1. 阅兵式 military parade
2. 群众游行 mass pageantry
3. 首都国庆联欢活动 a grand evening gala in Tian'anmen Square
4. 观看文艺演出和焰火表演 watch performances and a fireworks show
5. “共和国勋章” the Medals of the Republic
6. “友谊勋章” Medals of Friendship;the Friendship Medal
7. 国家荣誉称号 national titles of honor
8. 国家勋章 the Medal of the Republic
9. 七一勋章 the July 1 Medal
10. 八一勋章 the August 1 Medal
11. 功勋簿 Book of Merit
12. 烈士纪念日Martyrs' Day
13. 人民英雄纪念碑 the Monument to the People's Heroes
14. 向人民英雄敬献花篮仪式 present flowers to deceased national heroes
15. 国庆招待会 National Day reception
16. 文艺晚会 an evening gala featuring music and dance
17. 不忘初心 stay/remain true to our original aspiration
18. 牢记使命 keep our founding mission firmly in mind
19. 革命精神 revolutionary spirits
20. 中国梦Chinese Dream
21. 为人民谋幸福 seek happiness for the Chinese people
22. 获得感、幸福感、安全感 sense of fulfillment, happiness and security
23. 以人民为中心的发展思想 the people-centered philosophy of development
24. 发展职业教育 develop vocational education
25. 教育公平 education equality
26. 技术人员 technical personnel/technicians
27. 土地所有权 land ownership rights
28. 巩固和完善农村基本经营制度 consolidate and improve the basic rural operation system
29. 深化农村土地制度advance reform of the rural land system
30. 改革完善承包地“三权”分置制度improve the system for separating the ownership rights, contract rights, and management rights for contracted rural land
31. 保障农民财产权益 safeguard the property rights and interests of rural people
32. 壮大集体经济 strengthen the collective economy
33. 农地流转 rural land transfer
34. 新型城镇化 a new type of urbanization
35. 反映中华优秀传统文化的经典名篇classic articles featuring traditional Chinese culture
36. 国粹 the quintessence of Chinese culture
37. 传承弘扬优秀传统文化 carry forward and promote traditional culture
38. 文化遗产 cultural heritage
39. 文化自然双重遗产 cultural and natural heritage
40. 文化多样性 cultural diversity
41. 民歌 folk music
42. 绝句 quatrains
43. 律诗 metrical verse
44. 文言小说 classical novels
45. 白话小说 vernacular novels
46. 新文化运动 the New Culture Movement
47. 基本药物 basic drugs
48. 药品采购政策 pharmaceutical procurement policies
49. 药品集中采购 pooled procurement of medicines
50. 医药分开 separate medical treatment and drug sales
51. 自由贸易试验区 Pilot Free Trade Zone
52. 培育贸易新业态新模式 nurture new businesses
53. 发展海洋特色产业 develop the marine economy
54. 探索中日韩三国地方经济合作explore China-Japan-Republic of Korea economic cooperation at the sub-national level
55. 实体经济创新发展 innovative development of the real economy
56. 产业转型升级示范区a demonstration zone for industrial tranformation and upgrading
57. 国际商贸物流重要枢纽 key hub for international trade and logistics
58. 国际大宗商品贸易 international commodity trade
59. 创新沿边跨境经济合作模式innovate modes of cross-border economic cooperation
60. 深化产业结构调整 deepen industrial structure adjustment
61. 完善风险防控和处置机制 improve mechanism of risk control and response
62. 自由贸易协定 free trade agreement
63. 营商环境 business environment
64. 投资环境 investment environment
65. 外资准入负面清单 negative lists for foreign investment market access
66. 新时代的长征路 Long March of the new era
67. 贷款市场报价利率 loan prime rate
68. 最优质客户执行的贷款利率 lending rates for their best customers
69. 存贷款基准利率 benchmark deposit and lending rate
70. 加息周期 interest rate hike cycle
71. 注入流动性 inject liquidity
72. 货币政策工具 monetary policy tools
73. 存款准备金率 reserve requirement ratio (RRR)