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1. 新兴市场国家 emerging markets

2. 分享发展经验,共享发展成果 share development experience and gains

3. 实现共同繁荣 achieve common prosperity

4. 保持战略定力 maintain strategic focus

5. 坚持相互尊重 adhere to mutual respect

6. 平等相待 treat each other as equals

7. 加强交往 strengthen exchanges

8. 筑牢互信 cement mutual trust

9. 拉美国家 Latin American countries

10. 开展全面交流合作 all-round exchanges and cooperation

11. 坚持多边主义 uphold multilateralism

12. 构建开放型世界经济 build an open world economy

13. 捍卫新兴市场国家正当发展权益 safeguard the legitimate development rights and interests of emerging markets

14. 拥有广泛共同利益 share broad common interests

15. 深化传统友谊 deepen traditional friendship

16. 世界一流港口 world-class ports

17. 建设世界一流的海洋港口 the construction of world-class sea ports

18. 完善的现代海洋产业体系 a well-established modern maritime industry system

19. 绿色可持续的海洋生态环境 a green and sustainable marine ecological environment

20. 建设海洋强国 the building of a maritime power

21. 海洋经济 the marine economy

22. 海洋强国战略 maritime power strategies

23. 金砖国家新工业革命伙伴关系 BRICS partnership>24. 作出实实在在的贡献 make tangible contributions to

25. 创造就业 job creation

26. 新一轮科技革命和产业变革a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation

27. 全球治理 global governance

28. 多边贸易体制 a multilateral trade system

29. 北京市气象台 Beijing Municipal Meteorological Center

30. 时速88公里的大风 strong winds of up to 88 kilometers per hour

31. 最低气温 the lowest temperature

32. 降至零下4度左右 reach around minus 4 °C

33. “蒲福氏”风级 the Beaufort Scale

34. 无风 Calm

35. 轻微/微风/软风 Light air

36. 轻微/微风/轻风 Light breeze

37. 和缓/温和/微风 Gentle breeze

38. 和缓/和风 Moderate breeze

39. 清劲/清风 Fresh breeze

40. 强风 Strong breeze

41. 强风/疾风 Near gale

42. 烈风/大风 Gale

43. 烈风 Strong gale

44. 暴风/狂风 Storm

45. 暴风 Violent storm

46. 飓风 Hurricane

47. 暴雪黄色预警  a yellow alert for snowstorms

48. 强冷空气  strong cold air

49. 冷气团  cold air masses

50. 冷锋  cold fronts

51. 低气压  low pressure

52. 口罩加身  use face masks

53. 温水洗脸  wash face with warm water

54. 戴上护膝  protect knees

55. 开窗换气  ventilation

56. 穿衣适度  wrap up properly

57. 社会主义法治建设  develop socialist rule of law

58. 人口老龄化  population aging

59. 更加公平更可持续的社会保障制度 a fairer and more sustainable social security system.

60. 构建老有所学的终身学习体系 establish a lifelong learning system for senior citizens

61. 高质量健康服务体系 A high-quality health service system

62. 健康教育 health education

63. 预防保健,疾病诊治 disease prevention and treatment

64. 康复护理 rehabilitation nursing

65. 长期照护 long-term nursing

66. 安宁疗护 hospice care

67. 老年辅助技术 assistive technologies for senior citizens

68. 保障老年人合法权益 protect the lawful rights and interests of senior citizens

69. 高龄津贴  The old age allowance

70. 社区养老服务  The community-based elderly care

71. 老有所养 care for the elderly

72. 《世界医学院校名录》World Directory of Medical Schools

73. 世界医学教育联合会 the World Federation for Medical Education,WFME

74. 国际医学教育和研究促进基金会 the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research,FAIMER

75. 《国际医学教育名录》 International Medical Education Directory

76. 传统中医 traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)

77. 国际疾病分类 International Classification of Diseases

78. 针灸  acupuncture

79. 艾灸  moxibustion

80. 拔罐  cupping therapy

81. 中草药  Chinese herbal medicine

82. 坚持走中国特色社会主义法治道路  stick to the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics

83. 建设社会主义法治国家 build a country of socialist rule of law

84. 中国特色社会主义法治体系 the system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics

85. 全面依法治国 law-based governance in all fields

86. 司法解释  judicial interpretation

87. 定罪处罚  face criminal penalty

88. 国家考试  national-level examinations

89. 普通高等学校招生 the college entrance examination

90. 公务员录用  the civil servant examination

91. 世界反兴奋剂组织  World Anti Doping Agency(WADA)

92. 禁赛 a match ban

93. 药检  doping tests

94. 公平竞争 fair play

95. 载人航天工程 manned space programs

96. 载人空间站 manned space stations

97. 自主快速交会对接 autonomous fast docking

98. 长期自主飞行能力 capability of long-term autonomous flight

99. 农村人居环境 rural living environments

100. 生活污水治理,生活垃圾治理 sewage and garbage treatment

101. 农业面源污染防治 the control of soil pollution and the restoration of polluted soil

102. 美丽宜居乡村  a countryside that is beautiful and pleasant to live in

103. 厕所革命 the toilet revolution

104. 乡村振兴战略 the rural revitalization strategy

105. 城乡发展一体化 urban-rural integration

106. 互联网+无偿献血 Internet Plus voluntary blood donation

107. 为献血者提供个性化服务 provide personalized services for blood donors

108. 血液安全管理体系 a blood safety management system

109. 完善血液筛查策略 improve blood screening strategies

110. 血液保障能力 blood supply and security capacity

111. 献血 blood donation

112. 输血 blood transfusion

113. 血型 blood type

114. 无偿献血 non-remunerated blood donation

115. 贸易和投资自由化 trade and investment liberalization

116. 希望工程 Project Hope

117. 共青团 the Chinese Communist Youth League (CCYL) organizations

118. 教育公平 education equality

119. 素质教育 all-round education

120. 缩小城乡教育差距 narrow the gap between urban and rural schools




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