1. 金融业 the financial industry
2. 基金funds
3. 证券securities
4. 期货futures
5. 中国房地产大亨Chinese Property Tycoon
6. 猥亵儿童child molestation
7. 股票价格暴跌The equity price tumbled.
8. 导致投资者出逃trigger an investor exodus
9. 接任take up reins
10. 应从重处罚shall be given a heavier punishment
11. 拘役 criminal detention
12. 人身攻击personal attack
13. 竞价排名selling listings to bidders
14. 公众形象public image
15. 发泄不满和愤怒vent dissatisfaction and anger
16. 使用暴力手段resort to violence
17. 搜索引擎search engine
18. 立法会大楼the Legislative Council complex
19. 践踏香港法治 trample Hong Kong’s rule of law
20. 破坏香港社会秩序 disrupt Hong Kong's social order
21. 损害香港的根本利益 damage Hong Kong's fundamental interests
22. 对“一国两制”底线的公然挑战 blatant defiance of the bottom line of 'one country, two systems'
23. 依法追究暴力犯罪者的刑事责任 hold the violent offenders criminally accountable in accordance with the law
24. 柴可夫斯基国际音乐比赛International Tchaikovsky Competition
25. 四年举行一次的古典音乐赛事a classical-music competition held every four years
26. 中共党员Party member
27. 各行各业的人才talent from different walks of life
28. 合力打造高质量世界经济 Work Together to Build a High-Quality World Economy
29. 国际金融危机 international financial crisis
30. 保护主义Protectionism
31. 单边主义unilateralism
32. 谋求互利共赢 win-win outcomes
33. 新旧动能转换 a transition from old to new drivers of growth
34. 结构性改革 structural reform
35. 数字经济the digital economy
36. 促进互联互通 enhance connectivity
37. 完善社会保障措施improve social security
38. 提倡国际创新合作champion international collaboration on innovation
39. 全球治理 global governance
40. 系统性金融风险挑战systemic financial risks and challenges
41. 多边贸易体制multilateral trading system
42. 求同Seek common ground
43. 扩大共识 build greater consensus
44. 非关税贸易壁垒non-tariff trade barriers
45. 推动经贸谈判advance trade talks
46. 和平共处、合作共赢 peaceful co-existence and win-win cooperation
47. 亚信第五次峰会 the Fifth Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia
48. 特赦令 order of special pardons
49. 中华人民共和国成立七十周年 the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC)
50. 全国人大常委会 the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
51. 中国人民抗日战争the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
52. 中国人民解放战争the Chinese People's War of Liberation;
53. 保卫国家主权、安全和领土完整safeguard national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity
54. 中华人民共和国成立the founding of the PRC in 1949
55. “劳动模范” Model Workers
56. “先进工作者” Advanced Workers
57. “五一劳动奖章” May 1 Labor Medals
58. the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee全国人大常委会法制工作委员会
59. the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争
60. 宪法China's Constitution
61. 航司基地airline bases
62. 空管塔台air traffic control tower
63. 城际铁路intercity railway
64. 高速地铁线路high-speed subway line
65. 北京大兴国际机场Beijing Daxing International Airport
66. 国家民航总局the Civil Aviation Administration
67. 一体化综合交通枢纽integrated transportation hub
68. 自助办理登机self-check-in
69. 自助托运行李self baggage check-in
70. 视频识别技术The radio frequency identification (RFID) technology
71. 电子设备electronic devices
72. 丝园 "Silk Garden"
73. 茶园 "Tea Garden"
74. 瓷园 "Porcelain Garden"
75. 田园 "Countryside Garden"
76. 中国园 "Chinese Garden"
77. 安检 security check
78. 中转乘客 transfer passengers
79. 提取行李 baggage claim
80. 空域拥堵 air traffic congestion
81. 航班延误 flight delay
82. 优化航路航线 optimize flight routes
83. 从严治党exercise strict Party discipline
84. 四个意识(政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识)
consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment
85. 国六排放标准China VI vehicle emission standards
86. 国家第六阶段机动车污染物排放标准 China's stage 6 vehicle emission standards
87. 《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第六阶段)》Stage 6 Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions from Light-Duty Vehicles
88. 《重型柴油车污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第六阶段)》Stage 6 Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions from heavy-duty diesel vehicles
89. 轻型汽车light-duty vehicle
90. 轻型汽油车light-duty gasoline vehicles
91. 轻型燃气车light-duty natural gas vehicles
92. 轻型柴油车light-duty diesel vehicles
93. 轻型两用燃料汽车light-duty dual-fuel vehicles
94. 重型燃气车heavy-duty natural gas vehicles
95. 公交和环卫重型柴油车heavy-duty diesel buses and cleaning vehicles
96. 轻型汽油车light-duty gasoline vehicles
97. 重型柴油车heavy-duty diesel vehicles
98. 实际道路行驶排放控制要求real-world driving emission requirements
99. 蒸发排放控制要求evaporative emission-control requirements
100. 油气排放进行控制refueling emission control
101. 低温排放试验一氧化碳(CO)和碳氢(HC)限值low-temperature testing requirement and emission limits for CO and THC
102. 车载诊断系统on-board diagnostics
103. 颗粒物Particle Matter
104. 颗粒物个数particulate number
105. 氨ammonia
106. 调整运输结构adjust transportation systems
107. 发展绿色交通体系advance green transport
108. 生物燃料 biofuel
109. 化石燃料 fossil fuel
110. 新能源 new energy
111. 可再生能源 renewable energy
112. 碳足迹 carbon footprint
113. 机动车排放标准 automobile emission standards
114. 外资准入负面清单 negative lists for foreign investment market access
115. 国家发展改革委The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)
116. 商务部 the Ministry of Commerce (MOC)
117. 自由贸易协定free trade agreement
118. 营商环境business environment
119. 投资环境investment environment
120. 工信部 the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
121. 数据安全合规性评估data security and compliance assessment
122. 专项治理和监督检查targeted management and inspection
123. 消除数据滥用等安全隐患eliminate security risks including data leakage and data abuse
124. 行业网络数据安全保障体系an industry data security protection mechanism
125. 数据保护目录data protection catalogs
126. 制定数据安全标准规范formulating security standards in more than 15 industries
127. 信息收集 information collection
128. 信息泄露 information leak
129. 隐私政策 privacy policy
130. 过度收集个人信息 over-collecting personal information
131. 隐私威胁 privacy threat
132. 信息安全 information security
133. 身份认证 identity authentication
134. 网络诈骗 cyber fraud
135. 可回收物recyclables
136. 厨余垃圾kitchen waste
137. 有害垃圾hazardous waste
138. 低汞或者无汞电池low-mercury or mercury-free battery
139. 纽扣电池button cell
140. 锂电池lithium battery
141. 电动车电瓶electric-vehicle battery
142. 党政机关Party and government institutions
143. 生活垃圾管理 domestic waste management
144. 一次性餐具 disposable cutlery
145. 环保材料 environment-friendly materials
146. 可再生资源 renewable resources
发布时间:2019-07-20 10:21 作者:高斋翻硕 点击: