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文章来源:高斋翻译学堂 发布时间:2019-06-19 11:20 作者:高斋翻译学堂 点击:


Second, we took solid action in the three critical battles and made good progress in carrying out key tasks. We drew up and began the systematic implementation of a three-year action plan for the three critical battles.

We made steady progress in structural deleveraging, handled risks in the financial sector prudently and appropriately, prevented and controlled local government debt risks, and reformed and improved mechanisms for conducting regulation over the real estate market.


1. drew up 草拟;制定;把(椅子)拉近

2. a three-year action plan for the three critical battles 三大攻坚战三年行动方案

3. make steady progress in... 稳步推进 


We made further progress in precision poverty alleviation. We strengthened poverty relief capacity, increased budgetary input, and encouraged society to assist poverty alleviation. The self-development capacity of poverty-stricken areas was steadily enhanced.

We launched an all-out fight to keep our skies blue, our waters clear, and our land pollution-free. Energy and transportation structures were upgraded. The replacement of coal with natural gas and electricity in North China was steadily advanced. The system of river chiefs and lake chiefs was established across the country. The use of both chemical fertilizers and pesticides was reduced. Inspections and law enforcement for environmental protection were strengthened. And we took active steps to respond to climate change


1. poverty-stricken areas 贫困地区

2. launch 美 [lɔːntʃ]  v. 开始从事,发起,发动(尤指有组织的活动);(首次)上市,发行;使(船,尤指新船)下水n. (航天器的)发射;(船的)下水;(产品的)上市;(事件的)发起;大型汽艇;机动大舢板;交通艇。 这里是 v. 开始从事,发起,发动(尤指有组织的活动)的意思。

3. all-out 全力以赴的

4. the replacement of coal with natural gas and electricity “煤改气”“煤改电”

5. the system of river chiefs and lake chiefs 河长制、湖长制

6. take active steps to do sth. 采取积极措施干某事。


Third, we deepened supply-side structural reform and steadily unleashed the dynamism of the real economy.

We strengthened work to cut ineffective supply, foster new growth drivers, and reduce costs in the real economy.

We made progress in using market mechanisms to cut capacity in the steel and coal industries.

Measures were implemented to ensure stable investment; as a result, investment in manufacturing and private investment rebounded markedly. Policies were adopted to stimulate consumer spending. Internet Plus initiatives were advanced across the board, and new technologies and models were used to transform traditional industries.


1. supply-side structural reform 供给侧结构性改革

2. unleash  美 [ʌnˈliːʃ]  v. 发泄;突然释放;使爆发

3. rebound 美 [rɪˈbaʊnd , ˈriːbaʊnd]  v. 弹回;反弹;报应;反作用于;回升n. 反弹球;回弹球;抢断篮板球;复兴;振作。 这里是v. 弹回;反弹的意思。

4. stimulate 美 [ˈstɪmjuleɪt]  v. 促进;激发;激励;刺激;使兴奋;促进(身体某部分)的功能。 这里是促进;激发的意思。

5. Internet Plus initiatives “互联网+”


We deepened efforts to streamline government functions and cut taxes and fees. A number of government permits were abolished, the reform separating permits from the business license was implemented nationwide, the time needed to start a business was considerably shortened, and the types of industrial production permits were cut by over a third. Oversight conducted through the random selection of both inspectors and inspection targets and the prompt release of results was implemented nationwide.


1. streamline 美 [ˈstriːmlaɪn] v. 使成流线型;使(系统、机构等)效率更高;(尤指)使增产节约。 这里是使(系统、机构等)效率更高的意思。

2. abolish 美 [əˈbɑːlɪʃ]  v. 废除,废止(法律、制度、习俗等)

3. nationwide 美 [ˌneɪʃnˈwaɪd]  adj. 全国性的;遍及全国的;全国范围的adv. 在全国范围内;就全国而论。 这里是adv. 在全国范围内;就全国而论的意思。


We overhauled the charges and fees levied on businesses, and encouraged cuts in the cost of electricity, broadband services, and logistics. We advanced the Internet Plus Government Services initiative, the local authorities explored and extended a number of distinctive reform measures, and both businesses and the public now enjoy increasingly better access to government services.


1. overhaul 美 [ˈoʊvərhɔːl , ˌoʊvərˈhɔːl]  n. 检修;大修;改造v. 彻底检修;赶上,超过(赛跑对手)。这里是v. 彻底检修的意思,可以理解为清理的意思。

2. levy 美 [ˈlevi]  n. 征收额;(尤指)税款  v. 征收;征(税)  levied是它的过去分词形式。

3. logistics 美 [ləˈdʒɪstɪks]  n. 后勤;物流;组织工作

4. he Internet Plus Government Services initiative “互联网+政务服务”

5. distinctive 美 [dɪˈstɪŋktɪv]  adj. 独特的;特别的;有特色的


Fourth, we continued to implement the innovation-driven development strategy and further increased innovation capacity and performance.

We greatly improved the innovation ecosystem to keep innovators of all kinds fully motivated. The reform of the management system for science and technology was deepened, steps were taken to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies for key fields, and the building of major science and technology infrastructure and innovation centers was stepped up.


1.  innovation-driven development strategy 创新驱动发展战略

2. infrastructure 美 [ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃər]  n. (国家或机构的)基础设施,基础建设

3. stepped up 美 [step ʌp] 增加(数量);提高(速度、强度等)


We strengthened the principal position of enterprises in technological innovation, and extended the policy on raising the proportion of additional tax-deductible R&D costs to cover all enterprises.

We developed policies and measures to support innovation and business startups. The volume of contracted technology transactions grew by over 30 percent.


1. principal position 主体地位

2. proportion 美 [prəˈpɔːrʃn]  n. 部分;份额;比例;倍数关系;正确的比例;均衡;匀称。 这里是份额;比例的意思。

3. tax-deductible R&D costs 可抵扣研发费用

4. transaction 美 [trænˈzækʃn]  n. (一笔)交易,业务,买卖;办理;处理

五是加大改革开放力度,发展动力继续增强。深化国资国企改革,国有企业优化重组、提质增效取得新进展。针对民营企业发展遇到的困难和问题,千方百计帮助解忧纾困。推进财税体制改革,预算绩效管理改革全面启动。改革金融监管体制,完善利率、汇率市场化形成机制。农业农村、社会事业、生态环保等领域改革不断深化。推出对外开放一系列重大举措。共建“一带一路”引领效应持续释放,同沿线国家的合作机制不断健全,经贸合作和人文交流加快推进。出台稳外贸政策,货物通关时间压缩一半以上。下调部分商品进口关税,关税总水平由9.8%降至7.5%。新设一批跨境电商综合试验区。复制推广自贸试验区改革经验。大幅压缩外资准入负面清单,扩大金融、汽车等行业开放,一批重大外资项目落地,新设外资企业增长近70% 。微博@高斋翻硕

Fifth, we intensified reform and opening up and continued to strengthen the momentum of development.

We deepened reforms of state capital and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and made new gains in upgrading and restructuring SOEs and in improving their quality and performance. In addressing difficulties and issues encountered by private enterprises, we used every feasible means to help them overcome problems and concerns.

We advanced the reform of the fiscal and tax systems, and launched performance-based budget management reform across the country. We reformed the financial regulatory system and improved the mechanisms through which interest rates and exchange rates are set by the market. Steady progress was made in reforms related to agriculture, rural affairs, social programs, and environmental protection.


1. momentum 美 [moʊˈmentəm]  n. 推进力;动力;势头;冲力;动量

2. state capital 美 [steɪt ˈkæpɪtl] 州首府;州政府;州府;国家资本;州政府大厦。 这里是国家资本的意思。

3. state-owned enterprises (SOEs)国有企业

4. performance-based budget management reform 预算绩效管理改革


In opening up, we introduced a series of major moves. Joint efforts to pursue the Belt and Road Initiative are producing a pace-setting effect, cooperation mechanisms for countries along its routes are steadily improving, and economic cooperation, trade, and cultural and people-to-people exchanges under the Initiative have gathered momentum.

We launched policies to ensure steady growth in foreign trade, and cut the time needed for customs clearance by more than half. Import tariffs on some goods were lowered, and the overall tariff level was reduced from 9.8 to 7 .5 percent.


1. pace-setting effect引领效应

2. countries along its routes 沿线国家

3. clearance 美 [ˈklɪrəns]  n. 清除;排除;清理;净空;间距;间隙;(录用或准许接触机密等以前的)审查许可,审核批准。这里是(录用或准许接触机密等以前的)审查许可,审核批准的意思。

新设一批跨境电商综合试验区。复制推广自贸试验区改革经验。大幅压缩外资准入负面清单,扩大金融、汽车等行业开放,一批重大外资项目落地,新设外资企业增长近70% 。微博@高斋翻硕

A number of new integrated pilot zones for cross-border e-commerce were established. Reform measures proven to work in pilot free trade zones were replicated and applied elsewhere. We shortened significantly the negative list for foreign investment, opened up sectors like finance and automobiles wider to foreign competition, and sped up the implementation of a number of major foreign investment projects. The number of new foreign enterprises grew by nearly 70 percent.


1. integrated pilot zones综合试验区

2. cross-border e-commerce 跨境电商

3. replicate 美 [ˈreplɪkeɪt]  v. 复制;(精确地)仿制;再造;再生;自我复制

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