1. 汛期the flooding season
2. 南方省份southern provinces
3. 已经历七轮强降雨have received seven rounds of heavy downpours
4. 平均降雨量约476毫米average precipitation of about 476 mm
5. 大雨heavy rain
6. 小雨light rain
7. 中雨moderate rain
8. 暴雨torrential rain
9. 大暴雨downpour
10. 特大暴雨heavy downpour
11. 支流tributary
12. 干流或主流mainstream
13. 合流或合流处confluence
14. 分流distributary
15. 洞庭湖 the Dongting Lake
16. 鄱阳湖the Poyang Lake
17. 超过警戒水位 exceed the alarm level
18. 洪水floods/floodwater/inundation
19. 山洪暴发flash floods
20. 洪水水位flood level
21. 河道/水道watercourses
22. 排水量water discharge
23. 水量water volume
24. 水库water reservoirs
25. “四风”(形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风)formalities performed for formalities’ sake, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance
26. 多渠道就业multi-channel employment
27. 高校毕业生college graduates
28. 职业院校毕业生vocational college graduates
29. 留学归国人员graduates from overseas institutions
30. 小微企业Small and micro enterprises
31. 社会保险补贴social insurance subsidies
32. 稳定就业 stable employment
33. 户口迁移政策 household registration transfer policy
34. 职业教育 vocational education
35. 慢就业 delayed employment
36. 就业创业 employment and entrepreneurship
37. 亚洲基础设施投资银行 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
38. 众人拾柴火焰高。The bonfire burns higher when everyone adds firewood to it.
39. 多边金融机构 multilateral financial institution
40. 区域互联互通regional connectivity
41. 开放、包容、透明和负责open, inclusive, transparent and responsible
42. 夜间经济The nighttime economy
43. 商务活动business activities
44. 全球知名度的“夜京城”消费品牌a world-renowned "Night Capital" consumer brand
45. 夜京城地标nighttime landmarks
46. 夜京城商圈nighttime business districts
47. 夜京城生活圈nighttime living areas
48. 颐和园 the Summer Palace
49. 天坛the Temple of Heaven
50. 奥林匹克森林公园 the Olympic Forest Park
51. 实体经济the real economy
52. 支柱产业 pillar industry
53. 消费升级 consumption upgrade
54. 调整产业结构 adjust the industrial structure
55. 刺激国内需求 stimulate domestic demand
56. 社会保障体系 social security system
57. 社保基金social security funds
58. 基本医保 basic medical insurance
59. 大病医保 critical illness insurance program
60. 线上培训机构online after-school training institutions
61. 教育部the Ministry of Education
62. 下架培训应用apps removed
63. 学生减负 reduce students' excessive academic burden
64. 教学大纲 teaching syllabus
65. 超纲教学 teaching beyond the syllabus
66. 招生对象 enrollment targets
67. 课外活动 extracurricular activities
68. 应试教育 exam-oriented education
69. 以人民为中心的发展思想 the people-centered philosophy of development
70. 经济社会发展economic and social development
71. 生态文明建设building an ecological civilization
72. 开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育launch the "staying true to our founding mission" campaign
73. 为人民谋幸福 seek happiness for the Chinese people
74. 长期执政maintain long-term governance
75. 获得感、幸福感、安全感a sense of fulfillment, happiness and security
76. 立党为公、执政为民the Party's commitment to serving the public good and exercising power in the interests of the people
77. “新型邮编”the new postal code system
78. “全球位置框架与编码系统global positioning frame and coding systems
79. 邮政编码post code/postal code
80. 六位数编码结构six-digit coding rule
81. 快递单 waybill
82. 包裹 package/parcel
83. 快递员 deliveryman/courier
84. 隐私面单 privacy waybill
85. 保价 parcel insurance, value insurance
86. 营造稳定公平透明、可预期的营商环境foster a stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment
87. 激发市场活力和社会创造力stimulate market vitality and the creative power of the whole society
88. 国家发展和改革委员the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)
89. 社会公开征求意见solicit public opinion
90. 为民营企业发展营造良好的法治环境和营商环境create a sound legal and business environment for private enterprises
91. 依法保护民营企业权益protect their rights and interests in accordance with the law
92. 鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济继续发展壮大work to encourage, support, and guide the development of the non-public sector
93. 民营企业private businesses
94. 减税降费slash taxes and fees
95. 简政放权、放管结合、优化服务(放管服)streamline the government, delegate power, and improve government services
96. 个人破产personal bankruptcy
97. 对其财产进行清算和分配或者进行债务调整have their property liquidated distributed or debt adjusted
98. 对其债务进行豁免exempted from the liability the individual is unable to pay back
99. 僵尸企业zombie companies
100. 违规提供政府补贴、贷款illegal government subsidies or loans
101. 个人破产制度personal bankruptcy system
102. 解决企业破产产生的自然人连带责任担保债务问题resolving the joint liabilities arising from corporate bankruptcy
103. 企业破产 corporate bankruptcy
104. 市场主体 market entity
发布时间:2019-08-02 11:02 作者:中国日报 点击: