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公众号:高斋翻译学堂 公众号:高斋外刊双语精读
文章来源:中国日报 发布时间:2019-10-11 09:47 作者:中国日报 点击:


1. 革命文物保护利用 protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics

2. 国家文物局the National Cultural Heritage Administration

3. 全心全意为人民服务serve the people wholeheartedly

4. 重温入党誓言review the oath of the CPC

5. 红船精神the Red Boat spirit

6. 石榴籽 pomegranate seeds

7. 中共中央总书记 general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee

8. 中央军委主席chairman of the Central Military Commission

9. 内蒙古自治区 China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

10. 坚持和完善民族区域自治制度uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy

11. 促进民族团结融合promote ethnic unity

12. 加强各民族交往交流交融encourage more exchanges and interactions among different ethnic groups

13. 共同团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展work jointly for common prosperity and development

14. 民族区域自治regional ethnic autonomy

15. “因俗而治”“因事而治” special policies based>16. 为了缩小城乡教育差距narrow the gap between urban and rural schools

17. 国家专项计划National Special Program

18. 贫困地区学生students in poverty-stricken areas

19. 地方专项计划 Local Special Program

20. 高校专项计划Special Program for Colleges and Universities

21. 招收边远、贫困、民族等地区remote, impoverished and ethnic regions

22. 优惠政策 favorable policies

23. 教育公平 education equality

24. 素质教育 all-round education

25. 高等教育 higher education

26. 终身学习体系 an education system of lifelong learning

27. 家教家风 family education and family values

28. 家和万事兴 harmony in a family makes everything successful

29. 兴家立业 make>30. 齐家治国 regulate>31. 华东政法大学East China University of Political Science and Law

32. 确认上海迪士尼乐园禁止游客携带食品入园的格式条款无效overturn the no-outside-food-and-drink policy

33. 服务合同纠纷service contract dispute

34. 霸王条款imparity clause

35. 侵犯了消费者的权益infringe>36. 酒精饮料alcoholic beverages

37. 超过 600 毫升的非酒精饮料nonalcoholic beverages over 600 milliliters

38. 主题公园 theme park

39. 入场券/门票 admission tickets

40. 游乐园 amusement park

41. 旋转木马 merry-go-round

42. 过山车 roller coaster

43. 摩天轮 ferris wheel

44. 对外贸易 foreign trade

45. 海关总署the General Administration of Customs (GAC) 

46. 贸易顺差trade surplus

47. 构建开放型经济新体制 build new institutions of the open economy

48. 转变对外贸易和投资方式transform models of foreign trade and outbound investment

49. 民营企业 private enterprises

50. 经贸摩擦trade frictions

51. 贸易和投资自由化便利化trade and investment liberalization and facilitation

52. 人造肉lab-grown meat/cultured meat/slaughter-free meat/clean meat

53. 植物蛋白vegetable protein

54. 动物干细胞animal stem cells

55. “人造肉”月饼mooncakes stuffed with lab-grown meat

56. 肉类替代品 meat substitute

57. 味蕾 taste buds

58. 素食主义者 vegetarian

59. 《上海堡垒》Shanghai Fortress

60. 《流浪地球》The Wandering Earth

61. 铁杆科幻迷diehard sci-fi fan

62. 科幻片 sci-fi movie

63. 特效 special effects

64. 票房惨败 box-office flop/bomb

65. 顶级明星卡司 cast of A-listers

66. 卖座电影 box-office hit

67. 中国特色大国外交 major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics

68. 元首外交head-of-state diplomacy

69. 人类命运共同体a community with a shared future for humanity

70. 全球伙伴关系global partnership

71. 基层减负 reduce burdens>72. 形式主义formalities for formalities’ sake

73. 八项规定eight-point frugality code

74. 工作作风work style

75. 西部陆海新通道new western land-sea corridor

76. 西部地区腹地the hinterlands of the western regions

77. 长江经济带the Yangtze River economic belt

78. “一带”和“一路”的陆海联动通道a sea-land link between the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road

79. 陆海贸易通道a land-sea trade link

80. 综合运输通道an all-round transportation channel

81. 主通道main corridor

82. 促进交通物流经济深度融合的promote the deep integration of transportation, logistics and the economy

83. 核心覆盖区core areas

84. 物流枢纽key logistics hubs

85. 辐射延展带extended areas

86. 西部大开发western development

87. 中部崛起 the rise of Central China

88. 东北振兴 revitalization of the Northeast

89. 京津冀协同发展 integrated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region


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