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文章来源:官方文章 发布时间:2019-04-12 11:29 作者:官方文章 点击:





《为实现半岛和平、繁荣和统一的板门店宣言(the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula)》


South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong Un, top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), confirmed a common goal of complete denuclearization and agreed to push for multilateral talks to turn the current armistice agreement into a peace treaty after their first summit meeting in Panmunjom Friday.


双方在会晤后签署了《为实现半岛和平、繁荣和统一的板门店宣言(the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula)》。双方宣布,为在年内把朝鲜战争停战协定转换为和平协定(turn the armistice agreement into a peace treaty)、构建永久巩固的和平机制(establish a permanent, firm peace regime),将积极推动韩朝美三方会谈或韩朝美中四方会谈(push for talks, which would also involve China and the United States)。

宣言承诺,韩朝双方将全面停止“敌对行为”(completely cease all hostile acts against each other in every domain),加强交流合作,在开城设立南北共同联络事务所(establish a joint liaison office with resident representatives of both sides in the Gaeseong region)、举行离散家属会面(reunion programs for the separated familie)等活动。双方商定,文在寅将于今年秋天访朝。


Xi Commemorates Karl Marx's 200th Birth Anniversary  马克思诞辰两百周年 习近平发表重要讲话

President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered a speech during a conference to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday morning.


With noble ideals and no fear of difficulties and adversities, throughout his lifetime, Marx devoted himself to perseverantly striving for the liberation of humanity, scaling the peak of thoughts in his pursuit of truth, and the unremitting fight to overturn the old world and establish a new one, according to Xi.


习近平说,马克思主义是科学的理论,创造性地揭示了人类社会发展规律;马克思主义是人民的理论,第一次创立了人民实现自身解放的思想体系;马克思主义是实践的理论,指引着人民改造世界的行动;马克思主义是不断发展的开放的理论,始终站在时代前沿(Marxism is a constantly developing theory and always stands at the forefront of the times)。


Space Force  太空部队

President Donald Trump signaled once again on Tuesday that he wants to create a new branch of the US military dedicated to fighting in outer space, the Space Force.


特朗普在玫瑰园(Rose Garden)向西点军校橄榄球队(West Point football team)颁发"总司令杯(Commander-in-Chief's Trophy)"时说:"你们今后会成为美国武装部队(the US Armed Forces)令人骄傲的五个分支中的一员,这五个分支是陆军(Army)、海军(Navy)、海军陆战队(Marines)、空军(Air Force)和海岸警卫队(the Coast Guard)。其实,我们当前在考虑增设一个分支,那就是太空部队(Space Force)。"

特朗普3月在加利福尼亚州对军属发表讲话时也曾表示支持创建"太空部队"。他当时说:"太空是一个作战领域,与陆海空一样(space is a war-fighting domain, just like the land, air and sea)。我们或许会有一支太空部队。"据悉,这一想法在国会山得到了一些支持(received some support on Capitol Hill),但招致了五角大楼的质疑(drawn skepticism from the Pentagon)。


Programmer Motivator  程序员鼓励师

A New York Times report about Chinese female programmer motivators has raised debate over sexism connected to the job.


"程序员鼓励师(programmer motivator)"职业的要求是:漂亮(attractive)、知道如何吸引不善交际的程序员(know how to charm socially awkward programmers),并会一点放松按摩的技术(give relaxing massages)。这些女性被雇来与程序员谈心,以缓解他们的巨大压力,兼有心理学家(psychologist)和啦啦队员(cheerleader)的性质。报道称,目前中国有七家公司正在登程序员鼓励师职业的招聘广告,其中多数是小型初创科技公司(tech start-ups)。

报道称,对于一些创业公司来说,员工里有一名程序员鼓励师是吸引男程序员的诸多福利之一(one of the many perks to attract male coders),在中国蓬勃发展的科技圈中,程序员的岗位有着很大的需求。网友对于程序员鼓励师这一职业各持观点,部分网友认为,"鼓励师"一词带有性别暗示(be sexist)。也有人并不觉得这个工作有什么问题(do not see anything wrong with the job),认为这只是工作中的一种分工(a division of labor)。


An Open Letter of Apology  致歉声明

A travel agency in Changde, Hunan province, was punished on Wednesday for a tourism product that discriminates against pregnant women, journalists, tour guides and people with disabilities, local authorities said.



特别说明中还规定,收客正常年龄为24-69岁,不在年龄范围加收200元/人;请配合进店,若存在离团现象,收取200/人离团费(an extra 200 yuan would be charged for people whose ages were not between 24 to 69 or those who refused to enter the store the agency recommended)。

25日晚,涉事的常德亲和力国际旅行社有限公司撤下了该条广告(deleted the offer)并通过官网发布了致歉声明(posted an open letter of apology),表示该广告是公司内部工作人员在失误且未经审核把关的情况下发出(explaining the advertisement as a clerical error by some staff and from inadequate supervision from leaders)。

常德市旅游外事侨务局(The Changde bureau of tourism, foreign and overseas Chinese affairs)表示,将对全市旅行社线路产品开展专项清理整治行动(conduct a special inspection campaign of all the city's travel agencies),严厉打击违法违规宣传行为(crack down on illegal advertising)。


Birth Defects  出生缺陷

New research involving half a million pregnant women across China is expected to greatly improve control and prevention of risks related to birth defects, which are likely to increase with the adoption of the universal second-child policy.


随着全面二孩放开(adoption of the universal second-child policy),高龄、高危孕产妇(older and high-risk pregnant women)数量不断增加,如何实现优生优育(bear and rear better children)成为更加重要的社会议题,然而,出生缺陷(birth defect)仍是不少家庭的噩梦。

近日,国家启动重大出生缺陷风险研究项目,该项目由北京妇产医院牵头,17个省市、33家医疗机构参加,将构建中国首个出生缺陷风险数据库(database of birth defect risks),提出适合中国人群孕早期致畸风险监控方案。

这次研究将分析重大出生缺陷发生的危险因素(analyze risk factors for major birth defects),应用大数据挖掘筛选致畸因子(use big data technology to single out factors that may cause birth defects),比如环境、遗传、慢性病等(such as environment, heritage and chronic diseases),并建立风险等级评估系统(establish a risk evaluation system)。

目前预计,标本库中将存入的标本至少会超过100万,数量庞大,未来,这个标本库将会是国际合作、开放共享的(all the samples will be open for sharing with international communities for cooperation)。


Pseudo Finger  假六指

The public can expect to see more exhibitions of preserved giant pandas now that the world's first specimens have been converted into plastic and put on display at the Mystery of Life Museum in Chengdu, Sichuan province.


据介绍,生物塑化标本(plastinated specimen)理论上可以保存上千年。传统的动物皮毛标本,每年至少维护一到两次,否则就会生虫腐烂,但塑化皮毛只需要擦灰就行。

通过生物塑化技术展示的“新妮儿”有可爱的模样,还有详实的内部结构,包括皮肤、肌肉、骨骼和内脏(skin, muscles, skeleton, and internal organs)。参观者可以近距离观察,甚至可以用手触摸。为了适应素食生活,大熊猫的身体结构发生了转变,因为要握住竹子(hold bamboo stalks),大熊猫的手部逐渐进化为6指。第六指也被称为“假六指”(pseudo finger)。


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