅财务和方案执行情况的实时信息。
57. As part of my management reform efforts, I intend to publish, soon after the appropriate Umoja extensions are in place, comprehensive, real-time and easily accessible transaction- level information about United Nations operations relating to the Sustainable Development Goals, using the standards established by the International Aid Transparency Initiative, which aims to make all information about spending easily accessible. This will increase transparency and allow Member States and the public at large to access and assess information.
58. In response to my management reform proposals, the General Assembly in December 2017 approved one of the most significant changes in the programme planning and budgetary processes of the Organization since the 1970s. Starting from 2020, the Secretariat will move towards an annual programme budget document, replacing the current two-year cycle with an annual cycle. Member States, for the first time ever, will be able to access information on programme planning, programme performance, evaluation results and financial requirements in one document. The General Assembly will be able to consider the information at one session instead of several different sessions held over a three-year period. Our budget document will now become a tool for accountability to enable us to better assess the performance of our programmes and how our resources support programme delivery.
针对我的管理改革提议,大会于2017年12月核准对本组织方案规划和预算编制程序实行变革,这是1970年代以来在这方面实行的最重大变革之一。从2020 年开始, 秘书处将转为编制年度方案预算文件,以一年周期取代现在的两年周期。会员国将历来首次能在一份文件中查阅关于方案规划、方案执行情况、评价结果和所需经费的信息。大会将能够在一届会议上审议上述信息,而不是在三年期间举行的几届不同会议上进行审议。我们的预算文件现在将成为一个问责工具,帮助我们更好评估执行方案和利用资源支持方案交付的情况。
59. The United Nations continues its commitment to the duty of care for its people. With the leadership of the Secretariat, more than 50 United Nations entities are operating under one security management umbrella. This strategy provides system-wide security policies, multidimensional operational approaches, security threat information, security training and crisis preparedness to ensure the safe delivery of United Nations operations and programmes.
60. The Organization is also committed to providing the necessary psychosocial and health-related support to all staff. We have promulgated a United Nations workplace mental health and well-being strategy and have implemented duty station health risk assessments and standards for the safety and quality of health care delivered in United Nations facilities.
Chapter 4 Conclusion
61. This report offers an overview of today’s global challenges and the opportunities for progress that are made possible through multilateral dialogue and a rule-based international order. As we look to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations, in 2020, we must continue to innovate as ongoing events and problems shift beneath our feet. The interwoven and all-encompassing Sustainable Development Goals, diligently crafted by Member States and multiple stakeholders and spelled out in the 2030 Agenda, are well under way. Peace, inclusive and sustainable development and human rights are intrinsically intertwined, and prevention permeates every path to success. The United Nations continues to offer a platform where Member States, regional organizations and civil society can find solutions to global problems that no nation acting alone can resolve. Working together multilaterally is not optional; it is the only answer.
发布时间:2019-12-26 17:56