1. 文化遗产、文物古迹 cultural heritage and relics
2. 非物质文化遗产传承the preservation of intangible cultural heritage
3. 非物质文化遗产名录 Intangible Cultural Heritage List
4. 文物保护利用protection and use of cultural relics
5. 算盘 abacus, the traditional Chinese calculating gadget
6. 灯笼 lantern 公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕
7. 元宵节 the Lantern Festival
8. 上元之夜 the Lantern Festival night
9. 纸扇 paper fans
10. 剪纸 paper-cut / paper cutting
11. 书法 handwriting / calligraphy
12. 墨 ink
13. 砚台 inkstone
14. 毛笔 writing brush
15. 对联 antithetical couplet / couplet
16. 刺绣embroidery 公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕
17. 旗袍cheongsam / Chi-pao
18. 民间集会 folk fair
19. 庙会 temple fair
20. 民俗 folk customs
21. 手工艺 crafts
22. 青铜器 bronze ware
23. 瓷器 porcelain
24. 青花瓷 blue and white porcelain/china
25. 中国结 Chinese knot
26. 传统美食 traditional cuisine
27. 特色饮食文化 characteristic culinary cultures
28. 粤剧、龙舟、武术、醒狮 Cantonese opera, dragon boat racing, martial arts, lion dance
29. 纺织和成衣textiles and apparel
30. 《神曲》Divine Comedy
31. 凤凰phoenix 公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕
32. 凤凰涅槃 the nirvana of the phoenix
33. 鸳鸯mandarin duck / lovebird
34. 风水geomantic omen;geomancy
35. 生肖动物 zodiac animal
36. 农历 the lunar calendar
37. 农历金猪年 the Year of the Pig
38. 京剧Beijing Opera
39. 秦腔 Shaanxi opera
40. 皮影戏shadow puppetry
41. 相声 comic dialogue
42. 双簧 double act 公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕
43. 土著语言 indigenous languages
44. 中药traditional Chinese medicine;草药 herbal medicine
45. 四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China
46. 指南针、造纸术、火药和印刷术the compass, paper-making, gunpowder and printing
47. 诗经、楚辞、汉赋、唐诗、宋词、元曲、明清小说 the Book of Songs, the songs of Chu Kingdom, the rhyme prose of Han Dynasty, the poetry of Tang Dynasty, the iambic verses of Song Dynasty, the drama of Yuan Dynasty and the novels of Ming and Qing dynasties
48. 汉学家 Sinologist
49. 儒学 the teachings of Confucius
50. 君子 gentleman 公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕
51. 中庸之道 the Golden Mean in Confucianism;the Doctrine of the Mean in Confucianism
52. 孝 filial piety
53. 孔子学院Confucius Institute
54. 三纲五常 the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues
55. 象形汉字the pictographic Chinese character
56. 科举考试the imperial examination
57. 八股文 eight-legged essay / the eight-part essay
58. 紫禁城 the Forbidden City
59. 君主专制制度 the autocratic monarchy system
60. 世袭制hereditary system
61. 妃嫔concubine
62. 故宫博物院 the Palace Museum
63. 午门 the Meridian Gate (Wu men)
64. 馆长 curator
65. 藏品 collections 公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕
66. 御花园 The Imperial Garden
67. 太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony
68. 养心殿 Hall of Mental Cultivation
69. 乾清宫 Palace of Heavenly Purity
70. 坤宁宫 Palace of Earthly Tranquility
71. 园林 garden
72. 角楼 Arrow towers (turrets)
73. 斋 studio, lodge
74. 轩 bower 公众号高斋翻译学堂 微博@高斋翻硕
75. 亭 pavilion
76. 部落 tribe
77. 原始农业社会 primitive agricultural society
78. 原生家庭 family of origin
79. 传统家庭重男轻女 traditional Chinese families' preference for boys over girls
发布时间:2019-06-22 12:05 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击: